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The Fundamentals of Makashii

It was a data book that provided a very in-depth analysis of the second form of lightsaber combat, having many tips and many instructions on the art of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. For many aspiring Jedi Knights, it would have proved to be an interesting read and extraordinarily helpful for furthering the understanding of the extended uses of the Jedi’s sacred weapon. However, it provoked no such interest from the padawan known as San Anin, who sat cross-legged in her chair in front of the computer screen. The Kel Dor merely had no true passion for studying the art of battle, even though Battlemaster Kyla had ordered her to study the form.

Instead, San Anin found herself in a rather pleasant meditation, connecting her mind with the force and for a moment becoming one with it. Yet, as strong of a connection she had, maintaining it was one of ever-growing difficulty as the thoughts of disappointing her master grew into her worried mind. With a sigh, San Anin opened her eyes, looking through her goggles at the computer screen for a moment. Had she not gone into meditation, she would have been done with the databook by then, however, it was just something exceptionally boring to her. Her eyes read the lines, but her mind did not absorb the knowledge that would be needed if the cold war between the Republic and the Empire ended. War was something far from her mind and far from any form of interest that may have been carried with her, only because she refused to focus on it. It was war and hostility that had already taken something from her and she wished to avoid thinking such thoughts.

San Anin leaned forward, attempting to concentrate on the databook as her master had instructed her to. There was a brief moment of where she truly focused on the databook before it was quickly interrupted as to what force techniques she felt like brushing up on and perfecting. It was the force that clouds her mind from concentrating, or rather her interest in the mysterious power that flowed through all life. Her eyes were soon closed again as she entered meditation once more, allowing her mind to focus upon it and grasp it with all of its mental capabilities.

However, a great disturbance thrust her out of the meditation and her eyes snapped open in response to the strange feeling. San Anin cautiously got to her feet and began to walk towards a viewing area, very carefully stepping forwards to look into the air. She saw a fighter, smoking and descending at a rapid pace towards Tython. A moment of worry struck her mind, wondering what, or who may have been in that ship to cause her to feel a disturbance in the force. It was not often that she felt a noticeable change in the force and her mind raced between curiosity and worry at such a change before the strange sensation crawled up her spine to envelop her fully.

In a matter of instinct, San Anin rushed out of the study hall and towards the entrance of the temple to try and get a better view of what was going on. By the time she had reached the entrance, the ship had already disappeared from her view but it had already disappeared behind the mountains. She did not know what to do nor how to react as others caught the notice of what was going on around her, spurring other worry and confusion from the others. How was she supposed to react to all of this? Was it Sith? Was it an assassin to claim another master from her? More worry flooded into her mind as she began to think of the worst, causing her to search herself on what to do in the situation, but then the studying she did of what to do came to her.

San Anin inhaled deeply, exhaling as she cleared her mind and focused on the disturbance and what to do. Soon, her mind settled on an answer.

She would wait.

There was a moment of pure terror when Tokuda saw the great ball of fire and rock coming towards him, causing his body to tense up to where he could no longer move a singular muscle. He closed his eyes and looked away from his impending destruction only to feel the bulk of the meteor strike against his shield and for a moment he believed that he was dead. This was not the case, even though he felt the hulking bit of rock and fire slam into him, he did not move a singular inch. A feeling of astonishment came over him as the fire spread around him and he was generally left unfazed by the attack.

Tokuda looked back at the girls, seeing them figure out that nothing could truly affect the clones, though that was hardly something he was focusing on. He looked forward, staring down the slow walking one and formulating a plan to get closer to the real one in order to properly attack. With one step he launched himself forward, his legs going against his desire to run away as he charged towards the mysterious figure, holding his shield towards him.

He had heard them say how they needed to focus on the real one, Tokuda figured that purely focusing on the real one would do some good for them. The shield, he figured, was going to be good enough for protection, but he hoped that the others would try to follow him forwards to end this fight quickly enough so that none of them would die to an overwhelming amount of ghostly clones. Tokuda knew there was little he would do in terms of damage to this figure, but if he could distract the mysterious one enough, then perhaps that would be enough to stop any more meteors from being hurled at them.
And post up!

Aurix could see through Esvelle, all the rage that was being hidden behind a front that many humans did to seem more appealing to their allies. Such a thing she could understand as she has developed her laugh to put her allies at ease when in stressful situations, though how much it actually helps is to be debated. However, Aurix was not the smartest being, and so knowing why other beings felt the need to hide such feelings was beyond her, especially for being a creature that had a different mindset than most others. Her eyes narrowed upon Esvelle all the same, she could see through many things all the same, including the facade that the noble put up.

“You do not like your brother,” Aurix said, her voice holding nothing but an emotionless observation as she leaned forward. “You need him,” she continued, her eyes running around the form of Esvelle as if she was absorbing the hidden rage before continuing, “He is needed for your own survival.”

Aurix’s eyes then seemed to focus as Esvelle’s chest as if she were staring straight into the soul of the human in a rather absent-minded fashion. The lizardfolk cocked her head to the side before she blinked and looked to her allies, realizing that she had not been paying much attention to the words that they had been saying. She leaned back in her chair as her mind began to focus on the table as a whole rather than just studying Esvelle and the clear anger that she held for her brother. Her massive frame shifted to get more comfortable in the seat before looking to Jhimas and Ardour.

“And there is fear. Maybe of what happens if we do not return with him?”

Aurix understood these emotions, recognizing what Esvelle had been feeling despite being unfamiliar with them herself.
Wasn’t able to get a post up tonight, but I am completely free tomorrow!
Hopefully I’ll be able to find more things to refine within the CS, flesh out Hann’s personality a bit more.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a post out tonight!

Went through the background and fleshed out Hann as a person a bit! I hope it's a good edit and shows how Hann had become detached from her own emotions.

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