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The elemental, seeing that his first query was dead turned to the next dog and went on the offensive immediately as the Jester bellowed her smog. With one mighty hit (7 damage), Benjamin struck again with his watery fist meeting his target once more (11 damage). Yet, it seemed his time was up as his form dissipated into the surrounding water, a Kobold quickly swimming through the smoke with a determination to finish the fight in her eyes.

Askia stopped and let out a warcry, ”You both are facing fear incarnate!” With that, she let them view a world of pure horror, the two dogs saw their worst fears come to life as well as psychologically scar them (28 damage). She knew that their fear would not last long and she had to maintain its effect for that short time, ”Kill them before they snap out of it!”

I’ll likely get a post up somewhere on Saturday
This... I need this. I NEEEEED IIIIIT!

I have been needing something to leash my Skaven desires on (oh god do I Main them so). I might make some great horde that is probably incredibly stupid or incredibly hungry, their goal? Simple. They don’t know. They just want to do all the things and because they have so many rats, it’s hard to unify them into one goal.
Ehh whatever.

Anyways, it’s been a while since i did anything on my computer so I might as well show you thing I did last night for the small child.

<Snipped quote by Slime>

You have fallen the farthest Slime, let me help you help yourself. You need rehabilitation. Join the the Milk First Gang.

But it’s more like, why tho?

The cereal need some to go first anyways my dood. Accept the facts that you have never experienced true bliss.
This Orphan post may be a long one.

Oh geez.
Yes! Now to murder all of the eastern seaboard!
Would y’all mind if I joined this?
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