Sorry for the Double-post!
Got the CS done, already knew what I wanted apparently!

Name: Alrozan
Titles/Alias The Harbinger of Death, Destruction Incarnate. Bloodthirster
Age: 648
Gender: Male
Height: 10’4”
Weight: 412 lbs
Build: Heavily Muscular
First and foremost on his monstrous appearance would perhaps be his facial features, which would namely be the lack of them except for the massive mouth along a rounded skull, as well as two upwards pointing horns that protrude from the side of his head. His chest is covered by a heavily armored carapace that also flows down to his tail, which ends in a sharp point much like a blade. Alrozan’s arms are exceptionally large, not only in muscle, but go past his knees and end in claws.
Alrozan is a character who revels in the destruction of his enemies and the ceaseless plunder of any riches that would be hidden behind the walls of a castle. He is one who will crush a man’s skull without reason other than he uttered a singular word when he was not supposed to. However, despite his outwardly hostile disposition, he can be surprisingly tame and professional when in the comforts of his own home. That makes his rage something that he controls, and in the presence of his equals and his lord, he will gladly put on a jovial appearance and make merry. This fact means that respect is something that he holds for those capable of earning it, namely the other lords or ladies of the realm, as well as great warriors and heroes.
He is one who follows the code of being a good host and an excellent guest, despite being a being born and forged in the depths of war. That said, he cares not for strategy and is not one to employ anything other than a ruthless charge and brutal carnage when it would otherwise be for the best. Alrozan is one known to never leave a city unrazed when he is unleashed and everything between him and his target is but fare spoils of war.
Combat and Pillaging
Alrozan is, perhaps, one of the fiercest warriors in the realm and that is his focus, to charge forward with nothing but brutality in hand and a desire to kill. However, what make him a successful warrior is through sheer strength and unending ability to carry out a fight. While he is no commander nor a tactician of any form, he is an excellent choice when something needs to be utterly destroyed, like a rebellion or a fortress that would otherwise never fall. No fortress has stood against for long, and any fortress that has met his ire has had its bricks laid upon the ground as dust and ash.
He will rip and tear until it is done.
Dominating Trait/Sin: Destruction
Alrozan’s time before Morelion’s employment is one, of course, one paved in an endless cycle of war and destruction and his reputation had been founded as the Harbinger of Death before Morelion. Perhaps one of his first known achievement would be the time in which he had gone on a spree of conquest against the mortal kind of dwarf, man, and elves. Him and his legion laid waste to many towns and fortresses alike, however, in the Battle of Fisuc’s Pass, his legion was routed against the walls of the dwarven fortress there when a combined force, lead by the dwarven king, Nodgrun Fisuc, pierced through the rear of his army and slaughtered enough to cause a total collapse in the already disorganized ranks. Alrozan would have stayed and died if not for the behest of his generals.
It was a humiliating defeat and perhaps the only fortress to ever stand against Alrozan as he retreated back to the home of the devils in the Dragon’s Teeth. Yet, that shattered retreat had cost him all of his ill-gotten gains and almost shook his status as a Lord of his realm. There had been much deliberation between him and his kinsmen on whether or not to bend the knee to relinquish the throne. However, his own general, the same who begged him to retreat, rallied Alrozan’s court against him before they forced him out. It was a long and bloody battle where Alrozan was forced to flee his home and status as a Lord over his peers.
That led him to the employment of Morelion, to whom he pledged his loyalty for the time, though it was clear his intent was to retake his rightful place. It is said that Alrozan sees the Devil-Lord as little more than a means to take back what was lost, including the ill-gotten gains that he had lost many years ago. However, it is clear that he wishes to serve Morelion as well as he can, and he has proven to destroy those who would wish those to do ill to his lord. Alrozan’s reputation is in the hands of Morelion, and Alrozan knows to keep his master happy for the time being.
Got the CS done, already knew what I wanted apparently!

The Harbinger of Death, Destruction Incarnate
Name: Alrozan
Titles/Alias The Harbinger of Death, Destruction Incarnate. Bloodthirster
Age: 648
Gender: Male
Height: 10’4”
Weight: 412 lbs
Build: Heavily Muscular
First and foremost on his monstrous appearance would perhaps be his facial features, which would namely be the lack of them except for the massive mouth along a rounded skull, as well as two upwards pointing horns that protrude from the side of his head. His chest is covered by a heavily armored carapace that also flows down to his tail, which ends in a sharp point much like a blade. Alrozan’s arms are exceptionally large, not only in muscle, but go past his knees and end in claws.
Alrozan is a character who revels in the destruction of his enemies and the ceaseless plunder of any riches that would be hidden behind the walls of a castle. He is one who will crush a man’s skull without reason other than he uttered a singular word when he was not supposed to. However, despite his outwardly hostile disposition, he can be surprisingly tame and professional when in the comforts of his own home. That makes his rage something that he controls, and in the presence of his equals and his lord, he will gladly put on a jovial appearance and make merry. This fact means that respect is something that he holds for those capable of earning it, namely the other lords or ladies of the realm, as well as great warriors and heroes.
He is one who follows the code of being a good host and an excellent guest, despite being a being born and forged in the depths of war. That said, he cares not for strategy and is not one to employ anything other than a ruthless charge and brutal carnage when it would otherwise be for the best. Alrozan is one known to never leave a city unrazed when he is unleashed and everything between him and his target is but fare spoils of war.
Combat and Pillaging
Alrozan is, perhaps, one of the fiercest warriors in the realm and that is his focus, to charge forward with nothing but brutality in hand and a desire to kill. However, what make him a successful warrior is through sheer strength and unending ability to carry out a fight. While he is no commander nor a tactician of any form, he is an excellent choice when something needs to be utterly destroyed, like a rebellion or a fortress that would otherwise never fall. No fortress has stood against for long, and any fortress that has met his ire has had its bricks laid upon the ground as dust and ash.
He will rip and tear until it is done.
Dominating Trait/Sin: Destruction
Alrozan’s time before Morelion’s employment is one, of course, one paved in an endless cycle of war and destruction and his reputation had been founded as the Harbinger of Death before Morelion. Perhaps one of his first known achievement would be the time in which he had gone on a spree of conquest against the mortal kind of dwarf, man, and elves. Him and his legion laid waste to many towns and fortresses alike, however, in the Battle of Fisuc’s Pass, his legion was routed against the walls of the dwarven fortress there when a combined force, lead by the dwarven king, Nodgrun Fisuc, pierced through the rear of his army and slaughtered enough to cause a total collapse in the already disorganized ranks. Alrozan would have stayed and died if not for the behest of his generals.
It was a humiliating defeat and perhaps the only fortress to ever stand against Alrozan as he retreated back to the home of the devils in the Dragon’s Teeth. Yet, that shattered retreat had cost him all of his ill-gotten gains and almost shook his status as a Lord of his realm. There had been much deliberation between him and his kinsmen on whether or not to bend the knee to relinquish the throne. However, his own general, the same who begged him to retreat, rallied Alrozan’s court against him before they forced him out. It was a long and bloody battle where Alrozan was forced to flee his home and status as a Lord over his peers.
That led him to the employment of Morelion, to whom he pledged his loyalty for the time, though it was clear his intent was to retake his rightful place. It is said that Alrozan sees the Devil-Lord as little more than a means to take back what was lost, including the ill-gotten gains that he had lost many years ago. However, it is clear that he wishes to serve Morelion as well as he can, and he has proven to destroy those who would wish those to do ill to his lord. Alrozan’s reputation is in the hands of Morelion, and Alrozan knows to keep his master happy for the time being.