“There are many constants throughout life, but your focus will be of truth and change.”
The elf, looked upon her bow with but a mild show of satisfaction, a light smile coming across her face as she took a step towards her secondary weapon. Tracan knelt down and put the bow around her, making sure that the string went across her chest before tucking her dagger into her belt. It felt good to be reunited with her weapons again, allowing her satisfaction to cancel the negative emotions from but a few moments before. She knew it was irrational to have had that outburst, Sanaar knew such a thing and would have disapproved, in fact he could hear his voice snapping at her for such a mistake.
Perhaps it was best to imagine it, after all, Tracan knew that she had to live by his teachings rather than his direct guidance now that he was gone. Her hair fell over her shoulders for a brief moment as she hung her head, only for it to be gently pushed behind her sharp ears. She then looked back up before stepping back to her place, listening Marthan relay his quest to them in how they had to kill these “creatures of the wood”. Her eyes narrowed once more, wanting to spit more venom at the man before she tempered herself by thinking of Sanaar’s words and teaching.
Her rocked back ever slightly as she released a breath, her mind clearing before she spoke, “These creatures have reclaimed what rightfully belonged in nature, I don’t believe that killing them would be the best option. Yet, I will do it only if not to only rid myself of this imprisonment.” Her words, while perhaps unneeded, did present the potential option of getting the creatures of the land by nonviolent means. After all, not all creatures deserved death, especially when it could be avoided, that was what Sanaar believed and she knew that her patron god would have approved. With a sigh, she looked to her feet and began to think of how to best deal with the situation that had been presented to her.