Avatar of Lala Kitty
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LalaKitty/VampireMuffin
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 366 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Lala Kitty 11 yrs ago


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Hoppy was nowhere to be found, no matter where Sylvia looked. She tried magic, hunting, & everything else within her power to find the little creature, but to no avail. Sighing softly, Sylvia plopped herself down on a fallen log & began to dismay.

She was so fed up with Aranhil correcting her & making her feel incompetent. He acted as though she had no clue how to survive in the world or make her own decisions. It didn't matter that she was the most accomplished of her sisters, that she had top marks in her classes, or that she did whatever it took to make him happy. It was never enough, he would always have a complaint.

"I will never be enough," Sylvia finally said aloud, feeling her spirit sink. Suddenly, Sylvia didn't want to return to the palace. She stood & walked deeper into the forest after a few more moments of frustration, dragging her feet one after the other. Would Aranhil even miss her if she never returned?
Sylvia kept her gaze to the floor as Aranhil angrily reprimanded her, too stunned into silence as he left her alone. He... he'd just hit her, hadn't he? he must have, with the way her cheek throbbed & the evident blood clouded in her lap. Never in her life did she think Aranhil would lay his hands on her.

She hadn't even realized she was crying until one of the maids came to her side, gently dabbing her eyes before placing a soft cloth against her cheek. Sylvia just stared at the woman, at a loss for words. What was she supposed to do right now? Pretend it didn't happen?

"Don't worry, Milady," the woman said quietly, "Your rabbit will be found in not time, I suspect. The master will be pleased with you when you have it again, right?"

"There's no finding Hoppy," Sylvia mumbled with a shaking voice, "I can't possibly track him again, Aranhil will never forgive me. He will hate me. & he'll hit me again, won't he? I don't think I can bear it, him despising me for the test of our lives."

The maid shushed Sylvia quietly & helped her to her shaking feet, leading her back to her room with another maid's help. Sylvia could barely comprehend walking in her panicked state, the women leading her to her bed & letting her sit on the edge. With a few words of assurance, the women left her to try & relax while they went out to find Hoppy.

But that wasn't enough. Sylvia felt sick to her stomach, remembering Atanhil's sheer rage just a few minutes before. She would fix this herself. Sylvia quickly changed into her riding outfit & escaped her room through the window, & out into the forest. She wasn't coming back until she found Hoppy.
Ava stayed completely still ass Andreios hugged her body against his, stunned & ripped away from grasping her mother. Her father did this? Why would he do such a terrible thing to her mother, to his own wife, even? No one could be that heartless! "Don't say that!" Ava told Andreios angrily, "We need to get Mama help, she's going to die! I can't... I can't let Mama die!"
Aranhil seemed to be apprehensive as Sylvia approached him, which concerned her a bit. She was doing as he wanted, & being submissive to him. She even went through the trouble of adjusting her image to be the "ideal" Elven bride. It was a bit of a pain, but pain Sylvia was willing to endure for Aranhil, if it was truly what he wanted from her. Together, the couple walked silently to the dining hall, Sylvia's handmaidens parting now that she was with her chaperon. Sylvia hated having them follow her around at all, but if she wasn't allowed to protect herself, she needed to be surrounded by sturdy dragon women that could. At the dining hall, Sylvia politely & carefully took her seat beside Aranhil, waiting for servants to help her sit instead of sitting down herself. There was a lot of pausing for royalty to let servants wait on them, Sylvia was quickly realizing, & it was grating her nerves that she could just get it done so much faster if she did things on her own. Still, Sylvia bit back her annoyance & faced Aranhil as he spoke to her, keeping her expression patient & serene. "This morning, I released Hoppy back into the forest," Sylvia told Aranhil as food was brought out to them, "You were right, a rabbit isn't suited for a pet, so while I appreciate your thoughtfulness, I released him so he may join the natural order once more. As for today, my tutor has agreed to see me while in this country, since there are minute things I have yet to learn about the culture here, & I possibly couldn't bother you with such a triviality. I've also informer Mr. Broan that I will not be training with him in hand-to-hand combat anymore, it takes too much of my time that I could be devoting towards more productive things."
As if her mind was attuned to Aranhil's desire, Sylvia exited the castle with two handmaidens in tow, as a woman of high stature would usually have. This morning, the crown princess was the epitome of graceful & ethereal. Her dress was a simple gossamer lavender & her honey brown hair was loosely braided & laid over her shoulder, framing her face. Sylvia had also used a glamour on her that she rarely bothered with, giving her the flawless, soft perfection elves were usually known for. Keeping her gaze soft & composed as she walked to Aranhil, Sylvia did her best to ignore curious glances & murmurs among onlookers, her sensitive ears catching words of jealousy towards to Aranhil & of her beauty. Sylvia did feel pride that her presence caused a stir, but kept herself composed & didn't halt her steps until she was within standing distance of Aranhil. "Good morning, Husband," she said softly, "Are you perhaps ready for breakfast? I came down to fetch you."
There was a mixture of relief & horror at Marken's explanation of the night before. She was happy that the two of them hadn't done anything I ruin her reputation as the crown prince's fiancée, but at the same time, she was reeling over having told him of her scars. What had he thought of them? Did Marken think she was hideous now? "My scars..." Ella mumbled quietly, "They weren't... too unsightly, were they?"
Marken's stirring roused Ella from her sleep, a soft, barely audible groan escaping her lips as his warmth left her. Thankfully, his warmth quickly returned, & wrapped around her. Ella kept her eyes shut against the annoying brightness of the morning sun, feeling the dull throb of a headache moving in to take the place of her previous drunkeness. At least Marken knew she wasn't really a lady of high class, because se certainly didn't drink like one the night before. Come to think of it, part of the night was a haze after. Damn it, she had started stripping. Ella forced her eyes open & sat up in bed, groaning again as a wave of nausea & dizziness overtook her. It took all of her mental strength not to let out a stream of curses, especially when she realized she was only in her chemise, & Marken was in his underwear. "Marken, what did we do last night?" she groaned, "When we got back here. I remember talking, & then you asked me about scars, &... it gets really fuzzy after that."
Ella didn't reply to her fiancé with a single word, though honestly, it didn't seem like she needed to. Her movements were slow & sluggish now, & her body felt a bit like it was shutting down. Ella knew then that she shouldn't have annihilated Marken's alcohol stash then, but earlier, it was quite a welcomed diversion to her depression & worry. Shaking that from her mind, Ella climbed into bed in just her chemise still, too drunk & tired to give a damn about her modesty. She moved close to Marken & cuddled next to him under the sheets. Thor warm bodies cuddled together in the near darkness together.
"Mnnnn, I'm sure that old woman would love to lock me into a convent if she found us in here," Ella mumbled, dragging herself from the sofa, "At least in bed, we can lock her out for a while." Still stumbling a bit, Ella carefully pulled Marken off of the sofa & took him back to his room. To be perfectly honest, she couldn't wait to curl up in bed with him & sink into the bedsheets with him. She also wanted to be more bold in bed, but she was too drunk, & they were too unmarried for that.
"It certainly seems to be less trouble," Ella admitted, her cheeks feeling warm & her eyes feeling heavier, "I don't think we've spent a night in separate beds up until recently, correct? I rather like being close to you in my sleep" The last thing she wanted right now was to be sleeping alone, especially after the events of that day. & then, there was the matter of both of them sleeping alone for the past few days; Ella didn't like it, but she felt clingy at the moment, & didn't want to leave Marken's side for more than a few minutes. "Speaking of bed," the woman finally yawned, "Should we go, soon? It's getting harder... to keep myself awake."
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