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<Snipped quote by Kho>

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Is his name written on it? I don't think so.

Actually if you were to read the fine print that Vulemera engrave on Lif's lungs then you know.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You can try, gecko.

*unsheaths katana*

I am more related to a horn-lizard!

*readies spear*
I could instead go for Mind

How dare you even think of taking my mother's domain! This means I must purge all heresy! Death to the Capybaras!

It's too late at night for me to be memeing.

Vestec flew alongside Keriss, idly watching her. “You can’t outrun regret. Trust me. I’ve watched many a mortal try. I’ve even tried myself. Failed utterly.” He tilted his head at her, confused. “Why did you kill the child? It didn’t deserve that. It certainly wasn’t a spawn of Chaos.” He paused. “Well, seeing as you’re my daughter, I suppose it is. My question stands though.”

Keriss remained silent, not responding in any typical fashion towards the being that she supposedly hated to no end. It was only when a long winded sigh came out of her that she would speak. Voice emotionless, ”I could not let it hold me back. My crusade against chaos is the only thing that was asked of me and I cannot fail Vulamera or Vakarlon, even if you say that they are dead. Why do you even care? Have you come just to make my misery worse?”

Vestec was in front of her in a heartbeat, stopping her forward motion and any attempts to continue said motion. “Why.” He demanded, colors shifting and flashing angrily. “What do you owe them? Let’s pretend that I’m not your father, though I am, and Vakarion is, though he isn’t.”

”I owe them for they create what I am. My existence was by their will. Even if by chance you were my father, why were you not there for my creation? Why would you let them tell me that it is you I must destroy? Vakarlon was more of a father to me than you have as he never sent me on a suicide mission against Sin!” Keriss growled, her voice wrought with anger as she remembered her battle against Amartía. Her eyes gazed was not on Vestec when she had spoken though, refusing to look up and continued staring down.

Vestec laughed, throwing his hands wide, voice harsh with mockery. “Brilliant! By that logic, Amartia and Lifprasil should both kneel before me and declare eternal love and obedience. Oh wait. They don’t. In fact, I believe Amartia rejected me as his father and Lifprasil merely tries curb my antics.”

He looked at her, voice softening. “Because it was your mother’s wish. She believed in balance, as I do. If there is one thing, there must be another thing to balance it out. Amartia balances Lifprasil, not for long I’m afraid but by the time his power is shattered Vetros will step up. The Dwarves balance the Rovaick. The Grotlings will balance the Ogres. You balance the undeclared Chaos. The wandering hordes, the feral bands. You are their reckoning. Their balance.”

Vestec chuckled softly. “Oh, Keriss. I never sent you into a suicide mission. I keep an eye on all my children, even Amartia. If you were ever in any danger of being killed, I would have stepped in. Probably smote the city to ash after getting you out. As for Vakarlon, he never acknowledged your presence either, instead preferring to kill himself and become some sort of primordial soup. You’re my daughter Keriss. You enjoy my protection from death, if not mistakes.”

Keriss could only remain silent, beginning to even doubt everything that knew. Her gaze remaining away from the Chaos god. She, herself, was on the verge of tears as her own beliefs began to falter. “Again, why have you come? It couldn't be just for that.”

Vestec nodded. “You’re right, I didn’t just come to remind you that you have my protection. I came to ask what you’re going to do. Amartia’s a violent psychopath, like father like son eh, but he trusts you. Thinks he has you under his thumb. So what are you going to do? Stay by his side against the fury of Lifprasil’s burgeoning empire, not to mention what the other gods cook up, or switch sides yet again and tear down his pitiful city? Whatever you do, I’ll keep you safe from death. Even if we’re on different sides.”

“At this point I do not care about some war the gods are getting caught up in. And from what I have heard, it is Logos vs all with Amartía only joining in for the power.” Keriss growled, crossing her arms before her gaze finally shifted to Vestec. ”He calls me child. Calls my existence a long and lonely one. Unfortunately, he is right. He wishes me to be one of his little pieces in what game he plays. He wishes me to tell him everything I find on his enemies.” A smirk came onto the face of the Demi-Goddess.

”I do not truly know on which side my allegiance lies; Logos, god of Order, who has brought destruction to this place in which I inhabit, or You, my hated enemy, my father.” Keriss said, a rather delusional tone coming to her. A slight laugh overcame her before she suppressed it, ”We shall see for I lack an incentive to join either side. Well, I suppose the whole destruction of chaos is a good one; but for now that can be ignored.”

Vestec giggled. “Who says we have to be enemies, daughter?”

”No one living, but it is my entire purpose to destroy chaos. Unfortunately, father, it is of your very nature that I should oppose you.” Keriss chuckled, tapping the nails of her fingers along the hunter-green scales of her arms.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Vestec waved a finger. “We can be opposed but not enemies. Nothing should be too easy, for anyone. Your brother Lifprasil will find that out soon enough. The other Gods have been coddling him. But I digress. If you don’t know where your loyalties lie, don’t have any!” Vestec threw his hands wide. “I’m going to be giving you your own Order after this battle. You won’t need me, Lifprasily, Amartia, or anyone! Do what you want with the Order you possess. Destroy Chaos? Sure! Create a new nation? Why not! Destabilize Empires that are oppressive but the populace doesn’t know it yet? Go for it! Of course, I’m always a prayer away if you ever want anything.”

Vestec gestured with a hand. “Go back to Amartia. Tell him Lifprasil is coming with an army of Knights, designed and empowered by four Gods, and his own normal army. Then, when the battle commences, kill anyone and everyone in your path. Be a force of nature, slaying all. Or avoid this mess entirely, and wait till it’s over in a relatively safe place.” Vestec shrugged, his colors seeming to move dismissively. “It is your choice, daughter. I’ll be watching you, whatever you do.” With that, he disappeared.

“Whatever I do?” Keriss pondered for a moment before a shiver ran down her spine.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

It wasn't, but it was. In spirit.

I wasn't right, but I was. In spirit.
*cakrcs kuknelcs*

Guess who's back?

Guess who saw dolphins?

Guess who blew $35 on pretty rocks at a flea market?

Guess whose tires exploded in the middle of jack fuck nowhere?

...anyway I'll do some collab stuff tonight and be back in action proper from tomorrow ok kids

LET ME GUESS! Um... is it @Kho?
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