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Much interest. Very Meme. #VoteCycloneforDictator

Eahara snapped her teeth at the black robed one, her jaws clamping down on air and creating a rather large snapping sound. Wait! You're with the Dark Lord's forces, a-aren't you? A kobold. I s-served with them back when I was...No matter. I n-need your word you won't hurt me. Or, uh, him," He pointed at the other human. "before I cut you free, okay?" A chance at freedom was something that she needed for it seemed that these two could do what they wanted with her for the moment, only because she was bound and without weapons.

”I used to serve under the Dark Lord’s banner, but I was betrayed by one of my own,” she stated, still with the same aggressive tone she had begun the conversation with. Her tail swished back and forth, her eyes flicking between the two as her jagged teeth were bared towards them. Eahara sensed the weakness in the necromancer, it was something she could use to her advantage at a later time or now if she played her hand correctly. ”Trust me when I say that if I wanted you dead, you would have been by now,” she snapped.

Then the other person knelt in front of her after a rather annoying display of words, soon it became clear that this was an elf that she would have to deal with. ”You guys can call me Ysran. What's your name little lady?,” he asked, her eyes narrowing in a skeptical response as she tried to analyze the elf and find any advantage she could use. There was something about him that she could not quite put her claw on.

”My name is Eahara, a traitor to the Dak Lord. I am currently hunting Tharac the dimwitted so that I can begin dismantling the Dark Lord’s regime,” she spoke in an honest fashion. The Kobold had nothing to hide and so this was the reason of her honesty, straightforward yet angered and annoyed by being captured. If she were not bound then she may have killed the two where they stood, but circumstances did not seem to favor her at the current moment. ”There, I have told you what you need to know. Now release me!”

The undead were always a nuisance that came in many different levels; a skeleton was a minor annoyance whereas a zombie was the slightly more annoying. Yet, here they were, intercepting her path as she slowly moved after Tharac’s warband, being the same nuisance as ever. It was not as if Eahara had gone far from the town either but it seemed they did not work under the Dark Lord since her tattoos were not glowing or burning. Regardless, she did not ask questions when she they started to surround her and instead began shooting them down, each receiving an arrow to the head.

It seemed like a wandering band at the moment, until she was surprised by a small horde seemingly surrounding her. Sure they were slow, but she could not fire her bow fast enough to kill them all and suddenly she was encompassed. Eahara closed her eyes tight as she only wished that she would be killed quickly by these creatures of the living dead. Except they did not began biting or clawing her to death as she suspected, instead grabbing her arms and forcing her to the ground. They bound her for reasons that she had not known; then they began to drag her back towards the town.

Through all of this she resisted in the best was she could; squirm, bite, act like a wild animal really. The undead set her down and pushed her to where she was on her knees in front of some dark robed individual in which she could deduce was their master. Eahara snarled at the man; her teeth very clearly a red as she gazed at the human with clearly angered eyes. ”What do you want, damned human?,” she asked with a tone that could only be described as livid.

I'm just waiting for the kobold pretending to be a rock post.

Ask and ye shall receive

Another town raided, more innocent lives killed, the usual things for the likes of the Dark Lord’s orcish hordes.

Eahara was not surprised for this course of action as it seemed Tharac the dimwitted knew how to do when he set out to find something. The huntress had watched the raid happen, the slaughter, and the beginning of the burning of the damned barn; the screams managing to reach those ears of hers. Though, the screams hardly seemed to affect her in any negative fashion, being deflected by that cold expression of hers. That expression that had been drilled into her since the day of her birth of her clan, when she became a huntress under the Dark Lord. Her movements were subtle, cautiously approaching the village as those trapped in the barn screamed as flames engulfed them. Did she wish for them to stop? Yes, only because it was annoying and making her lose her train of thought.

Now, she entered one of the ruined homes and began sifting through the rubble as she attempted to find any form of loot that seemed valuable. Then, she felt the burning sensation run up her arm and she instinctively drew her bow and nocked an arrow, aiming it at the door that she had entered. The Kobold saw the being step through the doorway, a goblin who had come back to scavenge for any sort of loot, same reason as she. It also stopped, looking at her with the same dumb expression all goblins had.

“Who are you?,” the goblin questioned.

“I am a rock,” Eahara stated rhetorically, narrowing her eyes at the small dumb thing.

“Oh, you look like a Kobold to me,” it responded, scratching the top of its disgustingly green, bald head. It's face shift to confusion for the being that claimed to be a rock seemed to resemble a Kobold.

“Nope, I'm a rock,”the Kobold insisted, her tail flicking to the side assume spoke with a slight hiss.

“Oh. Okay,” the goblin said cheerful, earning a confused look from the Kobold who practically had an arrow shoved in its face. It began to step closer and sift through rubble, not minding that the ‘rock’ was staring in confusion at it. Though, the goblin’s actions did not lost long as Eahara had finally loosed her arrow right into the back of the goblin’s skull. Yet, she had stay there in order to contemplate on whether what happened was weird or she was beginning to go insane. At the very least, the burning sensation began to subside.

Finally, she sighed as she picked the goblin’s corpse clean of any money or food it had on it. Eahara also dragged the goblin off the arrow that had element through its head so that she may yet use the arrow. “Goblins,” she sighed in disappointment before going off to begin tracking the orcish warpath once more, seeking to kill Tharac and begin her task of destroying those officers to the Dark Lord. There she left the villagers screaming from pain as the fire destroyed them, before sniffing their screams with crackles and pops as the fire raged.

He will, just give him time as he is a busy fellow.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

No, you're a Kobold.

I am a rock.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You can't get killed if you murder them first.


I am a rock
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Wouldn't a hunter/archer know how to at least make basic shelter?

shhhh if you say it out loud then the bad guys know. Gotta make 'em think I'm dead.
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