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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Ey, well lemme know if you have any thoughts on my nation. I always look forward to comments and critiques and the like. :D

Yours is looking really good thus far! While I spot some minor errors here and there, they do not take away from your species. The T'Kai have something I would like defined though; what exactly do you mean by they can live in som extreme environments?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Little did he know that he was being puppeteered by the Akkab and Xim.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Can you fly?
Some Xim breeds can fly.

Can you breathe non-Oxygen atmospheres?
All Xim can be modified to breathe various gases.

Can breathe underwater?
No? Guess who can? That's right: modified breeds of Xim.

An X'Cor may be stronger in some ways than a Xim, but the Xim are more diverse than any other species. There's always some type of Xim, somewhere, that can beat you.

You shouldn't have done that

{X'Cor being Vegeta if you haven't guessed already}
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Yes, you are- a slave to your imperfect genes which, against all logic, you refuse to improve.

<Snipped quote by Hael>

As superior species, we're obliged to own you and your future, @Lauder.

*begins laughing hysterically as X'Cor is the only perfect species*

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I must say, I can't find anything wrong with yours either other than the fact that they're not a vassal of the Akkab Imperium.

Filthy, Imperium scum
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Do tell me if you see anything on mine.

I see nothing wrong with your species or anything else. other than the fact that they are not enslaved by the X'Cor
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I'll admit, I hadn't looked over Mardox's C.S. yet. I've only been focusing on those who had finished their C.S.'s, or were mostly done. You'll notice I didn't really comment or criticize you until you were mostly finished, and I always waited for others to make some progress as well.

I find it's a good excuse for laziness.

But thankyou for bringing it to my attention. I'm going to look over it now, so I can decide if it's OP or not xD

I like to catch things beforehand so that way someone won't have to say change to much. I am currently going to be reading over everyone's progress to see how it is all rolling.
The average, non-military Mabronnan can lift up to two thousand pounds.

gives the Berserker rapid healing while in a rampage and also serves as an anesthesia for the purpose of eliminating pain.


So I was reading over Mardox's progress...
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You know what I just realized?

The X'Cor could get away with SO much more evil and slavery if they were just a little diplomatic.

Consider this: other than the Namilee, most groups they've enslaved were primitive, unadvanced races. So, when the X'Cor enslaved them, they took them from a primitive environment to a much more technologically, medically, and scientifically advanced one. So instead of calling them slaves, they should call them "the Uplifted" or something else nice like that. The X'Cor could claim that they are only enslaving the primitive races as a way of making a place for them in modern times, and allowing them to live with far more advanced medicine and such than they ever would have at home. They could try and play it off like this was a good thing.

Now, obviously, the X'Cor are still horrible slavers, but if they manage to advertise it right, they could make it seem like they're actually being charitable.

"We're not enslaving the primitives, we're providing them with shelter and a modernized lifestyle, in exchange for simple labor!"

My god, you have so much of point right there that I am actually considering that! Then again, they don't necessarily care all too much about how others think of them but still that could work splendidly!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

xD It's okay.

Maybe you can get involved in that upcoming human-Xim war. You need slaves, afterall!

I do like slaves...
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