Avatar of Lacroix
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 91 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Lacroix 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current The only acceptable way to get tucked into bed by a loved one is not with love and a kiss on the forehead, but a suplex and an elbow drop.
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Making the mother of all fish bands, Garland, can't fret over every species.
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6 yrs ago
Suicide attempts are now punisheable by death.



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Banned for quoting
Is this the tournament arc?

Finally, after such a long journey... She had arrived! The great guild of adventure! Oh, what sort of adrenaline pumping endeavors awaited her from now on? Would she finally feel that thrill that makes one's blood rush through their body? The ecstasy of a task fulfilled, and the promise of mounds upon mounds of shimmering gold? Well... Vanessa had to admit to herself that the first two would be quite hard considering undeath, but she was sure that she'd figure something out along the way. Instead, she focused on the other things. Ah, this magnificent architecture! Such a powerful and imposing building, sending shivers down her ethereal spine!! A bastion for the brave, for those that venture deep into the unknown for the sake of others! The place for heroes to arise! Ahhh, just like in her Vajonian novels!

Still, there were things that needed to be done first, and one of such tasks was finding the man in charge. The one that was the cause of her arrival to this grand building. The origin of her new purpose. Yes, that one man! Balthazar the Broker! Thankfully, she was careful with the letter, stored inside her rather fancy coat. The ghastly woman stuck a hand in there and extracted the envelope, glancing at the nam-oh, wait. His name was Bartholomew Barker. Of course, of course! Bartholomew Barker, who had requested lord Blackbourne to join him in his adventuring guild! And she was here on his stead, as the late good sire was unable to attend because of... permanent life termination.

The ghost held the envelope between her fingers, the last reminder of who she once was, and from where she came from. However, this was a new beggining. Not as a human, but as a monster and, as such, she had to give a good impression no Bartholomew! Yes, sir! Vanessa produced her cane, made sure to be fully physical as to properly interact with others, and took a deep breath. And then, she avoided the grandiose main entrance to see what happened on the side... Woah, that's a big hole, alright. Vanessa's golden hues examined the wreckage until a man's voice reached to her.

"Uh, hello there too! Welcome to The Guild! Please do not mind our current appearance. This is all but a result of very unfortunate circumstances."

This was the moment... The phantom's lips slowly curled into a confident smirk, spending some moments in silence to add some tension to the scene. And then, Vanessa began with her introduction. "Alas! Such misfortune can only be met by a blessing of the same caliber, my good sire..." Her voice boomed out loud at the first word of her statement to catch the eyes and ears of her new crowd, then it lowered its volume for what followed while remaining clear. "... and for that, I have taken upon myself to become a servant of Fate itself!"

While the needlessly elaborate prose flowed out of Vanessa's mouth for the whole guild to admire, she slowly stepped into the guild and walked towards Bartholomew. The hand that held the letter went to rest on her chest while the other, holding the cane by the top half, swiped the air in front of her and remained extended on her side. "And thus, I have arrived in the stead of Lord Blackbourne of Varjo! Lady Vanessa Blackbourne..." Finally, she reached the man she was looking for, and offered an elegant bow: placing one foot behind the other, keeping her hands in place and then bend over her waist slightly while lowering herself with her knees. "... at your service, sir Barker."

It was worth mentioning that, while this happened, the Phantom was pondering if she should pick up Bart's hand and kiss the back of it like she read so many heros do in her stories...

Granted. But it turns out is illegal, so the Timeline Stability Enforcers arrest you for unlicensed time reversion.

I wish for an espresso
Banned for redundance.

Thankfully, the situation had been defused far quicker than she initially thought. The two trespassers made their way out, and Manami was more than pleased than to allow them to. She made sure to remember their faces, of course, just in case they were to bump into each other in another instance. Even though they all had an aura that gave away their position should one be nearby, she didn't know if a magical girl was capable of concealing it in some way. She kept her eyes on them as they left for a few smoments, making sure that they were indeed leaving the premises, before finally entering the Detention Club and closing the door behind of her.

"Apologies for the tardiness, President. I got caught up in the library." She went to take a seat, mentally thanking Kanbaru for mentioning what this meeting was about and sparing her the need to try and figure it out by herself. As such, she was able to piece together what the current topic was: a place for the club to enjoy their Christmas party. She pondered briefly on the matter as her clubmates spoke: The fact that the desk had been ruined so carelessly by Ami ruled out the Detention Club itself as a good place for the event. Not only that, but it was also possible that one of the two girls of the Light would decide to come and crash the party. Who knows? She wouldn't put it past them to claim that Dark Magical Girls didn't deserve to celebrate the birth of Jesus because they were full of sin themselves.

Alexis suggested that they could go out to look for a place they could rent that's within their budget, and then Hikari said that she could have people at her own house. Personally, Manami was more accepting towards the former, since she was sure that she could help in with paying for the rental. However, she was concerned that the rest of her classmates wouldn't be able to contribute much in terms of cash, which'd mean that most of the expenses would befall on herself and the club's budget. Not only that, but there was also the fact that, since it was Christmas, everyone would have to bring some sort of gift. As such, she thought that Hikari's place would be a better choice to hold the party. "I can help Hikari prepare her place, and ask my house maid for a Christmas recipe."
Granted, however since it's hurried up it gets burnt and is unedible. The smoke also triggers the alarm and brings the fireman and you have to explain to them that it wasn't a man-made fire and that some cosmic force watching a thread in a roleplaying site has granted your wish of a faster meal, yet it backfired. Naturally, they don't believe you and you are sent to a mental institution alongside a crazed man that claims his turtle stole his car. What a day.

I wish for more hot water to drink my tea with.
Banned for fact-checking and posssible stalking.
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