Avatar of Lauder


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*low guttural lizardfolk laughing in mockery*
Don't most Tortles die like a year after they mate? This is an important question.
I still need to come up a backstory and overall personality for my character, though I have a rough outline of how she is
All the better to taste the meat of fallen (or still living) enemies.
Lizardfolk are the sexiest of races.
Forgive the double post for I did not see the post that I ninja’d

I am playing as a female. Though, it’s still hard to tell with lizardfolk when you are not a lizardfolk.
I will agree that Chaotic Evil is probably one of the worst alignments from what I am seeing how this group is turning out, even though it would make for some interesting character interesting that would possibly devolve into PvP. The PvP chances are enough for me to dislike the alignment as a whole, though I am not one to deny another what they want to play.
@Cao the Exiled

Are you doubting the ability of a front line warlock?! What sane and competent man signed you up for this adventure?!

I'm based is EST in the US, and knowing y'all are Europeans make me want to post memes on how the US is the greatest nation in the world.
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