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Also, I'm going to have a very hands off approach to the military affairs this time. So when you start losing a war because you have an unintelligible Order of Battle (or none at all), this is the post saying: that's your fault, not mine.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Discontent has changed on a scale of 1-10 or 1 to something. Don't know how it goes. First turn I was on 7, but I passed a law to change it to 4. So I think I'm good.

Alright, now about your economy... Good lord mate the debt.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

"Don't get in my way! I swear my 50,000 men will come to get you!" Is all I hear ;). As for my discontent problem, well lets say it is currently on the lower end of "list of things to address" at the moment.

You should really focus on that a bit more, last time I saw it you were at like 76%

I don't plan to invade you, just don't give me problems and we should get along fairly well. Anyways, how is you discontent problem going?
Chaegon in bed with Saurillia? Oh damn. The alliances are becoming ever so clearer to me.

Concerned at all?
The Imperial Saurilian Press

"Long has Tyrennian land been coveted by the Empire. Long have they sat there, believing they were safe from our invasion! No longer will they have no fear! No longer will we be seen as the weaker power! It is time that we take a stand, fellow Saurilians! Long live the Empire!" - Speech given to the Saurilian people by the Queen

The Saurilian military has been training many a days these past few months, not for a casual walk in the pubs lad, but for keeping us safe! Or so the Queen states to the people. Agression has been brewing on the Tyrennian front, some going as far to boycotting their goods in general. No one knows what is going to happen these next few months as tensions begin to rise between our glorious Empire and the Tyrennian people. It may be something that will destroy both sides, but again, no body truly knows what will happen.

Maybe this is a sign that the government is going to respond to the people by expansion by war, maybe they are gearing up for sending troops to secure a colony. However, Tyrennia had always been the target of Saurilian Empire and that is not going to change any time soon. Two prosperous nations may potentially come to blows. Maybe other nations will get involved, no body will truly know except for time.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

That it's the non-prejudiced version of Mein Kampf telling of the Emperor's ideology, personal experience and desire for expansion without any war to recover from or scapegoats? Yes. That needs to be canon.

It's now canon, no choice. I'm done.
<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

Did I just write the non-prejudiced edition of Mein Kampf?

I swear, if that's canon
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

He messed up, you should have 260 from population and 940 from factories = 1,100 money. He just forgot to change the formula for your ledger.

Ohhhhhh, thank you Boop!

Question, how am I making 1,100 money? I see 47 and 63 which would equal 110.
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