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@Lauder B-but he hasn't even raped as many things as Jvan. Or Logos. Even Toun has raped more things than him (the entire hain race!) And when it comes to mind-raping, Vulamera is the guy

That's because I have just started, no god is safe from my scale! {especially since this is a conglomeration of horny lovecraftian-like gods *shivers*)
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

T-the Lauder God-Rape scale? What's the Lauder God-Rape scale?

It measures how rape-y a god is, in fact I was just coming up with it today because why the hell not? As of now, Vowzra is the most rape-y God.
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

Edit: then again...Vowzra technically raped Belru too...with tentacles

Edit: Mentally AND physically

And like that Vowzra went on the Lauder God-Rape scale
@Antarctic Termite

In the name of Bill Cipher:
"Pain is hilarious!"
me finding out that an entire army of Cosmic knights was on its way to fuck Xerxes' shit


Don't worry mate, stuff like that happens :P

Besides, it gon get real hard to see in Xerxes.
I'm beginning to reconsider whether bringing a bunch of horny Lovecraftian beings together is such a smart move after all

<Snipped quote by Kho>

Nonsense! It is the will of Fate!

PG 35; the everlasting debate that still plagues this roleplay.

And so it shall be done. Oh, my GM, merciful is thee to myself. I am but a mere vessel for thee's commands, oh, merciful GM, how I pray to find a way to ever more repay thee!

Logos needs to learn the power of Imagination. I will get Beauty (Waifus) eventually and thus seduce him with anime girls calling him "older brother"

Page 28

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>




<Snipped quote by Kho>

Killing Kinesis is probably a bad idea. If nothing else, Teknall will hate whoever killed her for all eternity (or until he kills them, whichever comes first).

I shall claim Kinesis for the time being.

To the best of my knowledge, @Hygswitch's plans for Kinesis was to have her go travelling the world and revering nature and Slough. So that is where Kinesis is now.

Damnit! I was just about to sing the son of eternal suffering!
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