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@Moonlit Sonata

;-; but why?

@Holy Grail

I mean, that's all that matters... right?
@Holy Grail

Y'know. I don't think that's a bad idea! One magical, nuke-launching, uber-death, grootifying robo-mechazoid coming right up!

Eek had slowly begun to come off of the wall, seeing that none of the other goblins seemed to actually care about her, a good thing in her mind. However, some other goblin, the one who had awoken last and made a big deal about how he had woken up last to the ‘party’, had noticed her and began to conversate with her. She let out another speak and raised her arms and lowered her head, obviously afraid of Kresh for no real reason other than that it was a part of her nature to be scared. Once more, she huddled close to the wall vainly attempting to find some of comfort that would erase that fearful feeling she had of the others.

”P-P-please go away! Don't come near me!” Eek cried in a soft voice, shuffling away from the other goblin in a rather timid manner. Before she knew it, she accidentally tripped and fell onto her side - granted, she caught herself on the way down - scrapping part of her body, primarily her hands, before she even got out of the cave. Yet, despite falling down, she continued to try and scramble as far away as she could from Kresh, and the other ‘newborns’ as well. Eventually she found herself against the wall once more, with hands hurting and bleeding on a very small amount. Still, Eek looked at Kresh with terror filled eyes, clearly not wanting anything to do with him in the slightest.

Her eyes did, though, begin to flicker towards the others, in particular the woman dressed in fur and with the long staff. Something about that goblin mystified her, some mysterious power that seek could not quite wrap her paranoid mind around. For a moment, she felt a different emotion, curiosity. However, the feeling was not meant to last as she forced herself to look away, instead burying her head in her knees and closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself once more.

One day... one day I'll make a weapon to surpass Metal Gear!

The light fluttered in, annoying the likes of the newborn goblin that was Eek, forcing open eyes who had not yet seen anything like it before. Though, the timid one wished that she had kept her eyes forced shut for she only saw green, ugly beings which we mildly intimidating to her unlike those who had already begun to conversated with each other. Eek forced out a small squeak as she backed up and her hands, dragging herself across the ground until she met the wall of the once comforting cave. Her eyes bore surprise and fear, unknowing of the situation that she was in, but that was what scared her. She knew not what would happen, merely knowing that she was there.

Her eyes flicked between those that spoke, watching them for brief moments as her panicked self began to breathe rapidly. The word ‘Goblin’ seemed to come to her mind as she began to try piece together the situation in a vain attempt to calm herself. These people she did not know, in a strange yet calming cave, with someone in the entrance calling for some form of ‘chief’. Curiouser and curiouser did this rabbit hole seem to get as she watched the others begin to stumble around and fully wake up, yet all she felt was fear and paranoia that one of these beings were going to harm her.

Eek slid her back up the wall, getting to her feet with the support of the rocky surface with hazel eyes continuing to dart between others. Her fingers felt the wall of the cave, the grooves working to busy her nervous hands. It was soothing, somewhat, playing with that rocky surface as she nervously looked at all those who were waking up around her. She let out another squeak of surprise upon hearing one suddenly begin to laugh, rather obnoxiously one might add.

@Moonlit Sonata
I should hope that this will suffice.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I need Keriss to go hug an ice elemental because she needs to chill.


Is- is it too late to join? Blood for the blood god


You said suffering! That means you need me! What must I do! Bring ruin to the lands?! Plunder?! UPLIFT A SPECIES?!
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