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“There are many constants throughout life, but your focus will be of truth and change.”

The elf, looked upon her bow with but a mild show of satisfaction, a light smile coming across her face as she took a step towards her secondary weapon. Tracan knelt down and put the bow around her, making sure that the string went across her chest before tucking her dagger into her belt. It felt good to be reunited with her weapons again, allowing her satisfaction to cancel the negative emotions from but a few moments before. She knew it was irrational to have had that outburst, Sanaar knew such a thing and would have disapproved, in fact he could hear his voice snapping at her for such a mistake.

Perhaps it was best to imagine it, after all, Tracan knew that she had to live by his teachings rather than his direct guidance now that he was gone. Her hair fell over her shoulders for a brief moment as she hung her head, only for it to be gently pushed behind her sharp ears. She then looked back up before stepping back to her place, listening Marthan relay his quest to them in how they had to kill these “creatures of the wood”. Her eyes narrowed once more, wanting to spit more venom at the man before she tempered herself by thinking of Sanaar’s words and teaching.

Her rocked back ever slightly as she released a breath, her mind clearing before she spoke, “These creatures have reclaimed what rightfully belonged in nature, I don’t believe that killing them would be the best option. Yet, I will do it only if not to only rid myself of this imprisonment.” Her words, while perhaps unneeded, did present the potential option of getting the creatures of the land by nonviolent means. After all, not all creatures deserved death, especially when it could be avoided, that was what Sanaar believed and she knew that her patron god would have approved. With a sigh, she looked to her feet and began to think of how to best deal with the situation that had been presented to her.
“There are many constants throughout life, but your focus will be of truth and change.”

Tracan had exchanged little words on the ride, merely answering questions of her name and nothing more as she felt anything else would have been unneeded since it was irrelevant information. Though, when they had reached the temple, she merely looked at it with a blank expression since this temple was for that of man and not to her god. The words of the priest lingered in her mind, how they had been vindicated within the eyes of a god but not within the eyes of man. Why should she care about what the eyes of man, destroyers of nature, thought of her? The thoughts caused her to frown as she reluctantly crossed the threshold after the older human, opting to keep her head down as they walked. She knew she had to attempt to keep her mouth shut in such a place as it was not her place to speak there.

The elf heard the words of Marthan, and they only proved to annoy her more as they offered her time to pray and offer to their god. It was enough to make sure that she could not hold her tongue, and her words lashed out with a light coldness, “Not all of us care to worship your god, human. While I understand your offer was of good faith, I guarantee that not all of us are willing to accept the god of someone who made us into practical slaves.”

Her words were harsh, and ill-advised in the eyes of Sanaar, she knew that. However, Tracan was not one known to hold her tongue on matters, especially if she felt as if beliefs of another were being forced upon her unwillingly. It was something that no amount of meditation or calming thoughts could help her with and even the ancient knowledge of Sanaar would have understood that. However, it was something that Marthan would likely not, and Tracan mentally prepared herself to be barrated for her words. It was all she could do when she spoke so irrationally and with such disdain as she did.
“There are many constants throughout life, but your focus will be of truth and change.”

Tracan stepped from her cell, having been silent from the others yet still knowing her service, her long black hair maintaining its straight form as she looked up. She had done nothing wrong, and she had explained her case truthfully, but it seems from what she had overheard, that she would be under someone's charge. Only used to being either alone or under Sanaar, she could not say what it would be like serving under someone. After all, her only basis of such a charge would be long ago when she was but a mere child under her parents, times she preferred not to think about. However, she hoped that it would not be anything like the emotionless killing that had been expected of her before.

Following the others, her eyes finally viewed the people with whom she would be traveling with, as well as assigning voices to forms. Tracan’s eyes flickered over the giant woman then to the two humans and finally to the form of what she would assume to be a half-breed of some form, guessing that most orcs would have been killed on sight. They were a very motley band it would seem, following them out into the bright light of day to which she had to close her eyes until they could readjust to the light that she had been deprived from. However, her moment of slight blindness would be met with a backpack being dropped to her feet, her backpack.

The elf squatted down to investigate it, making sure that everything was where it should be and that nothing of value had been taken. Though nothing was taken, she was most relieved to find that her cloak was unsullied by the touch of the rogue militia. A smile came to her face as she swung the bronze cloak over the leather armor that clung to her form, finally being reunited with a memory of Sanaar before she heard the voice of the Gorosk.

Her response came quickly, and without emotion, “But you don’t have any weapons on you.” The meaning of the monk’s words had gone over her head.
Hello! I’ve been having a fairly large DnD itch and this has definitely peaked my interest! Would you mind if I submitted a potential character?
The West Underwood Trading Company

The boy would find a long, curved blade adorned with the finest marks and the most exquisite of polishes that could be found upon any weapon throughout the land. He knew this weapon well, for he had heard stories from the famed heroes of the past wielding a blade much like this, not just because this scimitar was so grand in design, but that it could split down the splinter to become two. This boy knew of why the armies of his people were feared in melee, knowing these blades could fell many who were overconfident and they could fell many more who were ignorant. These blades, these grim weapons of his people, would have served his father and even his father's father in battle countless times.

The boy looked to his father before asking, "Do you think that you would have to use these?"
"Undoubtedly, Alni. This land is untamed and there are many who would rather see our kind dead, Oracle knows," the father replied to his son, before motioning for a servant to bring refreshments to them. Watching the boy pick up the scimitar and marvel at it, bringing a light smile to the face of the older elf. "Alni, when I pass, those blades will be yours," the father said.
"R-really?" the younger inquired, having his answer confirmed with a simple nod.

The father got up from his seat, glass in hand as he walked past his son to look out of his new dwelling, watching the normal bustle of a new settlement. He took a breath of air before he took a swig of his drink, knowing that even he would have to work on a day as fine as this, knowing that he would have to act as overseer over the construction of a harbor. After all, it was best to not disappoint the Lord-Trader as that would likely mean losing his own head, and despite what many may think of his stubbornness, even he knows where to draw a line. He had already seen the plans, the outlines of a simple dock to allow some boats to deliver cargo from ships from the mainland or to even allow some to fish should they be assigned to do so.

They would have to look some of the refined wood from their stocks that they had brought from the homeland, bringing forth the issue of needing to get a reliable means of refined timber. Though, this land was very much rich in timber, a raw resource that could likely be exported back to the mainland should this expedition not have much to offer in terms of luxury. The land was rich from what they have seen, however, so hopes were high that they would be able to grow quickly and form a powerful foothold in the name of the company and her majesty, the Queen.

"Alni, have you finished your reading? the father asked absentmindedly.
There was the sound of silence.
"Finish your studies and then you may look at the blades," he said, hearing the shuffle of disappointed feet along the ground.

There was a moment of silent contemplation from the man, sipping away at his drink before setting the cup gingerly on the table next to him. There was much that would need to be done before Deepcrest would be labelled as a successful settlement, and even more would need to be done for these people to thrive in this foreign land. The father looked to a servant before giving a single order,

"Pen a letter to her opulence, the Lord-Trader about these details of the docks..."

The West Underwood Trading Company

The landing site was dead ahead as the three small ships, made with wood stained dark and their shadows imposing as small rowboats were lowered into the shallower waters and sent with them those who would start the first colony in the name of the West Underwood Trading Company. The dark elves moved quickly, however, even when they breached the waves, none moved except for one, shrouded in a dark cloak with her white hair pushed to one side. This was Lord-Trader Haelee Hune, the lady who had been charged with founding not only a new trade post, but establishing a stepping stone for more conquest in the name of the Underwood. Such a task brought a smile upon her face as her metal boots hit the wet sand.

Another dark elf brought her a flag bearing the blackened crow, to which Haelee had taken within a greedy smile. Others offloaded the rowboats, once emptied, the small craft were pushed back into the waters and made way back to the ships. Haelee, looked into the the treeline ahead of them before she stabbed the banner into the sand in front of them, the land now belonged to the Underwood and as such belonged to dark, all-seeing eyes of the Oracle. There was a moment of silence amongst the preliminary landing party as the Lord-Trader turned to them, reaching her hand forward and a male dressed in servant’s clothes walked forwards and handed her the handle of her blade, pushing it out ever so slightly.

Taking the blade from the scabbard, Haelee pointed the fine sword towards the treeline, still facing the landing party. ”We have claimed this land in the name of the company, Underwood, and in the name of the Oracle! A land still uncharted, rich with potential plunder from the land and potentially with slaves to be sold back to the mainland! Our venture her today will dictate the future of our employ and as such, I alone shall lead this charge with you, my assembly! In the name of the Oracle, the Empress, and the Magistrate we shall make this land into the crown jewel of the overseas!”

Her small motivational speech earned her a rousing round of applause, stroking the alrighty mighty ego of the Lord-Trader even further. She stepped towards the treeline as the next landing party began to disembark, the laborers and other necessary craftsmen they would need to survive. There would be little time to merely gaze into the unknown.

”Set up camp, tomorrow, we shall begin our conquest of this new land,” she ordered before looking back to the flag. Lord-Trader Haelee Hune would do all that she could in order to increase the profit of the company and show that this venture would not be in vain, though only the Oracle would know the future for them.

The West Underwood Trading Company

Represented Color: Slate Gray

Race: Elven

Breed: Dark Elf

Capital: Deepcrest

Ruler: Lord-Trader Haelee Hune

Type of Government: The governmental structure of the West Underwood Trading Company within any overseas territory is overseen by a Lord-Trader, often a matriarchal role, who then establishes a smaller assembly to govern the local people. However, the Lord-Trader must adhere to all Company laws and charters bestowed unto them by the Underwood Monarchy, failure to do so results in immediate termination of employment.

Religion: The religion with the Underwood is a mixed bag, as slaves were brought to the capital were often of other religions and forcing another unto them is to spell endless unrest for the nation. The Dark Elf majority however, praised the Pantheon of the Oracle, a religion revolving around the all knowing Oracle, who knows all events past and future. Any other god within the pantheon is a variation of a god native to the slave population with the Underwood. As such, the West Underwood Trading Company adopts such ideals as well.

Geographical Location:


The story of the West Underwood Trading Company is very simply to be put as less of a colonial venture rather than the economic force within the Drow nation known as Underwood. Founded nearly fifty years ago by the Magistrate Xullda Helvisek, the West Underwood Trading Company had gotten ahead of most trading companies within the Underwood by the pure chance of being back by ruling family of Underwood. Such prestige backing the company made the stock within the company skyrocket and when those who could buy them did so, riches often came as the money that had been used for the stock, rather than being used for any corrupt or undesirable action, would always further the company.

Within a span of ten years, the company had constructed over twelve different trading posts and had bought out two other trading companies. However, the prime rival of the company had invested heavily into exploration before successfully expanding to another, foreign land. This was a worry to Magistrate Xullda as that would allow further expansion while the West Underwood Trading Company would be significantly more limited, however, with a royal treasury backing them, they were swiftly able to put together an exploration fleet to try and sail farther than the other company.

In the end, after a voyage lasting eleven months at sea, the new land has been founded and christened as Xulldaland… only temporarily before Magistrate Xullda shot down the name, believing it to be far too narcissistic. However, with the new land within sight, Xullda did put together what she could, often being caught within the metaphorical red tape of royals. Many nobles scrambled for the opportunity to rule over a new trading post in a new colonial land, however, it was the Magistrate’s own daughter who had been chosen to settle the first town and the first trading port.

Deepcrest was ahead of them, and they knew profit was to be had and slaves were to be taken.
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