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@Willy Vereb

@LauderWould you mind GM-ing such a game, though?
I am busy with Fabula Eleysia so while I can set down the basics I don't feel it'd be a good idea if I manage this, as well.
This is why I haven't made a separate interest thread (yet?).

I may be able to, not entirely sure on the quality of it, but I can always give it a try!
@Willy Vereb

*raises hand*

May I join this? If so I would like to claim Q12, the Entrance. :D
Hey guys, due to the business and some issues regarding real life I am going to have to cut the amount of RP's I am in. Unfortunately, this will be one of them. Sorry, @Theodorable, I did have fun while I could and I hope this doesn't die for the rest of you!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I accidentally read your leader's name as "Empress Shrek" and now she will forever look like that in my mind. But overall, it was nice. Pretty pathetic that it took hours to kill such a small force of rebels.

Hey, those fucking trenches are hell man. There a region called the no man's land for a reason

Though you are right, that is pathetic. You can assume that all the X'Cor loyalists were either recruits or low ranked if you want. Normally, a battle like this wouldn't take them this long ^^

I have calmed down now.

So, everyone, I would like to have your opinions on my newest post detailing the ending of the rebellion! I don't have a lot of time to make these kinds of posts so please excuse the rushed feeling if it has one!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

The modern field of nanomedicine has been moderately successful at employing nanotechnology in the treatment of certain forms of cancer (photodynamic therapy is one such nanotechnological method of isolating a tumor and subsequently destroying it, and has been shown to be a superior option to the traditional mode of cancer treatment: chemotherapy), drug delivery (less collateral damage to the body due to the drug being spread about everywhere instead of being precisely directed at one specific locale), and blood purification. I'd go digging around for research papers for you to take a gander at, but I'm really short on time at the moment, so I hope that these two Wikipedia articles will suffice:



Not interested in crawling through those two bowls of word soup? Then think of the issue at hand in this particular way: before the advent of the airplane, the wingsuit, or the glider, mankind could only watch aimlessly as birds soared about in the sky. A substantial number of traditionally biological features (such as memory, eyesight, or bipedal locomotion) have been adequately mimicked--and in many cases even ameliorated dramatically--by both modern and archaic machines.

Why would the immune system be impossible to mechanically replicate? It doesn't make a lot of sense based off of what we've witnessed occurring over the course of the last 6,000 years or so of human civilization.

Remember: it was only roughly 200 years ago (about ten human generations) that the industrial revolution was the height of human technological prowess.

But I don't know. I'm not really sure about this RP anymore. Too many inconsistencies and personal bias for me to remain interested.


I am sorry, I tried to be nice about this and I really am sorry that you may have lost interest.

The fact of the matter is we cannot and will not allow this. The only reason is for balancing issues, if we had this a hella lot more lenient we would let you. However, even after I tired to compromise with you, you still argue and refuse to accept the notion that we here are wanting balance! That is the key to a roleplaying game! In a game have you gone against a character so high level that you died no matter what? That would be poor balancing!

I am not going to debate on this any longer. We will not allow this for a starting nation no matter what you say, if you cannot accept it then please, complain to my farm. The field of fucks that is currently barren. Now, if you excuse me, I will be going to calm myself with a nice warm bubble bath.

If you wish to stay, please come up with a different idea.
Star System: Aquilon
Planet: Delgosh, Swamp World

The last rebel outpost stood within this system, on the forsaken swamp planet that would be considered a slum to any other nation and yet there the rebels had set their base. There, the rebels were waiting. They knew that the X'Cor fleet would be upon them all too soon and with it would bring the death of the rebellion, they had to get off world before the fleet got to them. Where would they go afterwards? If they fled then they would become pirates that plundered any trade ships, no doubt. Many did not wish that fate, many stayed to fight the X'Cor to the brutal end.

The rebels set up trenches within the dry parts of the swamps, encircling the entrance to an underground base that contained the last hope of freedom for all the slaves.

"General! X'Cor Battle Cluster just warped into orbit! There are five Capital-classes and twenty Azur-classes!," a communications speaker stated to the rebel general, a X'Cor who supported the movement that the slaves held. The scouting vessels would be shot down no doubt.

"Sound the alarm! Prepare all men for combat!," The general ordered, a siren began ringing through the base which signaling the soldiers to the trenches and turrets that had been set up. Each man, each women, all soldiers, awaited their demise. They would not go gentle into that good night, they would rage against the dying of the light. There were possibly thousands of soldiers waiting for what seemed like hours, a plethora of slave races united against a common foe.

The time had come. Terror Worms descended from the skies to land men on the surface of the murky swamp planet. The X'Cor would not risk drawing their troops by flooding the underground complex so that the men could take it. They would need survivors to prove as examples to the other slaves. The Worms deployed their men away from the trenched so that they would not die to weapons, they proceeded to go back to their respective ships and deploy more ships. 23,000 X'Cor totaled when all their men were deployed. There was only 3,000 rebels to be slaughtered, three-thousand to butchered.

Then the X'Cor charged the rebel lines, using the many trees as crude cover whenever they could. Coil guns began roaring on both sides as the battle truly begun. Explosions could be heard, the battle shouts of both sides, the death screams of many who would see this battle. The rebels were giving it their all, but they were not as heavily trained as the X'Cor military was. One by one they began to fall, though they refused to break even with the sound of the Hercules-class fighters overhead. Seconds passed, many would die within that second. Minutes, many more deaths. Hours, countless deaths.

How could one predict the amount of deaths that would happen?

Hours passed before the adrenaline-filled X'Cor mustered the bloodlust to draw their swords and charge for the trenches to end this fight once and for all. They charged through a hail of coil rounds, through the knee-high waters of the swamp. The plan worked.

The X'Cor begun cutting down the slaves one by one, heads and severed limbs began filling the trenches as the X'Cor pushed forward with their thirst for war. The X'Cor seemed to feel no pain and they didn't seem to notice damage that they had taken before they bled out on the field or were flat out killed.

The general gazed upon the field with sorrow in his eyes before he ordered the surrender of the rebel forces.

The battle had lasted aa total of three hours, 2,786 rebellious slaves had been killed in the battle and around 3,976 X'cor had been lost within the battle. Those who surrendered where sent to prison outposts where they would forever live out the rest of their days, death would have been a mercy compared to those places. Regardless, the rebellion was destroyed.

"The rebellion has been defeated! The X'Cor empire can now rest knowing that its populous will not rise against it! My loyal citizens and loyal slaves, this marks a wondrous day! All shall be free to celebrate the end of this travesty! All hail the X'Cor Empire, Uplifter of Civilizations! - A speech made 15:65:09, general galactic time, by Empress Ssirek.

With the war out of the way for many, the X'Cor scientists pondered on why their ships could be vulnerable when they had the weaponry that they needed. The first option would be to put more guns on all the ships, but that would only get in the way of other weapons unless they proportionally scaled the ships. However, the X'Cor could navy did not want larger ships or more guns to arm themselves with, they wanted something that could deflect incoming fire. Thus, their ships could last longer in a fight, long enough to calculate another strategy if their attacks were not working.

So, the scientists began work on these 'Deflector Shields' no doubt this would notion would be absurd sense that seemed like a coward's decision in the matter. The Oin had agreed to it. With the backing of such a respected man, surely the scientists had to be forced to succumb to the Navy's demands. With that began their first project after the rebellion. Some were at first skeptical, many others believed it to be possible somehow.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Soooooon. Sooooooon....

*rubs hands together evilly*

(might be a day or two. Go ahead without me)

*cracks knuckles, neck, snaps batman's spine in half, puts headphones in, listens to full One Punch Man opening, and begins writing lengthy post*

That sucks. Oh well, you win some you loose some.

Anyways, when will this post on interaction from Xim be expected?
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