Avatar of Lauder


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This, this is a glorious creation that must be cared to!

Oh no no no! I wasn't quite meaning sarcasm at all! I meant it! And I have no objections to the secondary character control.
Wow this is incredibly detailed and interesting

The colonists don't know that ^^



Adult Citizens (2000, 1000 female and 1000 male)
Child Citizens (500)
Communications and Surveillance Satellite (1)
Mission Control Pods (3)
Laser Small Arms Units (500)
Population Daily Rations (1000)
Personal Belongings (KG) (25000)
Scrap Metal (500 Metric Tonnes)
Chemical Analyzation Devices (30)
Crop Growth Stimulator (10)
Laboratory Pod Capsule (1)
Solar Panels (Surplus Supply)
Electrical Wiring (Surplus Supply)
Uniformed Garments (1500)
Power Tool Units (100)
Mass Machinery Laser-Drill (2)
Mass Machinery Laser-Clearer (2)
Water Purification Apparatuses (5)
Entertainment Pods (10)
Laser Defense Drones (25)
<1,000 heads of cattle>
<50,000 bushels of wheat seeds>
<2,000 Morigna Tree seeds>

Strategical Plan

The people of the Odyssey plan on setting up a completely self sustaining community that will live off of the land as best as they can in the conditions present. First they will need to build cattle pins, before they will simply herd them and attempt to make sure none die. Second priority, building farms, assuming that the planet is capable of supporting such plants. The wheat will suffice for feeding cattle and the Morigna trees can provide a good sum of the colonists nutrition with its fast growth, high nutritional value, and their medicinal uses. Step three, begin mining operations of metals and gain a steady supply of metals to be converted in alloys. Finally, assuming other colonies survive their first month or however long it takes to establish the above steps; the colonists will establish communications with the other colonies then try to reach out to other Chinese colonies on other planets if possible.

Commander (Include Proper Title, not necessarily Commander)

<Portrait: Photographs only. You mat use stock photos, but remove watermarks and make sure the resolution is 3:4>
<Attitude Towards other Colonies, breakdown each colony. PMs or discussion in-thread with other members advised for maximum cohesiveness.>
<Biography, 1-2 paragraphs.>
<Signature, will be added to the end of official trans-colonial documents>
<Colonial Crest, will be added to the end of official trans-colonial documents. Should almost certainly be a national crest with the addition of perhaps corporate sponsors and space agencies.>

<Leader W> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader X> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader Y> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Leader Z> (Include Proper Title)
<1 paragraph biography.>

<Feel free to add any other information about any leader, commander, supplies, or strategy. This is just the bare bones!>

Eyy, sorry man but I am going to have to leave for now. I have really just lost all creative motivation at the moment. It's nothing against this roleplay, I had a lot of fun in it, but I just don't have any real motivation right now :(

I was trying to get a post up but I've been very busy :(
Wow, ima drop my interest here
I am interested in those Mystical pairings and the Royal one ^^

Estoy muy interesado

{I am very interested}
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