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Clan Metalbeard

F) Improve resources/technology

The axe, it seemed like something that the very spirits themselves and it seemed whatever was here had called Ava to the mountain. While Grogrim wanted the axe for himself, it was clear that the spirits had chosen Ava to bear the axe, granted there may have been some right that he had to the old axe to prove his legitimacy or something, but that wasn’t the dwarf that he was. With a sigh he picked up the axe and flipped it in his hand, the handle facing Ava. She looked at him with a confused face before Grogrim let out a light-hearted laugh.

“I believe the spirits want to give this to you,” he spoke, Ava’s face shifting to surprise at the offer.

“M’lord… I-I can’t, that axe belongs t’ you royals,” she protested before Grogrim essentially thrust the handle into her hands, forcing her to take it. The other dwarves looked on in awe at the display, tears being brought to Ava’s face at Grogrim’s act of kindness. However, now was not the time for tears, for they all still had a task to complete.

“We will continue north once more, if we cannot find something soon then we will double back to the Glimmering Mountain,” Grogrim ordered, turning back to the group, “We will bury these dwarves though. Give them a proper burial before we depart.”

And with that the group had their orders.

Back home with the mines now reopened and bringing in a new influx of ores to supplement their new creation of proper forms for the spirit. The dwarves would need a refinery to well, refine the ores into a better material, something more comfortable and cleansed for the spirits to bless them with. It would be a task, but the dwarves would be able to easily construct this, afterall a refined spirit was more easily tempered than one simply taken from the ground. Both Black-hand and the Council were in agreement over the subject, a rare occurrence given both parties hated each other.

Black-hand would oversee the construction of the refinery and the council would work to make into more of a temple with grand luxurious design on the interior so that the spirits may be properly honored.

It seemed that the spirits were smiling upon the dwarves lately.

@Lauder... Just read Keriss' baby-killing episode. Fug.

Clan Mawnsta

Turn 0, The Hottgug Festival

It had been ages since the old Chief-Shaman had been a part of any festivities, not having been one to waste precious time on such fun and merriment. He sat in a hut which had been converted into what could be called a bar for the Hottgug, simply drinking as one would do in such an establishment. However his fun was disturbed by a pair of younguns who were flexing their muscles and inadvertently started a fight, Seereyes had seen this disturbance coming. It was only a matter of time before the entire bar would be fighting one another, as orcs do in this time.

While it was fun to fight, Gozgum was not in the mood to fight such inexperienced fools who were not very much into the mystical side of nature like he was. The Orc shifted in his stool a bit before reaching for his dark, twisted metal staff and knocking one of the young orcs over the head with it. The one who was hit stumbled and hit the ground, now unconscious. His challenger roared in protest, “That was my challenge, old fool!” It seemed this one was clearly too drunk to realize he was talking to a chieftain of a clan, not any chieftain either, one with magical ability.

With a sigh, he turned his hooded head towards the young orc with piercing milky white eyes and a long snow beard. He rose to his feet to meet the Orc who roared and attempted to throw a reckless punch, he sidestepped the punch and hit his challenger upside the head. It was a knockout.

Gozgum couldn’t help but laughing at the two orc’s attempts to outclass him. He raised his drink into the air and roared, “To Hottgug and to a merry time more!” The shaman was met with cheers from all around the bar, entertained by the short fight and the toast from the chieftain.

The shaman went on to finish his drink and went off to find the other chieftains, wanting to return to his homelands and plan.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

It's fine. Just send me your Clan application whenever possible.

My ledger is already up there Theo XD
I didn’t notice that the OOC was up until I woke up today XD
Everything had been wrong, that dream was wrong and yet denying that it was anything more than a childish nightmare seemed to stab her in the back like a dagger is the silent killer it is. Lucilia woke up sweating, gripping her blankets as she sat up with side eyes. Nothing seemed right anymore, the walls and floor had betrayed her so what was it that means this wasn’t a dream as well? Her hands immediately went to her locket and she gripped it tightly, but she dared not do anything else with it, not yet.

Then she heard Talis speak, wondering if those words were true or they were just meant to draw her out so that she could be ridiculed and taunted by that voice once more. With a few deep breaths she forced herself out of the bed and over to her suit of armor, picking up the chest piece to view the Wolfram emblem. Would those words be true? Would the house be slaughtered and forgotten? No, impossible, that much power would not simply be forgotten, yet those words count to her conscience as if it had been nailed there by a hammer.

However, another feeling arose within her, determination. Lucilia would not be forgotten and neither would the Von Wolfram house for she would make sure of that to her dying breath. This Wolf Pack would not be last, and their fangs were not dulled, she would be sure to show that.

Quickly, Lucilia out of the armor before sitting down and brushing her raven hair. While it was not as in depth as she would have liked, it would have to do since she would have to take orders from someone who was not her father for once. Upon finishing, she arose and walked to the door, gripping the handle but unable to turn. What if the nightmare would begin anew, remembering that touchering her own father was the most unpleasant thing in her dream. While she feared his harsh touch, and vein the direct cause of her fear, never did it feel like that.

With a deep inhale and exhale, she tightened her grip around the handle and opened the door, awaiting the world to turn into blackness. It did not, that was a good thing. A sigh of relief would be heard by any nearby as she began to walk downstairs, having her rapier close to her certainly made her feel better. Her eyes came across Talis and a dwarf, she could only assume it was the one called Barris for she already met Falk and Raux, and Aria did not seem like a male name.

”Good morning,” were her only words at the time, instead holding to be silent and take a seat as they awaited the others, her face still holding a cold, arrogant glare.
Everything seemed strange and disgusting, from the streets to the very people that dared to walk them in her presence. At least many of the residents knew to stop and gaze in awe at the woman as she passed, she of the most noble of births. It was Lucilia Von Wolfram who captured the attention of the crowd, clad in her finely made iron armor, her family’s name being the primary factor for stopping to gaze upon her. Some associates that the family had dealt with in the past, probably by a cousin or one of her siblings to the opportunity to bow.

A lustful smile came to her face as she thought of all the ways she rally the crowd under her, many of them being peasantry meant a cheap source of a ragtag army, or simply those who would aid you should you need to be aided. However, Lucilia was not here to win the affections of the people at the moment, no, it was actual business that need to be tended to, at least that is what the request stated. Granted, had she not wanted to seek out a moniker of game she would not have come along for as a Von Wolfram, time wasted is a grave offense for all time must be used, whether it be for plans or carrying out those plans.

In here thought, Lucilia managed to find the inn, she gripped the door and thought what best way to make a grand interest so that she may hold the attention of the patrons. Mere presence alone would suffice, she was not there to impress anyone, only business and nothing more, nothing more than business. Thus when she opened the door, it was in all her humility and subtleness that she proclaim to the patrons, ”Bow for you are in the presence of a Von Wolfram!”

Real subtle.

While her voice did nothing more than silence the happy attitude the bar beheld, and force others to look upon the Wolf in awe. Some of the lower class did her request and bowed, though foreigners mostly didn’t unless they knew what the family was truly capable of, and at least the bartender some staff bowed as they should. Plus it started a chain reaction, of those who didn’t know her or the family to simply bow. Lucilia signaled for them to rise, before she walked to a corner booth and stared down the individuals inside of it her glare making them pick up their drinks and belongs and scatter away like the rats they were.

Seating herself, she gazed around the room, the happy attitude coming back back still weary of the unpredictable Wolfram that sat within, ready to lash out should she need. However, things were better when she ordered herself a bottle of the finest wine that the inn had instack at the moment and for the time being she would be sipping on that while making calculations in her head, simply waiting for someone or something to do anything of her attention. While thinking, she had remembered that she wanted to see Viceroy Bayim Cadby sometime while she was here, getting a Viceroy to be loyal to her would be a beard stunt to pull but she would likely be able to manage.

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