Avatar of Lauder


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Thank you guys for that awesome critique, I hope this meets the problems that y’all brought up!


Ideally, the game would include 10 krogan, but we don't live in an ideal world, do we?

That feel when you find an awesome ME RP

Would y’all happen to be accepting peeps around here still?
Still here and still eager
I’d like to say that I’m highly interested in this, gunning down nazis is one fun thing, but eldritch horrors as well? Now you are throwing a party!
<Snipped quote by Ascendant>

It's me.

It’s him.

That is some useful information, it’ll definitely help me rework some of my abilities. I would have my sheet out sooner but Christmas got me all wrapped up, pun intended, with drawing in my new sketchbook (of which I came up with the design for my character).

It’ll likely be out soon, not tomorrow, but soon.

I suppose it doesn’t matter anyways. It’s more for crowd control anyways.

It at this point where I have no clue why I didn’t just edit the original post.
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