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@Antarctic Termite

Alright Keriss' respect for Logos will drop ten fold upon finding out about this "invansion" ( not that she has met the guy ), Lazarus shall suffer for trying to take control of Chaos (not the she has met the bastard), and Sin... he's cool so long as he isn't a son Vestec which he fucking is isn't he?
@Double Capybara

Hey, I am still reading! -while being preoccupied with my doggo-

Plus, I work in mysterious ways!
@Double Capybara

I've been reading little bits but please summarize two moths worth of material me please!

Empire of Vornehm

"We need to improve our tactics, our weapons in this war! The unity of the Imperial Tsar will not get us through this alone!," shouted a leading military theorist, Loren von Anshlaus, in a meeting over the status of the war.

"Neigh! To go further would be to go against what our creator has intended for all of humanity! Heresy! Heresy I tell you!," counters the court Theologist, Anriech Vonsheen, actively condemning any more funding to the military out of fear of being smited down.

"Silence you fools!," voices the Emporer who has been sitting quietly whiling listening to his court converse about how to shift the tide of the war. The man shifted his eyes among the court, thinking of what to do and stroking his beard ever so lightly. Religion, he could not abandon it or else he would lose opinion of the nation. However, there would be no nation unless they adapt to fight their enemies.

"I am sorry Anreich, but we must heed Loren in this matter. We must fight for survival and we must make new weapons if possible!," the Emperor announced, causing the theologist's face to become sullen while the theorist's became filled with glee.

"I will not let you down, my Emperor! I will leave immediately to begin planning!," Loren stated, gathering his materials before walking off and expecting his Emperor to provide the necessary funding to his experiments to help and win this war. However, the theologist slowly walked out praying multiple times over to have the sins of the nation be forgiven.
Who wishes to be our notFrace? He who does receives nothing but blood and death!

Pfft. I've made 40,000 character posts on a mobile device ;p

*brandishes rusty knife* BOI DONT RUIN MY MOMENT!
Keriss, The Suffering One

There she was, a lost soul standing among a field of corpses, watching them with anger piercing their very beings. It was then that Keriss realized how long it had been since she had spoken to her mother or father, feeling abandoned almost. However, she knew that they were watching over her and that they would protect her on her crusade.

The Demi-God took a deep breath before turning and beginning to walk through the field of corpses, demons and ghouls laying on the ground with their limbs torn from their bodies. Blood, viscera, decay. Those were the only things that accompanied Keriss on her walk through the new graveyard, the new solemn field of silence where the chaos beings lay in death. She still held no weapon, no armor, just herself and her crown of thorns given to her by Vulemera herself, the only thing convincing her that her mother still watched over her. The Suffering One stopped over a corpse of a ghoul before kneeling down to it.

”I know it not your fault to be one of chaos, however, it is my duty to eliminate you and your kind.”

She reached out and touched the deceased being with her hand, touching its skin before moving to the being’s neck. Her grip tightened before she stood and put a foot on the ghoul’s back, ripping of the chaos being’s head with little effort. Keriss examined the head before raising it into the air with one hand, letting out a roar to signal her victory over the forces of chaos once more.

With a flick of the tongue, Keriss scented the the air before turning back to see one of the ghouls attempting to crawl away, its legs now bloodied stumps. It let out small cries to hope that some of its own kind to come and fight the Destroyer of Chaos. Suddenly it began crying it out in something this being would never have felt before, pain. A shadow came over it, wings spread and pure black eyes. Keriss laughed before tossing her newly gotten trophy to the side. Grabbing the ghoul, Keriss lifted the ghoul before throwing it to ground. She repeated the same process twenty times and another tenth until she knew all of its bones had been shattered, finally another twenty out of fun.

Keriss laughed, lifting the body again and throwing to the ground again almost out of madness. Her laughs seemed to be growing more and more deranged, the corruption of her being showing itself as she repeated throwing the ghoul to the ground. The laughter turned into angered roars and the angered roars turning into crying. Another throw to the ground made her collapse with the ghoul she killed.

”Mother, father. Give me a sign that you still watch over me! Show yourselves and make yourselves once more! I cannot win this war without you!” Keriss cried out, a mixture of anger and sadness coming to her as she tried to understand why her parents refused to hear her pleas for attention. Why would they ignore their daughter that they had created to fight in a war that wasn't truly hers? Why would the Suffering One have to survive her own suffering when it was her job to make the Chaos suffer, not herself.

Keriss felt tears go down her scales, she needed to understand why she had been abandoned and why the only thing she could do to release her frustration was to kill and cause pain. This existence was one that was challenging on her, mentally and yet never physically. This existence was one that slowly killing her on the inside. Was this an unknown ability of the Chaos? This ability of attrition on the mind, her mother’s domain. There Keriss sat in tears.

Tears, no tomorrow.

Pain, a new beginning.

Suffering, her existence.

What is the Imperial Tsardom anyway? Are we a part of that nation - how would that be possible?

Or is it just, one of the top dogs, of the world? Great Powers...

It's like the Holy Roman Empire if you know what that is.

I can say, that I have done the Kho and I have had no problems! That and I am to concerned with my job and grades to want to attempt to kind a partner. Nonetheless, I cannot say I can give advice on love because I've never been in a relationship because I am not a whale biologist.
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