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I mean if you don't love that movie then you are a heretic.

Also the Incredibles 2 is confirmed to be released 2018 :D
I present you a moment in time between Keriss and Tauga.

Man, this is a good read
I just got done with the, honestly rather fucking bland, history of my Plague Marine. Yay.

Why yes! I can read minds! And I know exactly what you are thinking of right now! It is... uhh.. HOTDOGS!

Funnily enough I was planning to do have him be new, or at least newer. Maybe been around since the battle of Cadia or something, basically pleading to be healed because of a wound which may have been lethal or something. Unfortunately, we must remember that one must put their loyalty to the Death Guard, not join them just side with them. So on and so forth

Grandfather Nurgle has come to bless this RP with a Plague marine. WE SHALL SPREAD COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF PLAGUE ON OUR ESCAPE!

I'm thinking of playing a plague marine, haven't gotten much further but ''tis a start.
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