@NuttsnBolts That is a good point. I mean I don't think we need to be very specific with times in our posts, however I just thought about the whole AM/PM thing and my only concern is people mixing the whole thing up with the day/night as AM/PM contain both really...if we did it in 12 hour blocks, one being from 06:00 AM to 05:59PM and the next from 06:00 PM to 05:59 AM we'd basically operate on a Day (Sun) and Night (Moon) sort of thing which means people will be pretty much commenting about the same time of day and thus no need for specific times which could mean less restrictions. However what I want to know is do I change the 12 hour blocks every 24 hours? that's another thing we need to work out...(Just to clarify: By restrictions I mean someone let's say posting their character doing something at 09:00 PM and then someone let's say posting their character at 07:00 PM with the first person wanting to meet the second person they'd then have to...travel back in time? xD I'd personally find it confusing to see someone posting in the future then posting back in time. I think it's much easier to just comment that it's a sunny day and go with that...may add weather as well)
Well various ghouls travel around the Wards, mine included so there is going to be some more people to interact with but also no one is restricted to a single ward. The main idea of the "Ward of Operation" is so we know the place your ghoul would likely spend most of their time.
Well various ghouls travel around the Wards, mine included so there is going to be some more people to interact with but also no one is restricted to a single ward. The main idea of the "Ward of Operation" is so we know the place your ghoul would likely spend most of their time.