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An Ottoman Empire without carrying out a genocide will just mean that the existing Armenian Liberation Movement(s) will go largely unchecked or unterrorized, so will continue to go about giving the ailing Turks infinite shit. And if they're going to be left alone then really, like the Irish at this time, the Turkish enemies will no doubt gladly supply Armenian liberation movements the same way the IRA got the German Empire to supply them (although, the events of the 1916 Easter Rising and early 20th century 'Ra is one comedic event after another, culminating in the first shipment of German arms being thrown into the ocean and the man responsible for meeting with the Reich to obtain them being put to death because he was charged of being gay).

As unfortunate as it is, the Ottomans may need to kill a lot of civilians or cede Armenian territory in a civil war possibly backed by whoever they're fighting; and since by the First World War the ground work for the two major axis are already all drawn up there's not a whole lot of wiggle room. The reason X came into the war on Y side wasn't because of an immediate Z event of bit of diplomacy, but Z was something from more a few decades back.

In the instance of America joining the Allies it was probably more to do with the close relationships fostered between the States and Brittania the previous decades and in particular a seemingly minor diplomatic chapter involving the isolation of Germany over their support for Moroccan Independence.

Well, I'm going to try and keep things from having to go into violence. However, if I truly have to then I will.

Edit: Also, I did not state that I would leave these movements alone. I just don't want a genocide on my hands, that can wait till Stalin.

That was a different time... And they all had it coming to them.

Rules of reforming the Roman Empire.

1) Don't commit genocide.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Battle of Vienna, Round 3.
This time Jan Sobieski isn't here to save the West.

Battle of Vienna 3: Back at it again with the Ottoman Empire

I want it... Inside the Ottoman Empire =P

I kid

I thank you, good sir

Do you mind if I claim the ottomans?
I will be getting my NS underway when I get home later.
Ankt had not heard what the hooded man had said in time for these beasts were on him within an instant and it surprised the lizardman nonetheless. Ankt instinctively grabbed one that had jumped at him and immediately threw him into another before he drew his sword, snarling at the beasts who were encircling him. This was certainly not good, though a smile came to the face of the Aahari warrior as this may yet prove to be a challenge. Ankt feigned an attack on one, causing it to stumble back but allowing one to try to go from the back. It was something he would expect from a bunch of pack animals so he turned to let the hound land on his sword, killing it without putting much effort into it. Of course, his left eye caught a few preparing to pounce so he kindly grabbed the impailed corpse on his sword, quickly pulled the sword out, before slamming the corpse into a small group in order to at least know to knock them back.

It may also be a great idea to intimidate them, though the bats may awake if he were to roar so he would have to hiss aggressively at the while staying on his toes.

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