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Name of God:

Deity of:
Goddess of Judgement

Indirect or Direct:


Aftrone is very well reserved a majority of the time, seeing everyone as equal but dealing with punishment is what she loves to do. She shows no mercy to those who have done wrongs to another. The goddess believes punishments should be fair to the crime that had been committed.

Denizen description:
20,000 in the Capitol of Atticun while 40,000 are spread through farmland and smaller insignificant villages. A very orderly nation where everyone treats another equally, in fear of judgement. Society is based heavily upon Bushido with a strict enforcement of laws.
A scale inside a white circle with a red border

Government description:
Republic, with six members
10,000 men and women, armed with iron shields, a short sword, and longbows. They have mainly light, leather armor with a metal breast plate to protect them from shots to their chest. The Calvary, which is armed with 2,000 men, is equipped with lances and heavy armored (full metal armor) units, they also have long swords.

Bushido is pretty much Japanese Bushido, however it is a lot more strict. They also wish to to survive the long winters that is brought to them. They find most life equal and do not resort to sacrifices. The punishments tend to revolve around what the crime is. Murder is typically dealt with by lashings for twelve hours, whereas murdering a child is dealt with by Gladitorial combat. Insults and theft are not as punishing, typically by public humiliation or they are made to work in the military.
Is it all right if I join this?
The Tar Sequinus
I've just now picked out who I want to be :3
He's is asking how did you get the territories to be how they are I believe
Good to have you onboard sir!
Much intrest
This actually looks really nice! Though I will agree that the Nation Sheet is a bit short
A promised gold

"Our spies have come back to us with the promise of cities made of gold in our western neighbor's land. Tonight we shall be discussing on what we should if we were to, eh, secure this city," Alfos, a slann councilor, said. He was merely reporting on what his spies had told him and he felt the need to believe them. "Are these rumors worth our time? An entire city made of gold sounds far-fetched to me," Azul, another slann councilor questioned, not believing what she heard. "It is definitely worth investigating though, however I do agree with Azul. We should send more spies to investigate if these are true," another one said, gaining the agreement of his peers. "Then it is settled, we shall investigate this matter in more detail. I hope that these rumors turn up true. Now onto our next matters," Alfos said.

The other problems that were brought up were mundane things that were quickly dealt with, nothing out of the normal. More spies of the skinks were brought in to investigate the matter of golden cities. If this held true then an invasion would certainly hold place to gain control of this, having a golden city would be very promising for their economy, mainly because there has to be mines for that kind of operation. Many were hoping that this did hold truth just so it gave them a reason to go to war against their aggressive allies.

By dawn, the spies were already crossing the border into the lands of their neighbors. Being led by the one who had come with these rumors, leading them through the lands. They had to be sure that they were not caught as there could be harsh punishment but it was worth the investigation.
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