Finished up with my totally-not-a-hanar-specter!

"I like being away from all the action. It allows me to think it's all a game."
Hann’Ceedda is not an incredibly tall individual standing at just about 5’5” and there is little more she has to despise about herself, other than the standard quarian immune system. Her environmental suit has a predominately light gray coloration patterned with a slightly darker variation of gray and a white which resembles a digital camouflage. The main body of her suit is black with a dark grey elongated hexagonal patterned going all the way down and around the proper body suit. However, her environmental suit has a distinguishable change in that the light on the filter of her mask is not on, never has been and never will be, better for hiding that way.
Through her mask can be seen two glowing eyes and while her facial features are as hidden as any other quarians, Hann’Ceedda’s face can be described as a fairly beautiful young woman. Her lips may not be as full as another woman but her face is heart-shaped and her eyes are a bit narrower than most. Hann’Ceedda has soft cheekbones and there is no blemish or imperfection that can be caused by fights due to the simple fact that it has not felt anything outside of her helmet. The hair under her helmet can be described as a blackened and short cut, barely going past her chin and her bangs neatly kept away from her eyes as to not obstruct anything she might be viewing.
Moving onto her body, it is lithe and combined with her short stature makes her a fairly decent choice for getting into smaller places and hiding. Hann’Ceedda is toned from years of exercise and her thin body mostly comprises of muscle as she takes great care of her form.
Hann’Ceedda was born in the year 2155 CE aboard the ship known simply as the Jalazi, a small transport ship that was actually outside of the Migrant Fleet. Her parents were exiles from the Migrant Fleet as her mother, Mehi’Wiss Vas Rica, was found to be a traitor after a tragic mistake when she nearly compromised her ship’s defense systems by introducing a VI to optimize those defense systems instead had a glitch that nearly broadcasted the system and its weaknesses across space, but it was caught in time when one of the ship's council members managed to isolate the VI when Mehi’Wiss notified him. This, however, did not go over well with the other council members.
Upon her exile, Hann’Ceedda’s father, Roto’Ceedda Vas Rica, took the exile to stay with the one he had loved. The couple was gifted a small ship, the Jalazi, and rations to live out their lives in the galaxy. When Hann’Ceedda was born Mehi’Wiss contracted an illness and shortly died a few weeks after, leaving Roto’Ceedda to be a single father. This meant that Hann’Ceedda grew up with very limited interactions with members of her own species outside of her father. However, the two made the most of their lives and from a young age, Roto’Ceedda instilled the same niche traits of programming that her mother had. Though Roto was never able to truly compare to Mehi’Wiss’s abilities, he managed to spark Hann’Ceedda’s interest.
The two continued to live as nomads, though they had become traders of some degree as they had to learn the basics of the Alliance’s economy rather quickly in order to make a living. This was their life up until 2164 CE when Roto took up living as an engineer for a krogan mercenary group, fixing their weapons and armor in exchange for a small portion of their money whenever they accepted a job. Life for Hann was hard in this krogan group, though Roto attempted to limit the interaction between his daughter and the group as a whole. If there was one thing that she had learned from them, it was to not show weakness, especially in front of a krogan.
This was Roto and Hann’s life for roughly five years until Hann was caught being taught how to shoot weapons at the age of fourteen. Though the krogans had begun to teach Hann when she was eleven behind Roto’s back whenever he got busy with work. The event caused a rather large rift between Roto and the Krogans, and it left a bad taste in Hann’s mouth, though she never stopped learning how to properly use weapons even despite her father’s orders. Eventually, it all boiled over in a one-sided fistfight between Roto and one of the mercenaries that was going over the basic practice of sniper usage with Hann.
While no one died, Roto did take Hann and abandon the Krogan. In defeat, Roto took Hann to the Flotilla in a bid to keep Hann away from harm. It was a day of sadness as while the Migrant Fleet accepted Hann into their ranks, they refused Hann still given he had become an exile with Mehi. Hann has yet to hear from her father since that day, though she does attempt to contact him through a myriad of ways that have failed. Additionally, life with her own species proved difficult to acclimate to as she had become used to the harsh, aggressive nature of the krogans. Though among her kind, Hann was able to learn what her mother had been able to do and she followed in those footsteps, practicing her abilities and honing them so that she may understand code and files, as well as her mother, had.
When Hann had turned seventeen, only being with the migrant fleet for almost two years, she opted to start on her Pilgrimage so that she may be considered an adult by her people. However, when she left the fleet, she immediately put all the skills she had learned to re-establish a connection with an old krogan friend, Wakmor. Hann used him to attempt to find out where her father’s trail had gone, though Wakmor proved little help.
For over a year, Hann attempted to find the trail of her father, traveling to any system that she remembered from her youth and offering services in retrieving data to make enough credits to continue traveling and surviving.
In 2173 CE, Hann found a clue of her father’s whereabouts which pointed her to Omega, the hive of scum and villainy itself. Knowing that it may be a suicide run for her, she turned to a group that she had known for a long time, the Damned Ashes, the krogan mercenary group. Hann contacted them under a false name, merely known as Splinter, as to not stir up any past aggression they may have still bared towards her father. With all the money she had accumulated and any services she could have offered them, Hann had managed to get her old friends to aid her aboard Omega.
When they had reached Omega, the group immediately ran into resistance from the local gangs though Hann did her best to mediate any conflict to avoid turning a misunderstanding into an all-out gang war. It took a few days, but Hann did manage to get into contact with someone who had come into contact with Roto and as it turned out, he was still in Omega. The downside was that he was being held by a gang who had a brilliant idea to try and ransom him back to the Migrant Fleet, whom they had failed to come into contact with.
Having no money, Hann knew she would never be able to afford whatever ridiculous prices the gang attempted to ask from the Flotilla. However, she did have a group of Krogan that were eager for a fight. Hann led the Krogan against the gang, initiating a fierce battle at the gang’s headquarters in the Gozu district. Eventually, Hann and the krogans managed to breach the headquarters, moving through tight quarters and slaughtering those who opposed them. It was in this attack that Hann found that she did not enjoy the act of killing, but she knew that she had to if she wanted to see her father again.
Hann did manage to come across her father, but the state she found him in was one that made Hann cry more than she ever had before. Roto was chained, malnourished, sick, and atrophied to the point where he was hardly recognizable without his suit. It was the last time Hann would share any words with her father, being told that she should live to find life wherever she wanted so long as she does not have to struggle. That was the life that Roto wanted for Hann, and after those words, Hann took it upon herself to put her father out of his misery, that being his final request and knowing that he would not survive no matter how much Hann tried to help him.
After that event, Hann paid off her debt to the Damned Ashed for three years as a data broker and as an assassin. She was twenty-one when she had finally gotten rid of her debt, her hands being riddled in blood and death by the time she was able to call herself free. It was in this freedom that she considered returning to the Migrant Fleet to fulfill her pilgrimage, but knowing that she would not belong, abstained from the idea.
Hann would go onto to reclaim the Jalazi, living as her people had and becoming a nomad for two more years as she processed all the things she had done and continued to grieve for her father. It was a time for her to clear her mind and decide on what she wanted to do with her life now that she could do whatever she wanted. Eventually, she grew tired of the nomadic life and began to look back into her old work as a mercenary, though she did not plan to return to the predominantly Krogan group. There were too many memories for her to have to face that she would rather not.
After some looking around and selling the Jalazi for some cushion money, she found work with the crew of the Achilles, offering her services as a sniper and hacker. It is merely time that will tell whether she will drift away as she did from the other groups.
"Keelah, how many passwords does a security system need?!"
Hann’Ceedda, first and foremost, is someone who can bring a lot of electronics expertise to the metaphorical table, being about to find the inner workings of a VI and pull the strings of one given enough time and effort. In a pinch, she can maintain some calm and focus on hacking so long as she is not the one being directly shot at. That said, she is proficient in the art of getting into security systems, she can pull vital information, and doing just about anything she can with her Omni-Tool.
Outside of the realm of hacking, Hann’Ceedda knows her way around a ship, not an expert on everything, but she knows how to repair systems if they are in dire need of them and get any system to be functional. She is a decent repairman, doing what she can to make sure nothing is absurdly broken or inoperable. However, being no expert, she cannot make any modifications, or calibrations, to systems without further outside help.
Additionally, Hann’Ceedda is a woman who knows her way around a sniper, having been taught from a relatively young age makes her highly trained in the weapon. She is known to be on mark most of the time, though being under fire and other stressful factors have been known to hamper her accuracy. Despite this, Hann is able to fire at exceptionally long ranges, leading shots, and other factors from a vantage point with ease while she is focused on her target. This skill, to a lesser extent, goes to her pistols as well, though it's more of a flare as a sort of quick-draw more than any true skill, at least she can still shoot it.
Quarian Envirosuit
Rosenkov M-97 Viper
Elanus Risk Control M-3 Predator
Sirta Foundation Chameleon Tools Omni-Tool
The Shuttle Bay
After finding and executing her father, there was little drive that Hann had for going on and she had fallen into a depression while she worked from the Krogan. When she had reunited with the Jalazi one last time, Hann decided to live by her father’s words and find a life to live without any struggle. The life she dreams of is a life where she can finally retire to a planet and do absolutely nothing for the rest for her life; no space travel, no data running, no mercenary work. For that, she needs enough money to support being able to do absolutely nothing for a good long while so that she could have a life to ignore anyone who would have bothered her and be free of the intergalactic struggles that kept her in the mercenary life.
After that, she doesn’t know what she would. Probably, nothing.

Hann'Ceedda nar Jalazi
⟁ 24 ⟁ Female ⟁ Quarian ⟁Infiltrator
⟁ 24 ⟁ Female ⟁ Quarian ⟁Infiltrator
"I like being away from all the action. It allows me to think it's all a game."
Hann’Ceedda is not an incredibly tall individual standing at just about 5’5” and there is little more she has to despise about herself, other than the standard quarian immune system. Her environmental suit has a predominately light gray coloration patterned with a slightly darker variation of gray and a white which resembles a digital camouflage. The main body of her suit is black with a dark grey elongated hexagonal patterned going all the way down and around the proper body suit. However, her environmental suit has a distinguishable change in that the light on the filter of her mask is not on, never has been and never will be, better for hiding that way.
Through her mask can be seen two glowing eyes and while her facial features are as hidden as any other quarians, Hann’Ceedda’s face can be described as a fairly beautiful young woman. Her lips may not be as full as another woman but her face is heart-shaped and her eyes are a bit narrower than most. Hann’Ceedda has soft cheekbones and there is no blemish or imperfection that can be caused by fights due to the simple fact that it has not felt anything outside of her helmet. The hair under her helmet can be described as a blackened and short cut, barely going past her chin and her bangs neatly kept away from her eyes as to not obstruct anything she might be viewing.
Moving onto her body, it is lithe and combined with her short stature makes her a fairly decent choice for getting into smaller places and hiding. Hann’Ceedda is toned from years of exercise and her thin body mostly comprises of muscle as she takes great care of her form.
Hann’Ceedda was born in the year 2155 CE aboard the ship known simply as the Jalazi, a small transport ship that was actually outside of the Migrant Fleet. Her parents were exiles from the Migrant Fleet as her mother, Mehi’Wiss Vas Rica, was found to be a traitor after a tragic mistake when she nearly compromised her ship’s defense systems by introducing a VI to optimize those defense systems instead had a glitch that nearly broadcasted the system and its weaknesses across space, but it was caught in time when one of the ship's council members managed to isolate the VI when Mehi’Wiss notified him. This, however, did not go over well with the other council members.
Upon her exile, Hann’Ceedda’s father, Roto’Ceedda Vas Rica, took the exile to stay with the one he had loved. The couple was gifted a small ship, the Jalazi, and rations to live out their lives in the galaxy. When Hann’Ceedda was born Mehi’Wiss contracted an illness and shortly died a few weeks after, leaving Roto’Ceedda to be a single father. This meant that Hann’Ceedda grew up with very limited interactions with members of her own species outside of her father. However, the two made the most of their lives and from a young age, Roto’Ceedda instilled the same niche traits of programming that her mother had. Though Roto was never able to truly compare to Mehi’Wiss’s abilities, he managed to spark Hann’Ceedda’s interest.
The two continued to live as nomads, though they had become traders of some degree as they had to learn the basics of the Alliance’s economy rather quickly in order to make a living. This was their life up until 2164 CE when Roto took up living as an engineer for a krogan mercenary group, fixing their weapons and armor in exchange for a small portion of their money whenever they accepted a job. Life for Hann was hard in this krogan group, though Roto attempted to limit the interaction between his daughter and the group as a whole. If there was one thing that she had learned from them, it was to not show weakness, especially in front of a krogan.
This was Roto and Hann’s life for roughly five years until Hann was caught being taught how to shoot weapons at the age of fourteen. Though the krogans had begun to teach Hann when she was eleven behind Roto’s back whenever he got busy with work. The event caused a rather large rift between Roto and the Krogans, and it left a bad taste in Hann’s mouth, though she never stopped learning how to properly use weapons even despite her father’s orders. Eventually, it all boiled over in a one-sided fistfight between Roto and one of the mercenaries that was going over the basic practice of sniper usage with Hann.
While no one died, Roto did take Hann and abandon the Krogan. In defeat, Roto took Hann to the Flotilla in a bid to keep Hann away from harm. It was a day of sadness as while the Migrant Fleet accepted Hann into their ranks, they refused Hann still given he had become an exile with Mehi. Hann has yet to hear from her father since that day, though she does attempt to contact him through a myriad of ways that have failed. Additionally, life with her own species proved difficult to acclimate to as she had become used to the harsh, aggressive nature of the krogans. Though among her kind, Hann was able to learn what her mother had been able to do and she followed in those footsteps, practicing her abilities and honing them so that she may understand code and files, as well as her mother, had.
When Hann had turned seventeen, only being with the migrant fleet for almost two years, she opted to start on her Pilgrimage so that she may be considered an adult by her people. However, when she left the fleet, she immediately put all the skills she had learned to re-establish a connection with an old krogan friend, Wakmor. Hann used him to attempt to find out where her father’s trail had gone, though Wakmor proved little help.
For over a year, Hann attempted to find the trail of her father, traveling to any system that she remembered from her youth and offering services in retrieving data to make enough credits to continue traveling and surviving.
In 2173 CE, Hann found a clue of her father’s whereabouts which pointed her to Omega, the hive of scum and villainy itself. Knowing that it may be a suicide run for her, she turned to a group that she had known for a long time, the Damned Ashes, the krogan mercenary group. Hann contacted them under a false name, merely known as Splinter, as to not stir up any past aggression they may have still bared towards her father. With all the money she had accumulated and any services she could have offered them, Hann had managed to get her old friends to aid her aboard Omega.
When they had reached Omega, the group immediately ran into resistance from the local gangs though Hann did her best to mediate any conflict to avoid turning a misunderstanding into an all-out gang war. It took a few days, but Hann did manage to get into contact with someone who had come into contact with Roto and as it turned out, he was still in Omega. The downside was that he was being held by a gang who had a brilliant idea to try and ransom him back to the Migrant Fleet, whom they had failed to come into contact with.
Having no money, Hann knew she would never be able to afford whatever ridiculous prices the gang attempted to ask from the Flotilla. However, she did have a group of Krogan that were eager for a fight. Hann led the Krogan against the gang, initiating a fierce battle at the gang’s headquarters in the Gozu district. Eventually, Hann and the krogans managed to breach the headquarters, moving through tight quarters and slaughtering those who opposed them. It was in this attack that Hann found that she did not enjoy the act of killing, but she knew that she had to if she wanted to see her father again.
Hann did manage to come across her father, but the state she found him in was one that made Hann cry more than she ever had before. Roto was chained, malnourished, sick, and atrophied to the point where he was hardly recognizable without his suit. It was the last time Hann would share any words with her father, being told that she should live to find life wherever she wanted so long as she does not have to struggle. That was the life that Roto wanted for Hann, and after those words, Hann took it upon herself to put her father out of his misery, that being his final request and knowing that he would not survive no matter how much Hann tried to help him.
After that event, Hann paid off her debt to the Damned Ashed for three years as a data broker and as an assassin. She was twenty-one when she had finally gotten rid of her debt, her hands being riddled in blood and death by the time she was able to call herself free. It was in this freedom that she considered returning to the Migrant Fleet to fulfill her pilgrimage, but knowing that she would not belong, abstained from the idea.
Hann would go onto to reclaim the Jalazi, living as her people had and becoming a nomad for two more years as she processed all the things she had done and continued to grieve for her father. It was a time for her to clear her mind and decide on what she wanted to do with her life now that she could do whatever she wanted. Eventually, she grew tired of the nomadic life and began to look back into her old work as a mercenary, though she did not plan to return to the predominantly Krogan group. There were too many memories for her to have to face that she would rather not.
After some looking around and selling the Jalazi for some cushion money, she found work with the crew of the Achilles, offering her services as a sniper and hacker. It is merely time that will tell whether she will drift away as she did from the other groups.
"Keelah, how many passwords does a security system need?!"
Hann’Ceedda, first and foremost, is someone who can bring a lot of electronics expertise to the metaphorical table, being about to find the inner workings of a VI and pull the strings of one given enough time and effort. In a pinch, she can maintain some calm and focus on hacking so long as she is not the one being directly shot at. That said, she is proficient in the art of getting into security systems, she can pull vital information, and doing just about anything she can with her Omni-Tool.
Outside of the realm of hacking, Hann’Ceedda knows her way around a ship, not an expert on everything, but she knows how to repair systems if they are in dire need of them and get any system to be functional. She is a decent repairman, doing what she can to make sure nothing is absurdly broken or inoperable. However, being no expert, she cannot make any modifications, or calibrations, to systems without further outside help.
Additionally, Hann’Ceedda is a woman who knows her way around a sniper, having been taught from a relatively young age makes her highly trained in the weapon. She is known to be on mark most of the time, though being under fire and other stressful factors have been known to hamper her accuracy. Despite this, Hann is able to fire at exceptionally long ranges, leading shots, and other factors from a vantage point with ease while she is focused on her target. This skill, to a lesser extent, goes to her pistols as well, though it's more of a flare as a sort of quick-draw more than any true skill, at least she can still shoot it.
Quarian Envirosuit
Hann’s Envirosuit is practically a second skin for her, as it is for all Quarians, while it is not armored like the marines of the Migrant Fleet, it does protect her from most environmental threats. The suit also comes with a VI which monitors her health and well being, but also designed to give her a heads-up display on enemies and can zoom in along with her sniper.
Rosenkov M-97 Viper
The M-97 Viper, developed by Rosenkov Materials, is perhaps one of the more odd choice for a sniper given the lower damage per shot. However, this lower damage is offset by its effectiveness against armored targets, it is also one of the only snipers that is also effective against shields and biotic barriers. The weapon is also semi-automatic, allowing for a quicker follow-up shot rather than needing to be reloaded after a single shot like the M-92 Viper. As an addition to the weapon, the scope can display to Hann’s visor so that she may not have to constantly put the scope up to her visor in an awkward fashion.
Elanus Risk Control M-3 Predator
A relatively inexpensive pistol, the M-3 Predator is a rapid-fire weapon that is rather ineffective against shields and biotic barriers. Yet, it proves to be a reliable side-arm when in a pinch and Hann does not seek to use it too often. So long as she shoots first.
Sirta Foundation Chameleon Tools Omni-Tool
The Chameleon Tool was purchased by Hann shortly before joining the Achilles, perhaps out of a thematic choice than a practical one. Though, the Omni-Tool is still capable of allowing Hann to do what she does best, giving her a way to get into things that others would rather not.
- Decryption
- Sabotage
- Tactical Cloak
- Assassination
- Positive
- Focused
- Passionate
- Precise
Negative - Detached
- Quarrelsome
- Dishonest
Old Music
Hann has developed a habit to clean virtually anything, namely her guns or quarters, but this has been known to extend to hallways and other areas. When she gets into cleaning, there is very little that will stop her save for being called for a mission or having some other pressing matters that require her immediate attention. She developed this habit, not simply from being a Quarian, but because it provides her a means to focus on something other than her past, mainly her father and her people. For her, an escape is a means to hide from the things she does not want to face, even if that would mean lining up a bunch of sticks in an order of size.
Old Music
Hann is a fan of the classics and she loves to listen to them, while this would mainly be human music from the late 1900s and early 2000s, it does extend to other cultures as well. She has a strange fixation to that old human music to the point where she will listen to it while even on missions. When she is posted up in a vantage point, Hann will likely have some old music like “Southern NIghts” or, perhaps one of her favorite songs, “Mr. Blue Sky”. This has been developed through her time of surfing the Extranet, and she uses it as a means to desensitize herself from killing others. The music allows her to treat it more as a game than a true problem of morality.
The Shuttle Bay
Hann gravitated towards the shuttle bay, having an area that she tends to keep thoroughly sanitized and organized beyond what someone would actively call normal. In this little bubble, she tends to shoo people off with their contaminants and if they wish to talk to her they can wait outside of a specific line. At least she had the courtesy of putting some basic chairs in a substantially smaller area which is so aptly named the ‘Waiting Area”.
The original space was where tool storage was, but that had since been moved to accommodate herself. Now the three-walled area has been converted to resemble a small, confined bedroom with a sleeping bag placed on the floor and an organized assortment of cleaning supplies, books, and pictures of her father and mother. Additionally, there is a music player from which she will be streaming music on a never-ending basis, rather than constantly playing it within her helmet.
The original space was where tool storage was, but that had since been moved to accommodate herself. Now the three-walled area has been converted to resemble a small, confined bedroom with a sleeping bag placed on the floor and an organized assortment of cleaning supplies, books, and pictures of her father and mother. Additionally, there is a music player from which she will be streaming music on a never-ending basis, rather than constantly playing it within her helmet.
After finding and executing her father, there was little drive that Hann had for going on and she had fallen into a depression while she worked from the Krogan. When she had reunited with the Jalazi one last time, Hann decided to live by her father’s words and find a life to live without any struggle. The life she dreams of is a life where she can finally retire to a planet and do absolutely nothing for the rest for her life; no space travel, no data running, no mercenary work. For that, she needs enough money to support being able to do absolutely nothing for a good long while so that she could have a life to ignore anyone who would have bothered her and be free of the intergalactic struggles that kept her in the mercenary life.
After that, she doesn’t know what she would. Probably, nothing.