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billow, breaker, crest, curl, fold, furrow, line, rippling, rush, surge, swell, tide, undulation, whitecap! Any of those help?
I'm in the midst of writing something great even though I know it shall be shit, 'tis going to be s longeth oneth.

You know, I actually keep forgetting you are tyrant, my merciful lord. Mayhaps, I should fetch the song of infinite suffering?

'twas a joke
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You know I explicitly assured Termite while starting that scene that it was meant to be familial and not romancey. I guess I can't stop the fanfickers...

Edit: Although, I suppose a post with the premise of 'Toun spending quality time getting hugs invading Jvan's massive womb' could be misconstrued.

Dude, Toun and Jvan is the perfect ship. Pun fully intended.
@Muttonhawk@Antarctic Termite

"If he shall be Mr. Hyde then I shall be Mr. Seek"
Mr. Utterson from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Stevenson an Victorian Englishman. Yeah, he wrote a shitty pun in his book.

I shall extend my interest here. It looks fantastically fun.
<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Essence means nothing in the face of a cool dude with a bad tude like Amartía.

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