I offered more than once for banjo to take the spot, publicly and privately. She really did withdraw without my knowledge and she apparently made it clear that it's not a big deal to her. If she's fine with it, I'm fine with it.
Alright, I still think it would be a better idea to shop around a little more, if we're going through the trouble of adding new blood to the RP after having it closed for so long I feel like we should go the whole nine yards. Sort of seems like we're getting halfway there and just going "well whatever, find the quickest solution". Not saying that you'd be bad in the role RWBY is pretty popular. It wouldn't be extremely difficult to find someone else that would be willing.
@Crimson Raven - He's got a really thick/dense skull.
@Prince of Seraphs - That's what you think. Plus don't forget he carries explosive live ammunition on him via his belt. He's already demonstrated in the past that he isn't above taking a hit to his Aura by blowing himself and the surrounding area up. Though he wouldn't make it a habit, of course.
No one likes being blown-up/lit on fire.
So Shiro's like: *pouts* "Why do I have to take sedatives?" Blows self up.
Never mind that sounds about right.