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Clan Metalbeard

The famine, the wretched famine had given them no quarter, no chance to come up with a solution to save the starving people that lay in the mines. Children, dead by the hundred, many more adults and the once opulent dwarven holding in the Glimmering Mountain lord in ruin. It was hard, the land was supposed to be a new start for them, a hope for their dying Clan, instead it was a new living hell as old habits in a new land plagued them, following them from their homeland. It seemed that life was eager to force a lesson upon their stout forms.

“Marum, tell me when will our food situation balance out?,” croaked the voice of the hungry miner-king, not having eaten in days.

“Soon m’lord. Ye’ should eat, we would understand that ye’ need t’ keep ya strength,” The dwarf, Marum stated, setting his metal staff against the wall as he brought a plate to the miner-king and set it on the arm of the stone throne, carved by the king himself. “We will soon be able to sustain ourselves, there is not many left to feed and even in this time of starvation, we might be able to save ourselves.”

“Aye, but, we’ve lost so much. I fear that we may be too weak to keep our claim on the Glimmering Mountain,” Blackhand sighed, as he took the plate and looked down upon it, some stale bread and cooked meat. A chuckle from Marum took his attention.

“M’lord, we have a life ‘ere, we won’t leave unless we absolutely need to,” the metal priest stated, as he retrieved his staff and walked over to the side of his king liege. “Regardless, what shall we do?”

“We pray, pray that the metal spirits show us mercy.”
@Lauder, here's the vid in case you wanna re-do the drawing I did, to make Tauga more menacing n stuff. I do recommend (help, how do you write reccomend???) drawing big (The Tauga sketch covered nearly the entire page for example). It makes it easier to do the details.

(You write it as recommend)

Pretty sure you meant, Keriss, as Tauaga is Termite's emotionless blob of a hain, but I did see and like the video. Hell, I even subscribed because I love watching other people draw.

Holy crap, that looks awesome!

And while Keriss does not use makeup, she looks a lot tamer than she actually is made out to be. You nailed her design! I rate 10/10!
Here we go!

Working on it fool!
K is just a really great guttural letter you can slap on anything to make it sound orky. Gork. Mork. Dakka. Mekboyz. Kommando. Kult of Speed!




You know it! Haha
These guys are hardcore. EXPLOSIVES EVERYWHERE

The Voreli Remnant

Type of Governement
Absolute Monarchy

Description of Governement:
Very straight forward, the Voreli Remnant is ruled by the Immortal Crusader Zoroul Verimi, who has the final say in any matter within his nation, whether the problem be small or much larger, though he does have some administrative staff to take care of some minor things.

Main race:
The Voreli are a very large race, standing at eight feet tall as well as being two times wider than the average human. They are the apex among the wilds of their planet, able to crush skulls in their grips and able to shrug off pistol fire with their tough hide. They might be physically stronger than humans but they are clumsy and reckless, though they are natural warriors adapted to warfare and survival. Their large girth is not for nothing, it is a nutrient and water reservoir, much like and eath camel, which can allow them to survive weeks without water or food.

Minority races:

80% Voreli
20% Human

Much like Imperium of Man, the Voreli worship the Immortal Crusader himself, albeit in secret with the human now controlling every aspect of life. To worship is to give of flesh and blood as tribute for the Immortal one allowing them to walk, to fight, and to die with honor. To not worship is to be dishonorable and to be cast out from all of society, these kinds are those who seem to aid the humans the most.

Culture(A paragraph or two):
In progress

History(what you did under the rule of the empire fo roughly 300 years):
In progress

Important characters(very important, your leader[s], your strategist, your spy master and any other important character IN DETAIL):
The Immortal Crusader – in progress

Description of Military
Ground Forces
  • The Cabal - The basic footman of the military is a force to be reckoned with even when outnumbered by, they are fanatical and armed with the standard rifle that fires explosive slugs at the enemy. No matter what, most EOM soldiers warn against direct engagements with these units at all costs, or else everyone is going to have a bad time.
  • The Nil – These are soldiers armed with an explosive-firing pistol a large metal shield of an alloy that not even the Imperium knows how to explain, this shield is able to deflect large caliber rounds and can really only be pierced by a dedicated anti-armor round designed against this shield. Seeing one of these on the field is a tough cookie to fight against without the proper armaments.
  • The Engineers – dedicated footmen who tend to the despairs and logistics of their brothers’ weapons and armor. While also armed with a cabal rifle, they also have explosives such as satchel charges and many grenades. The EOM highly advises keeping a minimum distance of 30 yards away, mainly so the soldier will have a chance to run away if they see a grenade being thrown at them.
  • The Caliphates – These are the biggest and the baddest of the Voreli foot troop, physically larger and wearing a flag standard on their back, they are easily distinguished as a squad’s leader or platoon leader depending on flag color. Armed with a sword the size of a man and a pistol, they would seem like easy picking if it weren’t for the armor they were wearing which would call for explosives or the same anti-armor weapon used against the Nil. All EOM troops are advised to not try and fight these behemoths, unless acting as a sacrificial lamb in the name of his squad mates and the Emperor.
  • Doom Tanks – Tanks, dedicated to about everything, able to slaughter anything within a 300 foot radius. Not only armed with a dual barrel cannon, with explosive ordnance of course, but has flame throwers and machine guns that allow it a 360-degree field of fire. All EOM soldiers are advised to run the hell away to the nearest tank squadron or to get within range of a starship immediately.
  • Everything else – The Voreli rarely rely on air or space superiority, but they have one singular ship still remaining, the Everything Else, the Immortal Crusader’s personal ship which can match another battlecruiser and its respective escort. While heavily damaged and unable to make repairs very easily, this ship is still potent enough to ram enemy ships into submission.

Technology(note that there are no energy shields, and that doomsday weapons are not a thing.):
In progress

Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):
In progress
The character is going to be centered around deception, illusion, or persuasion, I have an idea for each one and while their powers are (somewhat) similar, it’s all in the personality that each of them is extremely different.

God I want to die.

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