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Jacques Clerc

Location: Marketplace near St. Peter's Church

Father Clerc inspected, bending down slightly, the lamb that the butcher had brought out, nodding slightly in approval of the fine price of meat. He would be glad to cook that, maybe make a stew or roast out of it. Jacques could already smell it when it would be finished, a light smile coming to his face.

“So, Father, if ya’ don't mind me askin’. Will ya’ be goin’ to that the event at Amack’s?,” the butcher asked as the priest inspected the lamb. Allowing some notion of small talk to be had, after all it was only in good manners that he make small talk with his local priest. The butcher was met with the eyes of Jacques who had a less than enthusiastic look on the question, but soon the face turned back to its light smile.

”Oui. I suppose that I shall. No sense losing the opportunity to socialize.” Jacques answered, but his hands behind his back as he straightened his posture. ”Though, I must be shy in trusting those people, after all, not everybody will be going out their generous nature.” the priest informed, cynically. He held his light smile before producing a small flask, uncorking it, and taking a small sip at its contents. Putting the flask back where he produced it, he returned to inspecting the lamb. ”Will you be doing anything special, by the by?”

“No, after I close later today, I will be recruitin’ with my family.” The butcher answer nonchalantly. Giving a much larger smile and a hardy laugh to the priest, he turned his head from side to side for a moment, making sure no one was around. “Not really, I'm goin’ to be helpin’ the misses tonight; if ya know what I mean,” he said in a hushed tone, earning a laugh from Jacques.

”Unfortunately, not all of us have that chance, friend. Relish the time you have with her.” Jacques chuckled, getting out some money and handing it to the butcher. ”If I am not to return before you close, might you be able to bring it to the church for me?” the father inquired, wanting to go and gather more supplies and talk to a few others which may eat up the valuable time.

“As you wish father, have a good day!”

”God bless you, too.” with that, Jacques retired from the butcher and began walking about the marketplace once more. Thoughts raced to his mind, he began to sort through them and soon a smile came to his face. Perhaps this would be his lucky day on finding a lass to settle down with, should she meet his requirements first. Though, it was a large event and no doubt it would be loud. That was but one drawback from attending, not doubt everything would fall into place as God has decided.

As he still had some time, he wondered if he should visit anyone before going to the event. Though he did not wish to be a bother if any of them were going to said event, so he decided against it and instead continued browsing for other ingredients.
I got invited? French bread for everybody!

@Antarctic Termite

Serious emotion problems? Are you talking about the lack of emotion with her primary being annoyed?

Because perverts like tits.


Why a lizard woman would have breasts, I will never know.

I can't have those, my family would disown me.

You totally want a Keriss dakimakura, it comes at the low price of your soul 10 shillings!
@Antarctic Termite

I am much proud of you. 10/10 would read again.

that doesn't change the fact that Keriss is the best divine being
@Lady Amalthea

Of course you could use the power of God! God provides all!
Ayy lmao, I did a thing. I hope that is good .-.
Jacques Clerc

Location: Saint Peter's Church

Jacques awoke with a start within his cell, a slight gasp escaping his lips, startling the dog that lay near his bed. The man’s could feel his heart attempting to escape his chest, frightened to the ends of the very earth that God had created. Throwing his feet over the side of the bed, Jacques’s eyes met that of his dog, Pharaoh. Those tombstones seemed to have etched themselves inside of the mind of the priest, the man of god. He took a long look at the color around him, acknowledging the light that came through the window of his cell.

“Bad dream?,” the pharaoh dog inquired, gazing with puppy-like eyes up at the father. Only a nod came to answer the dog.

Getting to his feet, Jacques examined his tow shirt before taking it off as he walked to his wardrobe to pick out a suit so that he may begin his day. ”I am graveled as to why the dream has decided to plague me,” Jacques finally spoke, picking out his standard black suit. It had certainly been awhile since he had last bore a nightmare. The Frenchman, walked to his collection of books before picking out the Holy Bible itself. Turning a few pages, the dog braced himself for hearing another quote from that book that Jacques obsessed over.

”Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”’ John, eight-twelve,” Jacques quoted, shutting the book as he finished. The quote soothed the priest, believing that those he knew would be safe so long as they followed their Lord and Savior. Though some time out of the confines of the church may help ease his mind. ”I'm going out, Pharaoh. Be good.” with that the priest walked out of the cell.

On his way out, he passed some of the nuns, going about their chores as they usually did; cleaning, praying, et cetra. Jacques greeted each one with his normal ”Bonjour,” on his way out.

Upon exiting the church, the Frenchman looked at the environment around him, seeing the light and vibrancy of it all. Jacques strolled around to the graveyard, inspecting some of the tombstones. Nothing suspicious seemed to stand out, no sins etched into them, and certainly no noise came about. It had all been a dream, thankfully. That nightmare had seemed all to real to him, continuing to plague him within the real world as well. Was it a message from God? Couldn't be, Jacques wasn't worthy enough to be spoken to by such divine grace.

With a sigh, he began walking to the marketplace of London, wanting to buy ingredients so that he may cook something for the nuns to thank their hard work. However, that was not the true purpose of his venture, it was to calm himself.

Marketplaces were normally a busy place, but not so in the early morning, even though that was the best time to get the freshest ingredients. Jacques was glad that it was not so hectic, enjoying the slight silence accompanied by light morning chatter.

“Father! Do you wish for me to reserve the finest piece of lamb?” A butcher called out, seeing Jacques as he walked.

”Oui! Please!,” the father responded, a light smile coming to his face. Mayhaps today would be good, no nightmare would get in the way of having a good time nor would it get in the way of cooking!

author's note: I will be using the King James Version of the holy bible for my quotes should anyone care.
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