Avatar of KrystalKleo


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4 mos ago
Current Happy Independence Day to all my American brothers and sisters. Please celebrate responsibly.
4 mos ago
Happy Canada Day to all my brothers and sisters. Today, we celebrate!
5 mos ago
Posts will be delayed once more. Moving yet again. Landlord decided to sell . Will be in new place on the 5th. I am SOOO sorry.
6 mos ago
I am so sorry for the delay in posts. Been dealing with a 4 day migraine. Will do my best to get to them tomorrow.
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6 mos ago
Guess whose net is back, baby! That's tight, Krystal is back in the house!


Hello Everyone. I am a 36-year-old girl with a heart for dramatic role-plays.

KrystalGamez#0980 - Discord. Have a headset and mic too! No webcam

Most Recent Posts

Kind of craving a... starship rp.

A captain/commander (Chief Master Sargent) wakes up years (maybe even centuries) after being frozen in a time continuum where he does not age. Maybe the military spaceship is rescued by some smaller salvage ship with a handful of crew. They decide to work together to restore peace and order to the known universes and planets. Of course, a blossoming romance can happen between the salvage ship captain/crew members and the military ship captain. Maybe one of the planets they help has an adventure-seeking, skill-heavy (medic, herbology, engine, or technical skills) that wants to come along and join their cause, and ends up falling in love with the military ship captain.

Figured there are worlds of enemies to fight, and there are lots of excitements that can happen. I'm good with either or.. If someone would love to join me!
It was me. Yup, right here. Me.. I introduce her to this place! SweetT is an amazing rper guys! Pick her and roll with it!!!
Nixon Richards

Full Character Profile

Basic Info

Name: Nixon Richards
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age: Appears 25
Birthdate: November 25, 1883
Race: Vampire


Height: 6'0 (182cm)
Weight: 180lbs (81kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Scars: Whip lines across his back and chest
Clothing: Suits from the late 1800's, early 1900s
Weapons: Prefers swords, daggers. Knows melee fighting best, can use a gun though with mediocre aim. His teeth.


Temperament: A mix of melancholic and choleric. He tends to keep to himself, follows the rules and rarely smiles. Though he is quick to anger and has a very short fuse. Anxious, Suspicious, Serious, Thoughtful, Hotheaded, Quickly-roused
Moral/ethical beliefs: He will do anything to spare the life and suffering of humans. He believes he is the monster and humans should be spared.
Hobbies: Reading Non-Fiction books, Woodworking, Sewing
Habits: Running his fingers through his hair when stressed, Pinching the bridge of his nose, Standing with his hands behind his back
Likes: A good book, Rabbit Blood, Sex, Humans, Laws
Dislikes: Vampires, The Council
Secrets: His history, Uses sex as therapy with someone he trusts.


Born in Dourdan, France in 1883, Nixon was a full human. He grew up properly with gold and silver lining his pockets. Married well and was expecting his first child. One fateful night it all changed. An intruder had broken in and slain his wife before his very eyes. Mouth dripping with her blood, the man turned on Nixon. He didn't provide Nixon with the pleasure of death. Instead, he had changed him into this.. monster he was now.

Nixon's sire was not a very good one. When one thought of vampires or the folklore of vampires, it was usually him that came to mind. Turning Nixon was one of self-preservation and having a scapegoat for his diabolical plans. For twenty-five years, Nixon was kept in a cage like a crazed animal. He was fed only enough to keep him from dying completely. He was whipped with wolfsbane rope which was the naturally growing fibrous plant that could break and scar a vampire's skin. His face and hands were dipped in vervain gel to keep any special gifts from arising and causing harm.

Then the Holocaust started. What you think you know of the Holocaust, forget it. Hitler was only a puppet used by Nixon's Sire to keep the truth hidden. It was genocide, that much is true. But it wasn't for the reasons Hitler or anyone else claimed. It was simply because Vlad “the Impaler” Dracula had his heart broken by a Jewish woman and he sought revenge in the most gruesome manner. Nixon's hand in it.. he was the night stalker. Not only did the victims have to fear gas chambers, being worked to death, and mass shootings, but they also had to fear the night stalker. He'd be unleashed into the various camps at night to feed. Driven by his hunger, his need for human blood to heal, and his training, he was a silent but very effective killer.

For 10 years Nixon was the night stalker. Caged and beaten during the day, let loose on the camps once a week for feeding. Never the same day, had to keep them on their toes. Finally, he had enough. His body couldn't take it, his mind couldn't take it. He was beaten, scarred, and full of self-loathing. Vlad thought that Nixon was completely broken and was nothing more than a mindless killer. He was very much wrong. When Nixon was released to go for his hunts, his maddening hunger took over. He just snapped and went for Vlad instead. It was not an easy fight, nor was it a quick one. He fought the man who had created him and had taught him all he knew. Finally, Vlad was just a pile of dust on the floor and Nixon was a free man.

Nixon fled his home and wandered Russia aimlessly for decades. Fighting the urge to kill humans, and learning to live off wildlife instead, he fell into a deep state of depression. He isolated himself from others, hiding from other vampires and humans. What he did during the Holocaust haunted him, the nightmares of his wife's death plagued him. While the animal blood kept him alive and sustained, it is only 70% of his dietary needs so he's weaker and a bit slower than other vampires. If he has human blood, he'd be faster and stronger, but at what cost? His mental state will snap.

If you see someone you'd like to roleplay with, read their planned storyline or suggest your own. I'm eager to spread out.

Table Of Contents:
Nixon Richards: Vampire (Usually paired up with Trinity Sanders)
Brandon Dawson: Spaceship Commander
Trinity Sanders: Illness (Usually paired up with Nixon Richards)
Zara blushed a bit when she noticed he was studying her. What was he thinking? Was he sizing her up too, the way she had been? No, men didn't think like that. Men thought of the here and now. "What I want to do and what I like doing are complete opposites of the scales, I believe. I've always wanted to travel to the various settlements and help them rebuild. After seeing the devastation that the raiders do to the smaller and already struggling settlements, I want to help build them back up. Whether it be helping them build homes, fences for Brahmin or radchickens, or just helping them replant their crops. Of course, I'd ask for services rendered in return like a bed to sleep in or weapons to be cleaned and stocked." She explained to him with a small shrug of her shoulders, finishing off her steak and stretching out so she was laying beside the firepit.

"What I have been doing is mending clothing, building defences and shelters for the ever-growing populace of the raiders. Servicing them as they saw fit too was another. When I did have the odd free time, I was sewing and training my face to face. So I have skills in that department too. I can't hit the broad side of a building with a gun, but I sure can take you out with my fists." She smirked as she looked up at him. It was nice to have some downtime, to get to know him and talk about things of a better nature.

She shifted so she was on her belly and looked up at him. "What about you, bunker boy? What would you be doing if scavenging for a living wasn't a necessity? Besides shooting a gun and making a flavourless steak taste decent, what are your hobbies?" She inquired, allowing him unhindered access to look into her eyes.
Zara tilted her head curiously as if to judge if he would be a good candidate for her children in the future. He was attractive enough, for definite. He seemed caring enough as well, but would it be a good fit? This wasn't something she needed to consider at any time in the near future. They had only kissed once, or twice, for heavens sakes. Did that second hasty kiss count? She wouldn't minded to bare his children some time in the future, she just hoped he'd be agreeable as well.

She was lost in thought, not hearing his questions until he handed her the dish and food. What had he asked her? Why couldn't she focus on the moment? Why must her mind always wander off like that? "I'm sorry, I kind of spaced out there for a moment. You asked me something and I completely did not hear it." She blushed nervously and began to eat the mole rat steak.

"For having no seasoning on it, this is actually very good. I'd like to see what you could do with a fully stocked kitchen and more than a firepit to cook over. You must show me one day, when we get somewhere to do so."
Zara shook her head as she watched the meat being turned. She could see about grabbing them a pan or two in the following resource hunt they did. "No clue about siblings. I didn't have any when I was just a kid, though I'm not really sure if my mother did have more. A farmer and his wife adopted me at a young age. They had no children of their own and they told me that my mother was unable to care for me. She was a drifter as well, though from what I hear, not a very successful one. When I was about 8 years old, I had been snatched up by the Diamondbacks, so I really have no clue. It was not a fun beginning, it has not been a fun life. I don't remember having any good or fond memories. Even life with the farmer and his wife was difficult." Her tone was one of desolation, though she shook her head.

"I intend to give any children I have a chance at happiness. At joy and to actually laugh. I may not know how to be a kid, and I may have lost my chance to do so, but I do intend to give the next generation a bit of hope." She tried to turn the topic into something less bitter tasting. Hope for the future was always something pleasant to have. She did wonder when she'd be willing to have children though, as birth control was not exactly common place in the wastelands.
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