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<Snipped quote by Mardox>

The fuck did we start?

"The vassals need not be raised, not yet anyways. However, we shall attack that fortress and we shall take it it," the shogun looked at the map, studying it for a mere few precious moments before looking back to Kai. "I expect this to be carried out without a flaw, do you understand your emperor?" The emperor continued his stern look, no facial expressions wavering or daring to change for the daiymo who suggested his plan. Tien's eyes went to the Samurai Masters who gaurded him with unwavering loyalty, before he gave another statement to the Nara clan member, "I wish for this to be carried out honorabley as well. The enemy may not respect our true claim as the Jade Empire, but we will not fight dishonorably lest we wish to enforce that idea."
You see this is what happens when we kill off the god of thyme, everything gets thrown off. What will we do without Thyme?!
jk jk the more the merrier.

Allow Keriss to come and ruin any chance for the two to ever like each other! that or Keriss straight up dies for some odd reason.........
I don't know which I fear more; Logos' wrath or Vestec's inabily to be die like the wretch he is
"We shall attack the Valgraad, bring order to their lands, and reclaim it for the Jade Empire. I expect that our men will carry this invasion with speed and precision like the head of an arrow. My son, can I count on you to help me restore the Jade Empire?," Shogun Tien Oshimata asked, a stern and unwavering voice filling the room. He held only the highest of expectations for his eldest son, anything less and it would be questioning his own honor. Jade green eyes peirced into the general, an equally stern look as his voice on the shogun's face.

"I want you to crush all resistance with the might of our entire army, do I make myself clear?"

Do not fret. Keriss will most likely not get any worshippers, everyone would be dead before they had the chance
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