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Now don't this look interesting! If you lot will have me, I think I'll play as a reprogrammed OOM-series battle droid, as far as any other planning on the character, I have not a clue.
@Moonlit Sonata

Won't be able to post tonight, you can assume Eek is silent and thinking.
To post or not to post? That that is the question.

To kill Amartia or not to kill Amartia? That is the true question.
'WWVD: What Would Vakarlon Do?'

Give eternal good luck to his daughter?
I feel happy with myself. I made a rough gif!

Sign me the friickty frack up!

Interacting with Aya: @Moonlit Sonata

Silently, Eek was listening to every word that Aya said, making a mental note of what to do and what not do. She rubbed her chin, following slightly behind the Goblin Druid, thinking of anything else that she would like to know at the time. A question formed in her mind, remembering that the chief had told her that the goblins did not use tools, a perplexing subject. However, upon opening her mouth, Kresh spoke up and she jumped to the side, raising her hands in defense. Eek had not realized that Kresh had decided to stay with them. How had she not noticed him before? The timid goblin shook her head from the fear and straightened out, continuing to follow Aya through the forest and fearfully eyeing Kresh, despite him having previously saying that he would not hurt her.

”Mi-,” she stopped herself, ”Aya, why does our tribe not use digging tools? Do we use any other tools? Do we use tools at all?” It was a bombardment of questions, but Eek was genuinely curious on the subject, finding vast interest in what the tribe uses to survive in these lands other than evolution. Surely, it could not just be those few options to be keeping the tribe afloat, that would not seem rather effective in the slightest. She scratched her head, thinking about the subject.

Her eyes began to wonder to the trees that surrounded them, watching them with a keen eye as to not be taken by surprise anymore times in one day. Though, she liked the view of the greenery, finding it somewhat calming to be in the presence of something so beautiful. A small smile came upon her face as her eyes explored the limitless forest that encompassed them, letting the sounds soak in for a small moment before her gaze shifted back to Aya and her smile slowly disappearing as her mind went back to the subject at hand. Eek had to force herself to remain focused on the situation, needing information to better her chances at surviving in this strange and foreign place.
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