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@Mardox @Shorticus
I am playing as an Urox war clan. It isn't working. War is ruining me. The trolls are nowhere to be seen and Chaos are everywhere.


I am currently in a campaign of KODP and everything is going wrong.

Serhiem: I just want a peaceful life where everyone gets along and there is no strife

Eliz: lol wot?
I feel Eliz is going to get us all in trouble ;-;
Name: Serhiem Vashir the Second
Sex: Male
Age: 27

Serhiem is you average man, physically anyways. He is a very pale individual with a large scruffy beard growing with a thick, messy, and long hair coming down from a rather thin face. He has a single scare that connects both sides of his head in a horizontal fashion, going through both of his eyes.

Serhiem is a very sensitive individual, one who will tear up at the sight of the dead or even the sight of a lightly injured animal. However, he is a normally happy individual who is also very peaceful, not wanting a fight. Serhiem is also very forgiving towards others as he does not want to feel hate or a feeling of a grudge towards others. Though, catch him at the right time and he will seem to be a very serious or angry individual. He keeps all of his true feeling repressed which can be released if certain things are brought up.

Patron Deity:


Serhiem was born into a family of Gallocmen, thus, as a man, he was expected to carry on that legacy and fight for his clan. He was actually quite the good learner when it came to sword-fighting as well, earning praises from many. By the age of ten, he had learned how to properly wield a sword and shield while also taking on a formal education. It was quite the good life for him and he learned that good can be seen in everyone, even if they hail from a rival clan. Unfortunately, that golden period came to an end with his father's death, Serhiem Vashir the First, leaving him the only male warrior left in his household. Of course, Serhiem was happy to oblige to the needs of his family.

It was Rain Season and a bandits had come to attack, in an effort to do enough damage to make sure that they would not be able to truly make it to the valley or maybe it was to take food for themselves. Serhiem had stepped up to do battle, following in his own father's foot steps. The lad was sixteen at the time and it had been his first true battle against another clan. Unfortunately, it would end up being the last as well, for a larger warrior had got the upper hand on Serhiem and managed to hit his head with a sword, gashing his eyes and leaving Serhiem blind. Of course, now Serhiem was not that big of a threat so he would be allowed to live and "see" that his clan had eventually won the day.

With the loss of his sight, Serhiem was devastated that e could no longer true do anything useful to his clan, becoming more of burden. He could not become a scribe for he required his eyes to write, nor could he become a farmer for he may hurt someone. However, he could teach the people of potentially lead them. Serhiem chose to attempt to become part of the council, he had been denied the first time which then lead him to become a teacher and a philosopher, all to be useful. For many years he had been doing this until the clan leader eventually called upon him to become apart of the council due to his service to the clan during the long trek they all made. Following quickly after the clan settled into the new land, Serhiem was elected to be the Chief of the clan, being supported by both the common folk and the Warriors. It was a job that he did not exactly want, however, he accepted so that the people would be pleased. That and he didn't exactly trust some of the other council to lead the clan in the right direction.

Personal Goals:
Serhiem wants to see his people have a higher standard of living, wanting the children to have more than enough knowledge. He wants to see stronger walls, more food, better things in general.

Clan Goals:
Serhiem's goals for the clan is a lot like his personal goals of wanting a better standard of living and having the people have a peaceful life. Though, he wants them to be more concerned with what is going on in the realm of the living and not the gods.

Serhiem lives with his family in a house that is larger than most of the common folk. It is filled with weapons of all different shapes and sizes due to the status that his family holds. Serhiem does have a room that is filled with many ideas that have been written down by his sister. He lives with his mother and sister there.

  • Learned - You are literate and have a relatively advanced education, in comparison to the common man. +2
  • Intelligent - You are naturally smart. +2
  • Intermediate Weapons - You are trained with more advanced weapons, such as one-handed swords, spears and axes. +2
  • Reputable - You have a spotless and respected reputation. +2
  • Philosopher - You are an expert in some sort of "science." Phah! +3
  • Affluent - You belong to the (very thin) upper crust of society, and have the wealth to prove it. +3
  • Proud - You are unused to harsh living conditions or menial labor, and unwilling to perform degrading tasks. -2
  • Blind - Whether by age or illness or violence, you cannot see. And you don't even get superpowers in exchange. -5
Name: Serhiem Vashir the Second
Sex: Male
Age: 27

Serhiem is you average man, physically anyways. He is a very pale individual with a large scruffy beard growing with a thick, messy, and long hair coming down from a rather thin face. He has a single scare that connects both sides of his head in a horizontal fashion, going through both of his eyes.

Serhiem is a very sensitive individual, one who will tear up at the sight of the dead or even the sight of a lightly injured animal. However, he is a normally happy individual who is also very peaceful, not wanting a fight. Serhiem is also very forgiving towards others as he does not want to feel hate or a feeling of a grudge towards others. Though, catch him at the right time and he will seem to be a very serious or angry individual. He keeps all of his true feeling repressed which can be released if certain things are brought up.

Patron Deity:


Serhiem was born into a family of Gallocmen, thus, as a man, he was expected to carry on that legacy and fight for his clan. He was actually quite the good learner when it came to sword-fighting as well, earning praises from many. By the age of ten, he had learned how to properly wield a sword and shield while also taking on a formal education. It was quite the good life for him and he learned that good can be seen in everyone, even if they hail from a rival clan. Unfortunately, that golden period came to an end with his father's death, Serhiem Vashir the First, leaving him the only male warrior left in his household. Of course, Serhiem was happy to oblige to the needs of his family.

It was Rain Season and a bandits had come to attack, in an effort to do enough damage to make sure that they would not be able to truly make it to the valley or maybe it was to take food for themselves. Serhiem had stepped up to do battle, following in his own father's foot steps. The lad was sixteen at the time and it had been his first true battle against another clan. Unfortunately, it would end up being the last as well, for a larger warrior had got the upper hand on Serhiem and managed to hit his head with a sword, gashing his eyes and leaving Serhiem blind. Of course, now Serhiem was not that big of a threat so he would be allowed to live and "see" that his clan had eventually won the day.

With the loss of his sight, Serhiem was devastated that e could no longer true do anything useful to his clan, becoming more of burden. He could not become a scribe for he required his eyes to write, nor could he become a farmer for he may hurt someone. However, he could teach the people of potentially lead them. Serhiem chose to attempt to become part of the council, he had been denied the first time which then lead him to become a teacher and a philosopher, all to be useful. For many years he had been doing this until the clan leader eventually called upon him to become apart of the council due to his service to the clan during the long trek they all made.

Personal Goals:
Serhiem wants to see his people have a higher standard of living, wanting the children to have more than enough knowledge. He wants to see stronger walls, more food, better things in general.

Clan Goals:
Serhiem's goals for the clan is a lot like his personal goals of wanting a better standard of living and having the people have a peaceful life. Though, he wants them to be more concerned with what is going on in the realm of the living and not the gods.

Serhiem lives with his family in a house that is larger than most of the common folk. It is filled with weapons of all different shapes and sizes due to the status that his family holds. Serhiem does have a room that is filled with many ideas that have been written down by his sister. He lives with his mother and sister there.

  • Learned - You are literate and have a relatively advanced education, in comparison to the common man. +2
  • Intelligent - You are naturally smart. +2
  • Intermediate Weapons - You are trained with more advanced weapons, such as one-handed swords, spears and axes. +2
  • Reputable - You have a spotless and respected reputation. +2
  • Philosopher - You are an expert in some sort of "science." Phah! +3
  • Affluent - You belong to the (very thin) upper crust of society, and have the wealth to prove it. +3
  • Proud - You are unused to harsh living conditions or menial labor, and unwilling to perform degrading tasks. -2
  • Blind - Whether by age or illness or violence, you cannot see. And you don't even get superpowers in exchange. -5
Azir L'thotos

Azir wobbled back and forth before the cat-walk began collapsing right under everyone. He gripped a bar on the raining before the cat-walk had fully given out, leading on guard to fall to his death and the other to also cling to the cat-walk. Azir held on with one arm and fired a few shots at the guard who was calling for help before following Erik down. He let go of the cat-walk and rolled onto the ground, turning back and firing his final few rounds at the guard. Azir reloaded his gun with lightning reflexes before yelling out, "This is not going to be in our favor!"
I will be getting a post up soon, meant to do it earlier but I got swamped with important things to do!

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