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Colony Sheet:

Woods, wooden fort constructed by the people of Lion's Den

Lion's Den

Lion's Den is ruled by a single dictator who controls everyone by having his soldiers oppressing everybody. Although the welfare of the people is very much considered in many decisions and the oppression is only to keep the peace.


Scavenging, Trading, and hunting

Thirty-Five people are in the military of the populous

A majority of the weapons are bows and arrows along with five hunting rifles. Their melee weapons consist of machetes and knives. The people with hunting rifles are typically put into sniper towers.

They do not have any electricity but they have tents for housing, they have plenty of medical equipment for wounded soldiers, and they also have several survival books so they can keep on going and solve most of the problems nature presents to them.

Transportation wise they have two off road buggies and a lot of it is with horses and donkeys.

Other supplies:
They have plenty of wood from cutting down trees and such. They have a small stock pile of gas which they had scavenged from a nearby town. They have five hunting rifles with two mags each, each mag has six bullets loaded into them. They also have various medical supplies after raiding a hospital. The Lion's Den also has an ample supply of furs and hides.

The people live as they would be if the apacolypse happens except they are not allowed to leave the compound for safety reasons. They are force to do a minimum work for four hours a day with breaks unless they are injured or sick. Those in the military work for seven hours a day and they must be able to be called upon when needed. If a riot happens then martial law is put into place for at least a week to a month.

History of you colony:
The colony of Lion's Den started two years after the outbreak started and at first it started with fifteen people. Their home used to be in a supermarket until they were forced out by a band of Raiders. That was when they moved north into the woods and set up a base camp. After that they began construction of the fort that they now live in. Things were peaceful and the rise of a man named Elijah Camacho came, he became the dictator and began leading since he joined with a group of thirty over seven months ago. They brought an end the band of Raiders shorly after and destroyed their encampment in a hospital, taking all the supplies they could.
Yeah, I like having large yet 'weak' armies and having a rather hidden base. I plan is I am going to try to play as peacefully as possible so my soldiers can remain hunters so I can continue to gather food. I also plan on having civilians set up some sort of farm near any river they find. Also, thanks for accepting me :3
Colony Sheet:

Woods, wooden fort constructed by the people of Lion's Den

Lion's Den

Lion's Den is ruled by a single dictator who controls everyone by having his soldiers oppressing everybody. Although the welfare of the people is very much considered in many decisions and the oppression is only to keep the peace.


Scavenging, Trading, and hunting

Thirty-Five people are in the military of the populous

A majority of the weapons are bows and arrows along with five hunting rifles. Their melee weapons consist of machetes and knives. The people with hunting rifles are typically put into sniper towers.

They do not have any electricity but they have tents for housing, they have plenty of medical equipment for wounded soldiers, and they also have several survival books so they can keep on going and solve most of the problems nature presents to them.

Transportation wise they have two off road buggies and a lot of it is with horses and donkeys.

Other supplies:
They have plenty of wood from cutting down trees and such. They have a small stock pile of gas which they had scavenged from a nearby town. They have five hunting rifles with two mags each, each mag has six bullets loaded into them. They also have various medical supplies after raiding a hospital. The Lion's Den also has an ample supply of furs and hides.

The people live as they would be if the apacolypse happens except they are not allowed to leave the compound for safety reasons. They are force to do a minimum work for four hours a day with breaks unless they are injured or sick. Those in the military work for seven hours a day and they must be able to be called upon when needed. If a riot happens then martial law is put into place for at least a week to a month.

History of you colony:
The colony of Lion's Den started two years after the outbreak started and at first it started with fifteen people. Their home used to be in a supermarket until they were forced out by a band of Raiders. That was when they moved north into the woods and set up a base camp. After that they began construction of the fort that they now live in. Things were peaceful and the rise of a man named Elijah Camacho came, he became the dictator and began leading since he joined with a group of thirty over seven months ago. They brought an end the band of Raiders shorly after and destroyed their encampment in a hospital, taking all the supplies they could.
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