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Quite the team we have here.

Ah, I simply thought there was some confusion.


It seems that you gave me Iceland. I only laid claim to Ireland.
Otto Engel





Being a foreigner from more northern lands, Otto is in fact paler than that which would be common in the region, contrasting with the dark colors of hair, kept clean, which makes for his extravagant beard and hair. He is not a tall man, standing at a mere 5’7”, roughly 170 cm, as well as boasting a slender and often remarked as frail body. Granted, no he is not extremely skinny, but he could use a few more pounds. As for wardrobe, he tends to wear darker colors despite the current fashion of the region where “color is everything,” sometimes he can be found with a linen shirt on and some trousers.

An outwardly calm and collected man, it seems that this man is infinitely patient which is somewhat of a requirement for his job. Displaying emotion, to him, is unmanning and is something only a woman should do, among other things. Inwardly, however, he is a greedy man who will do many things if faced with a large amount of wealth.

Otto hails from more northern lands where the climate is much more temperate than where Venara is situated. He grew up with high expectations from his father to become a proper learned man and become a nobleman. Sadly, Otto had become a doctor instead, wanting to help people out of the kindness of his heart, perhaps it was because doctors actually made a decent amount of money, who knows. The foreigner was a skilled man in his craft, helping many people from his lands.

However, Otto seemed to suddenly lose his touch at a period of time where he lost many noble patients who had requested his care. Patient after patient, death upon death. Even better is he found himself with more wealth upon the death of those patients. If one were to ask him how he felt about the deaths of those, he would say he did not feel much in the ways of their deaths. After the death of a nobleman, he had to flee his home country to go to Venara where he met Leon Delorano after helping to treat one of his sicknesses and soon found him employed under him.

Years later the death of Leon’s wife came over the family, he would say it affected him deeply but he would hardly express his concerns. The same with the death of Eduardo Perfori. He remained the Head Healer of the house doing his best to offer advice to the grieving ones while he continued to operate as normal as ever. Soon, Leon had died, this death truly affected him, and he began grieving for many weeks for his fallen friend.

Position In House Delorano: Head Healer


  • Cane
  • Stiletto
  • Black Coat
  • A small pouch of money

Skills: Human, +1 to choice skill (Grace)
Gifted: +4 Grace, +4 Reputation
Above Average: +3 Brawling, +3 Acumen, +3 Skullduggery
Deficient: -2 Dueling, -2 Gunnery
Doesn't matter too much to me.

Well, howdy there neighbor. It's nice to see *licks lips* a healthy province as yourself in my neck of the woods.
Yiiiisssss. This shall be fun! Blood for the Blood God!
I agree with @Ollumhammersong

All the people.

I agree
Huh, this has peaked my interest. Yiiiiissss
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