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The submarine known as the V.S. Lighting, made it’s way out of the Suez Canal and into the Red Sea before a message forced it’s way to the bridge, a withdrawal of the force sent to aid the Turkestani Union by request of the Republic of Judea. A disgusted look came from the captain of the ship, disliking that the fleet had come this far just to be sent back to the homeland because one nation disliked the idea of Vornehm intervention. He stroked his grey-beard, attempting to identify what to do in this situation, knowing that what he did would no doubt determine how Vornehm would participate within this affair.

“Captain, the others are asking what we should do,” reported an ensign, turning her chair to face the captain. Time was running out in to decide what to do before the others would begin their voyage back to the Motherland.

A minute passed in silence, the crewmen awaiting their orders. “Full steam ahead. We will continue with our original orders, it is not as if anyone will notice us,” the gruff voice of the captain stated, a smile that only a native Vornehm man could produce. He would bring glory and honor to his people by defending the weak… in the name Vornehm business interested, despite they would have to work in the dark and would be classified as traitors for until this war was over.

“Full steam ahead, ladies and gents,” he stated once more, hands behind his back as the fleet of submarines descended into the depths of the Red Sea. The other nine followed out of loyalty to the cause, not so easily dissuaded by the request of a singular people. “A.I. prepare response to the Grand Admiral.”

“Aye, captain,” stated the monotonous voice of the A.I., deep in nature.

“Grand Admiral, while I appreciate your want to avoid any bad relations with the Republic of Judea, I will stand idly by as Vornehm business interests are subjected to Aldoran law. Court martial when I return home if you must, but I will continue by my original orders along with nine others. Good day to you, sir. Hail the Empress and Emperor,” with the closing statement, the A.I. sent the message up the chain of command.

“What are your thoughts, captain?”

“We either complete our mission or we die being tortured by our kinsmen. I suggest we do this to the best of our abilities.”

Radicalist?! Actually can't argue with you one that part but I shall rebuttal with only evil laughter. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Art thou saying thine doesn't want the single greatest country to intervene?! *le gasp* You wound me!

Dear god. Exams! This RP's oldest enemy! I wish thee luck on vanquishing the beast!
It says in my post, tbh I can't remember :P

I would have liked that. Though, my policy of Intervention means I must get involved in the name of Vornehm business interests.

Actually, what countries are you attacking, exactly?

Yeah that is happening. And Vornehm is intervening!
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

woah. i guess even Divinus can'y do without NOT-'Murica

Not-'Murica is a requirement to have m8

Where is the blood I was promised?! Why do we sit here when we could be in the thick of slaughter?!
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