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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I read that in the voice of the Darkest Dungeon narrator.

Better have

That's the canon for his voice

"Ah. So the prey seeks protection. A futile endeavor, an endeavor nonetheless."

-Oin, X'Cor explorer and War General

Like your history. BOMB THEM BLOODY BRITS I SAY!
I also finished my history section. Please, feel free to read it over me and judge me as hard as you possibly can, guys!
Hey, just curious. Is there gonna be a map of our quarter of the galaxy or anything? Or perhaps maps, since the z-axis is a thing.

To be completely honest, I have no clue. Me and Hael have not talked about a map at all. Perhaps we should.

I'd like to sign up to this RP. I already have an idea for a nation, but I would like to pass it by you all, just in case it's too presumptuous or not up too par.

I'll give a short history, try to explain some of the ideas and then if it's good, I'll chuck up a NS.

What do you think? I was kind of thinking of them being a budding,newcomer in the interstellar community. Willing to make friends but also aware of life outside their space and so being very cautious about it. They wouldn't be a big civilization, but a nice little sliver of space to call their own.
I'm open to suggestions and if you guys think its too much or it's bad, then thanks for reading anyway.

I can see you put a lot of effort into this. I am very much open to this idea, but you will need @Hael's permission before I can say anything. However, we are still taking in new members and I feel that you would make an excellent member of this RP.

*secretly holding back the urge to enslave your people*
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Okay, i'm just being overly cautious. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes by assuming i can just say i have hyperdrive, even if the OP didn't say anything about not having it. xD

No worries, I am here to answer any and all questions you have, specifically this thread. I'm not a miracle worker. Just your friendly neighborhood tyrant.

As per the OP states

1. Warp drive is the general way of getting around. Other ways can be used, but I would prefer it if you stuck to warp.

You are free to have pretty much what you wish and as stated to a previous person, I believe, warp is just the baseline that if you didn't specify that you had a hyperdrive, then you would be categorized with Warp.

As far as teleportation goes I will need @Hael's opinion on that.
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