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Empire of Vornehm

"The Tyrant has been defeated, that much is for certain. However, an air of unease is growing between Aontas and the motherland, Vornehm. Our countries had been such great friends until the tyrant had spread his influence onto Aontas like a wolf convincing sheep to join it in some unholy union of death and carnage. I feel that Vornehm only holds its grudge due to the Republic of Aontas betraying the trust of my motherland. It is that in why we bear such hatred, it is that in why I can feel the unease growing. I only fear that this air of unease would only grow into a constant bickering, then eventually, war. I cannot allow that to happen, not when the trust between the two had once been that of kindred spirits. Perhaps it is time that Vornehm is the one to begin rebuilding this trust, maybe things can go back to the way that they were used to."
-Heinrich Von Wiewen's personal diary, 1816

The Empire of Vornehm has begun taking steps in order to repair the relations that another nation had ruined, to repair more damage from the Tyrant's war. While the people hold their grudges over the heinous act of betrayal, they will eventually learn that one nation can not be at fault for its predecessor. This is a fact that had been brought to the Emperor himself by the kind-hearted man of Heinrich Von Wiewen. The two had talked for no less than thirty minutes until Emperor Reiter had sent Heinrich off to go repair any mistrust that Aontas may hold towards the motherland.

It was time for new beginnings, everyone knew that, everyone could feel that. The war could no longer be cause to plague the nations of this great continent any longer. However, new beginning may not mean smart ones. The death of a Conrad, the previously ruling Conrad, has spread like wildfire amongst southern Vornehm, bringing concern to their eyes. This concern was not for themselves, but it was for their brethren towards the south. An assault to kill a Kaiser could only lead to future disasters, the people pray that such radicalism does not take the lives of their own ruler.

- National Decision - Trade Agreement [Marnland]
- Increase Relations - Trade Agreement [Dallin] @Claw2k11
- Increase Relations - Improve Relation [Aontas] @The Nexerus
- Naval Ship Assignment - None as of now
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
-Economics [High = -3 Economic Rating/Year]
-Industry [Normal = -2 Economic Rating/Year]
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

No. He's actually entirely bald.
It makes him stronger...

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

No. You ever tried to domesticate a demigod? Let alone the ONLY demigod to have a confirmed butthole that he poops out of?

Perhaps you misheard my boss.


The fish.

You could eat.
@The Irish Tree
Is he the Alaskan Bullworm? 0-0

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

And the whole bit about it being a god-killing weapon under Lifprasil? That is the juicy bit.

god-killing weapon under Lifprasil

under Lifprasil

@poog the pig
*knocks on Lif's door*


Oh I meant RPs in general.
But just out of curiosity, how up to date with events around the Codex you are?

I know Vulemera was sucked into the codex ;-;
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I wouldn't say that too loud, considering the upcoming battles.

Oh, I'm sorry.

*gets out microphone*

And now, we wait
That moment when you awkwardly stare at an RP, thinking of something to write

Hmm *scratches head*

Well I assume you already know of the war about to happen between Logos and just about everyone else {Granted Logos does have the magnificent talents of Sin and Keriss on his side}.

Uhh, Keriss joined Logos and is working as a spy on everyone not on Logos side (primarily Vestec). Some royal shit is about to got down...

Shit I'm useless, someone kill me now

You mean other than the death of everything as we know it?
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