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You never know what you'll find in a cave :P

It's not really meta gaming if she is looking for something familiar with her, or her past life, hence she is looking for refined metal. The shiny stuff. I never actually planned to find raw iron. Would it not be sensible to find something that you are familiar and/or more comfortable with?

No iron deposits or anything? Well that sucks.

I just wanna find some metal in the cave :P
The cave and the hazy memories. That was all Et truly had at this point, like many of the other goblins in this cave. It was truly interesting to see that they all had just come to be, strange even to see this spectacle. Though, Et was not going to sit on her rump all day and do nothing, no she needed to be useful. That is why she silently thanked the light for coming to save her from this darkness, she opened her eyes and let them adjust.

Slowly, Et got up and gave nice long stretch so that she may go and do whatever she needed. She had been in this place for three days now and it still was exceptionally strange with all these different goblins around. She looked around the cave to see the other goblins; some sleeping, some waking up, one imitating another. She gave a sigh at these people before going off to search the cave walls for anything that seemed like the metal from her memories.

She wanted to make something, bend something like what she had been doing in her memories. Though, nothing would glisten and nothing wanted to just show itself to her. However, that did not mean she would simply give in.

Hm, the type of magic? Given on what I put into her past, I would have to say Holy magic, healing and so forth, I'll go edit that in.
Name: Et
Age: Day 3
Gender: Female
Race: Goblin

Et is a black-skinned goblin with brown eyes. She has long, brown hair that is typically tied back into a pony-tail. Her nose is rather pointy, along with her ears that have rings pierced into them.
Level: 1

Et is a rather passive type, she is a follower and not the leading type since she has no clue why she is where she is. She may be a follower, but she is highly independent as well as creative. However, this does not come without flaw. She is highly disloyal to people, not to mention she will scam anyone without a second thought. Granted, she knows this is wrong, but the other thing is that she simply does not care since it is just her.

Past Life History:
Et only knows a but on her past life, like everyone else. She knows that she is was once a devote worshipper to someone called God and Jesus, though she does not see their importance now. Another thing she knows is that she was a metal worker, molding things into different shapes and forms only to make some sculptures or tools. It seemed strange, but it's not like she can truly investigate it are all.

  • Blacksmithing
  • Holy Magic

  • Dark Eye - Allows one to see more effectively in the darkness. (Passive) E-Rank
  • Absorption- A monster specific skill. This skill allows monsters to gain the skill(s) of the creatures they devour. The amount of skills gained in this process is limited to a 6 time usage. Choose your stolen abilities wisely. Uses will reset to 6 upon Ranking Up regardless of the amount you have used.(Remaining Uses: 6)x

I'll see if I can get something up tonight.

So, as we rank up we get more choice in the way of appearance? If so then we could, theoretically, evolve into a different species from Goblin. Am I correct?
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