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What to do, what to do? Draw fan art? Make pointless NPCs? Destroy the world building process?
I will be watching, commander.
A lot has been happening, geez.

Actually I'll do a thing where Shrödinger will write more about it in full detail later in the story!
Should I make a thing fully detailing Shrödinger's sickness?

The Ithorian watched as everyone agreed that the droid and the Mandolorian should not fight to the death, it made him feel a bit better but not by much. Sek was still the nervous wreck that he had always been when he saw the droid in the first place. He then felt the crawler shift, it was a very noticeable thing for a machine such as this and it confused him. "What is happening?," Sek asked aloud before hearing blaster fire come in contact with the crawler. This frightened the already nervous wreck to a point in which he began to frantically look around. This was not good at all, he wanted to scream but he refrained from doing so to avoid hurting the others onboard. The Ithorian continued to look around in a very frantic manner.

Then, the hyperventilation began to start, the rapid motion of breathing in and out due to the stress this situation was causing him. There were so many questions that came into his mind, why he was not calm was not one them. Then some blaster fire actually came into the crawler, that caused Sek to panic more. As a natural defense the, he let out his scream that he had been holding in, the high pitched sound amplified by the small space he was in. The Ithorian finished in a few seconds as his hyperventilation over took him once more.

After a moment or two of his hyperventilation, the crawler seemed to just stop at an unknown location. Though the sudden stop did sent him flying into the into the floor where he caught himself with his hands and knees, just barely. Was it over? Was this living hell just all over or was it just beginning to turn into something he didn't want. Sek just looked at the ground as he began to process what had just happened in the small manner of time.

Rook is best guy. Rook is strong guy. Rook is groot.
Don't mind me as I make Darth Vader, he is a crucial part of my plot 030
Hiro Anu

Hiro was going to go speak to someone else before hearing a new person enter the room, a new member for squad Quinque too. He heard her speak of her whole squad dying and it was a bit saddening but he knew that she could move on. He moved over and said "Welcome to squad Quinque, I am Hiro Anu. It is sad to hear that your entire squad died, but now you with us! We lost a man as well, so I know a bit of your grief. Be that as it may I hope you find some comfort." Hiro gave Joan a small smile, hoping to make her feel comfortable at the very least.
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