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The Empire of Saurilia

It was a brisk night, the snow beginning to set in as the cold months came upon the Empire once more. The Ministers have come together with the Queen to discuss actions of what to do regarding Tyrennia. "My Queen, I believe that we may not wish to push Tyrennia any longer. We cannot wish to suffer sanctions or a war, we will be destroyed," Foriegn Minister Micheal O'Dowd stated. The others did not look so enthused. "We need those provinces, it may help us deal with inflation as it will give us a reason to raise our army," the Minister of the Army says. "Let us not forget the Aluminum mines, boys," the Queen chuckled, that was her ultimate goal, gaining those mines. "Yes, but what good will it do if the entire world is against us?," Micheal questioned, his tone growing aggressive. "Not to mention the inflation we are facing at the moment! The people are growing restless! We must do something about this!" The Queen nodded before further discussion went into the night.

"The Saurilian government has enter negotions with the Tyrennians, thus we will not abide by what the threat of Estarians. However, we are attempting peace. Depending on how the negotiations go, our decision will come."

The Saurilian government had ordered 10 fighter craft from the Etelians for $1,000. In other news the Coal Miners have gone on strike regarding the rising discontent within the country. The rising inflation within the country is likely a reason behind this.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You PM'd me this question and I answered you: It's just money.

Didn't see that, sorry.

Also how does the money translate IC?
Also, Saurilia will be offering loans to nations going at a max of $200 at a 3% interest
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

$100 each. So $1,000 for 10?

Salut! How about 10 for $25?

I'll give you $100 for each, then another $100 for 10 more as an order for later.
Oh good gezzus, I don't need that in my life. I'll buy some fighters though ;D
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

1. INCOME [(Population in Millions x2) + (Factories x 20) = $520 + $1,460 = 1,960

Not sure where you're getting that from.

Anyway. Send your Turn 3 Actions.

I posted that the last time I looked at my thing XD
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You're threatening Tyrennia.

Like a certain government that threatened Serbia in our world
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

How have I forsaken you?

I am no barbarian D: How could you say that when you know it may bring about a world war?
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