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This seems fun ^^ I'll be getting a form up tomorrow
The Winter in the Sawl Confedaracy

The weather had remained as it had been for a majority of the year, if not becoming more mild by the day. Many of the citizens were up in arms about the defeat at the hands of the Union, after all they were a leading force in the archipelago with the might of their Air Force and navy. Yet, the union had ships of iron. This angered the populous, especially the Gnomes seeing as how they were now behind their enemy in technology in the naval regard.

To accommodate this, a bombing wing was sent out; numbering in ten bombers with an escort of ten interceptors and twenty bombers. The plan was to strike from above rather than a full frontal assult and hopefully that this would cripple the enemy naval power.

Another force was sent out to go and aid the Kepriw, a land force that was to be transported by to the Kepriw land. It was a force of 125 Arquebusiers and 50 heavy Calvary. The main bulk of the Sawlian military would stay at the homeland in order to defend from any attack that may be heading their way. Recruitment was also under way of more Arquebusiers.

What the.... I'm in
Sarah had found her letter when she wasn't looking, it appeared right under a book.

Knowing that this could full well be a trap, Sarah had been cautions on going to St. Louis. However, she didn't get out of town often and went anyways, feeling that she could handle the Coalition. Getting there was fun, she frightened many people on the way and she had to take a secret route onto the plane. On the plane, there was no one in first class, that concerned her the entire flight. She had to get off in a secretive manner when she finally got to Missouri.

To get the the meeting she simply traveled by power line, moving at an absurdly fast speed to her location. However, she did arrive and it seemed that there were others in the building. Hovering above the ground, she opened the door to the building and simply went to where she heard voices. It seemed that there eight people, all of them looked fairly normal except one. This may be fun.
I'm so glad to post on this again ^^
Time for more
With the job done, Afon went back to the HQ to begin strategizing ways to make more money. That was when it hit him, he could go to local family owned businesses and offer them a spot in protection. They could do it, especially since there were many more gangs being active that night. However, he needed to get some more professionals into his gang, sending out a single person to go and find more people.

Afon laughed to himself before one of his members came to him and said "There were GCPD spotted in the area sir, we believe they went to the building we burned down" Afon thought to himself momentarily before giving and answer "They will not be a problem, just double up on the defenses in our part of town."

"Yes sir"


A member of the Immortals went out and rounded up ten promising looking fellows, though he knew who the boss would want. "All right, technically you are all in the gang but the boss wants the best of the best for his own personal protection, and he is only taking one per batch," he said before handing everyone a XM-15 rifles. "Whoever can hit that target in the center is into the boss' personal protection." And so they all began to fire, some better than others.

Criminal Activity
A squad of four, two women and two men, were sent to a family owned diner that was still open but beginning to close down. Making sure there were no customers, the squad entered, concealing their weapons except for one with a baseball bat. "Sorry we're cl-" "Sorry ma'am, we know that you and your family run this place. It's nice, real nice. It's just, we want to protect you." A leading female said. The lady who was in charge called her husband to come in and they had suspicious looks on their faces. "Now, there are many active gangs in Gotham and the GCPD are too slow to respond, right? It's only natural that the leading gang in this area, protect its people. I'm offering you the low price of two-hundred dollars a month for quality protection," she offered. The husband looked furious and said "We will never do that! Give us a reason on exactly why we should consider."

"Because we are the ones in charge here, if we don't get the money that is needed then we can't promise your protection. Right, Vince?," the female inquired before the man with the bat when to go and smash some stuff. However, the man spoke up in time to stop "Alright, Alright. You make a, eh, valid point we'll pay you monthly." "Good! Now remember, don't call the police or this deal would be null and void, also make it 30 dollars a day, we know you make a lot more than that. Just send it to the guy that'll be arriving here tomorrow" the female spoke before the squad left.


I find that funny, why do I find that funny?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

"brb gonna get the hose."

"I'll tell Damselfly about your crush on her >:3 and I'll throw flares in your face"
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

"U WATT m8?"

"Fite me irl m8"
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