Heinrich Von Wolfram
Character Summary
Heinrich Von Wolfram
The Red-Eye Spawn, Traitor (by family)
Red Eyes, Freak
Continent of Origin:
Mage - Adjuration Magic
Physical Attributes
151 lbs
Appearance Description:
Heinrich, always a tall boy, is abnormally pale, with longer, dark hair for a man of his age. However, the irises of his eyes are a remarkable scarlet red, with the veins around his eyes popping through the skin, making him seem as if he were possessed by some vastly entity. He is thin, but what there is on his bone is muscle as his family made sure to keep the children in adequate condition. His skin is smooth though, as if the child has never seen or worked a hard day in his life, with this skin comes the handsome face of his. A jawline well defines, and apart from his eyes, he is a good looking fellow.
Day To Day Attire:
Much like the other Von Wolfram’s, Heinrich wears more elaborate clothing, though more dark and macabre than his family would like. His most valued outfit is that of a black suit with golden-lined rims and under that is a pristine white undershirt which is almost as soft as silk but not quite. Furthermore, even the boy’s traveling shoes are clean and tend to reflect light, even though they come up halfway up his calves.
- Incredibly Gifted Mental Apptitude
- Talented Strategist
- String Magical Connection
- Arrogance
- Gullible
- Sickly
Psychological Attributes
Arrogant * Curious * Quick Tempered * Knowledgeable
Relationship Status:
Heinrich, being a Von Wolfram, is seemingly naturally predisposed to being a stuck up, arrogant brat who craves nothing but power in the world. However, unlike most of his other family, Heinrich does not share the same drive and passion of rising up through the ranks of Astoria. Instead, he craves power on a literal level, wanting to grow his own natural power and control over the lands so that he may not be challenged by rivals or those who might seek to do his family harm. To that extent he is the carbon copy Wolfram, one with oddities and quirks, one riddled with paranoia and guilt.
Due to his outcasting from the family though, Heinrich has grown to be more docile, and is able to keep his inner self from showing. Instead, he puts on a face of wonder and curiosity, which now has become a genuine part of him thanks to his curse. Additionally, Heinrich legitimately cares about the lives of others and how his actions may affect them in the present and the future, always thinks of how things may turn out in that fabulous mind of his. That is where his innocence lie, naked and unknowing of his cold the world may truly be.
Oh, how he wishes Lucilia were there to protect him.
- Finger Tapping
- Hair Fiddling
- Writing
- Fencing
- Chess
- Arachnophobia
- Classtrphobia
- Isolophobia
- Wolves
- Magic
- Writing
- Nobility
- Exploring
- Magical Objects
- Family
- Being Alone
- His curse
- Fighting
- Being useless
- Wasting Time
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision.
- Fencing: From a young age, Heinrich was taught how to fence and thus is able to fence rather proficiently, giving him an added edge with his rapier.
- Quick Casting: Heinrich has learned how to quickly cast spells effectively, making him both a formidable magician and a very dangerous one as he can cast spells that require a large casting time in almost half that time.
- Mindful Cipher: This young lad is able to crack many different ciphers, so long as it is in a language he can understand or be able to find a pattern in. One such accomplishments was that of the cracking of the Red Cipher by the Red-Eyed Witch of old.
- Accounting: Heinrich had, for a time, trained to be an accountant for the Von Wolframs, and with his bright mind, Heinrich is very good at keeping track of funds. This skill can also translate to investigations of finding out where money has gone.
- Team Work: Able to work very well with others, Heinrich is flexible and able to coordinate, as well as communicate, with those that are a part of his team. While no leader, he is certainly able to make sure everything runs smoothly.
- Negotiations: Being a Wolfram, Heinrich was prepared to make deals with those who would prove useful to him or to make deals that would help advance his ambitions. Sometimes talking is better than fighting.
- Blood Arrow: This spell creates a small missile that fires itself towards a designated enemy within 60 feet, requiring only a small, token amount of the user's blood. While the attack can pierce through clothing and leather strips easily, true armor can easily repel this attack unless it hits in between armor pieces. Can be cast in an instant.
- Blood Armor: This spell, only requiring a moderate amount of blood, can create armor equal to that of chain mail armor around the user for a duration of up to five minutes or until it is completely destroyed, through either magic or physical trauma. Any duration past that requires additional amounts of blood, making it a hard spell to maintain.
- Animal Friendship: Requiring a morsel of food, allows the user to charm an animal for up to 24 hours or until the creature is attacked. Smarter animals are a bit more resistant to the spell.
- Black Blood Missile: A spell created by the Red-Eyed Witch, is a powerful incantation that takes up to a minute to properly cast, requiring a larger amount of blood as well as an object larger than apple. The object becomes covered in blackened blood and launches itself at a target within 120 feet where it will explode in a cascade of acidic blood, damaging those in within 10 feet of the target.
- Blood Rejuvenation: Allows user to mend their own wounds by using the blood of another, whether it be given willingly or not, those blood must be able to be accessed through a wound. This spell takes about a minute to invoke and the target must be within 20 feet.
- Soul Tear: Temporarily pushes target’s soul out of the target’s Body, effectively stunning him for a few seconds. This spell requires a piece of hair from the target and the target must be attacked in melee by the user. It can be cast in an instant and held for up to a minute, but the magic is lost if another spell is cast or the caster loses concentration on maintaining the spell.
- Speak with the dead: A necromancy spell requiring something that the specific dead person has owned in a past life. This spell takes an hour to cast and allows one to speak with the spirit of the deceased for a period of up to 30 minutes.
Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
- Coins and Coin Purse: Being a part of an affluent family has its perks, Heinrich has a coin purse with the family insignia and 200 gold peices.
- Handkerchief:Every fine gentleman must carry one of these. It’s logic.
Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
- Rapier: A finely made rapier with the Wolfram insignia on the hilt.
Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
- Leather Padding: Underneath his fine clothing, Heinrich wears a padding of leather which can blunt some attacks.
Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling
- Writing Material: Paper and ink are very important, whether to keep track of things or to simply write for personal entertainment.
- Spare Clothing: Fancy spare clothing, as every noble should have.
Magical Items:
- The Book of Red: This book is a magical book in that it is said to contain a fraction of a spirit of the Red-Eyed Witch. Opening the book bestows a curse upon the user, where the user will gain knowledge of some of the spells inside of it, but part of the users soul is replaced by the witch’s. It is theorize that it opened long enough, the soul of the user would be converted into that if the Red-Eyed Witch herself.
”A life of damnation is a good trade if you can become more powerful that life,” - Cecilia Von Wolfram
When Heinrich was small, he was always the smallest and therefore could barely keep up with his siblings throughout the daily routine of being more fit than the peasantry outside their home. He was constantly sickly and therefore was normally confined to his room, leading to him becoming the bookworm of the family, despite wanting to live up the expectations set by his father, Lion Von Wolfram. However, he felt as if he never could, no matter how much knowledge he had obtained from his years and years of reading. Of course, Lion passed Heinrich off as a child which could do little to advance his own standing in the realm and was useless to the family as a whole. Despite this, Heinrich continued his efforts to become one of the most astute minds in the lands, just to earn some fragmentation of pride from his father.
The only one of his siblings that he could depend on was Lucilia, who constantly comforted and encouraged him through childhood and early teens. In fact, while Lucilia was colder and far more ruthless than their father, Heinrich respected her the most and would be very fine sitting by her side. However, while he was studying the family history, he happened upon the collection of notes and records about a certain Cecilia Von Wolfram, a family member that had disgraced the Wolfram family line, though the reason why was omitted from the records. While he knew that most of the family would not agree with him pursuing the matter, Lucilia would aid him by providing much needed insight and resources as the heir to the house. This was a poor choice on Lucilia’s part as will be revealed later.
Heinrich, armed with a band of mercenaries and a pack of trained wolves, set onto the world to find more records of Cecilia Von Wolfram. His travel would take him to the heartland of Ostguard where a coven of witches had been spotted, traveling with a symbol that oddly resembled that of a Wolfram insignia, though tattered and painted red. Their band traveled east of Hidenburg where they were set upon by the coven and their followers, though clearly they stood no match for the mercenaries and wolves. After a brief but fierce battle, the witches retreated and against the advice of the mercenary captain chose to pursue the witches all the way north to Frostwood. It was the dead of winter, and through snow and blizzard, skirmishing with these witches and interrogating those who survived.
It was not until the band reached the lair of the witches where the tides changed, first the wolves, or rather what remained of them, seemed to become more docile and refused to run after the witches. In fact they were more like puppies than savage animals meant for war. That left the band only with a few battle-ready men ready to storm the lair. Heinrich had entered behind the mercenaries, before the magical ability of the witches ripped them apart. They stood nearly no chance, only able to beat them after Heinrich picked up a tome, the Book of Red. Upon picking up the book, Heinrich received magical knowledge of a vast quantity, introducing him to world of power he never imagined. With this power and the few spells he got, he smote the witches and collected the knowledge that he could before he retreated with the few survivors of the mercenaries.
With their task completed, the group returned to the manor. Though now, Heinrich was deformed by the curse of the book, his eyes stained red and skin paler than ghost. Though now he knew why Cecilia Von Wolfram had been exiled and disgraced the family, being a witch and turning her back on the gods. With his deformation, and blatant disgrace to the family, Lion took it upon himself to banish his son without giving him a moment of rest as he tried to explain his actions. Unfortunately, Lucilia was not here to defend him, she had departed to Ardent’s Fall a month prior to his returned. With that, Heinrich ran off, disgraced and unknowing of what to do.
That was where his study and travels took him to the Order of Vigilance in Vicelles. He believed that there was more studying to be done in order to prove the innocence of two, both Cecilia and himself. For the things he had found on Cecilia, the Red-Eyed Witch, were only things that pointed to her being wrongly accused of acts that she did not do and he believes a conspiracy within the family have wronged him and her alike.
Character Quote:”Innocence is a fickle thing, for you are always accused of things that you have not done. However, Innocence is some sign of good in life.”
Anything Else:
Theme - Playing With the Big Boys Now