Rachad Bodlelm
Species - Human
Gender - Male
Age - 26
Occupation - Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations - Sector Ranger
Apparel - Being a member of the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations, Rachad does own the uniform, however, wearing it in the lower districts of Coruscant is an idea that would likely get him shot in the back. As such, Rachad has decided to employ the look of one of the standard citizenry of the districts below the first; a standard green jacket, a white shirt, and brown pants with matching belt.
-SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster
-C1 Personal Comlink
-SC-401 Stun Cuffs
Brief Overview
-Investigations Training
-Blaster Pistols and Rifle Training
-Negotiation Training
-CQC Training
Detailed Overview
Rachad as a, Sector Ranger for Criminal Investigations, operates under the training of such but he is best known for his capabilities with investigating with a keen eye and astute observation of details. Furthermore, he is known for apt negotiations with suspects for a quick surrender, or to get out of trouble, rather than resorting to the brazen tactics of gunning down anyone who opposes you. However, he is trained to deal with a firefight, going back to the days of the standard police training and being a Sector Ranger requires a reliance of the blaster in order to defend oneself.
-Morally Correct
Rachad is a good natured man at heart, while not overly trusting or anything, knows that in order to succeed one needs to be able to have decent morals. It is with this in mind that anyone worth their weight of deception, is able to convince him to look the other way and oftentimes Rachad cannot bring himself to actually kill someone.
-Blood Fear
While not actually afraid of blood itself, it is instead that the sight of it makes him wozy and perhaps far more nauseated than a hardened individual. He tries his best to hide this aspect, but it tends to get the better of him.
-Technologically Inept
Yes, he is able to pilot a ship, no he does not know what the diagnostics of the ship means or how to operate complex computers. It is a curse and he acknowledges it. He is also a slow typer.
Personality -
Rachad, as stated previously, is someone with the morals of looking the other way if he understands why someone has turned to a life of crime, this makes him someone who is generally nice. He is not some officer of the law who is grizzled and immune to harshness of life because he has held onto his belief in that people do things for a reason and sometimes it gets to him. Rachad is open with his emotions, never seeming distant or closed off, and he is nothing if not honest with himself and to those who he can be honest with, namely co-workers. With this seemingly naive nature, Rachad does realize the truth that the galaxy’s underworld is harsh and cruel; it is just that he chooses to ignore it.
As such, Rachad constantly lives in fear of having to pull out his blaster and take a life that does not have to be taken. It is this fear that does reveal his biggest issue, in his reluctance to fight, he has grown perhaps too kind and trusting, often believing in the better nature of someone to solve an issue of morals other than money or the lust of power. It is this that could perhaps lead many to exploit him, and has led many to exploit him, only for his ignorance to the ways of the criminal underworld to get the better of him.
Goals - His personal goal is to bring order to an otherwise lawless part of Coruscant. However, his primary goal is to build a case about the corruption in the local law enforcement and use it to bring a reason for proper imperial intervention.
To say that Rachad was born into the life of law enforcement would have been an understatement, with his father serving as an underworld enforcer on Coruscant and his mother having been a staunch advocate against the crimes that ran rampant in the underbelly of the city-planet. When Rachad was born in 30 BBY, his family could already have envisioned him following in his father’s footsteps when the Republic was still disarmed and it made him a very happy child growing up. When the Clone Wars had broken out when he was but eight years old, Rachad thought of it as something far more distant than it really was, after all, the only things to truly worry about in the underbelly of the city were the gangs and syndicates that brought trouble with them. As such, he never really identified with the need to focus on it, even when his father would comment on it more and more rather than retelling his son of what he had done that day. To Rachad, this was a good life.
That was until Rachad’s father, Trierza Bodlelm, would have his identity as an underworld officer exposed and subsequently killed at home while having dinner with his family in 19 BBY. It was this day that Rachad’s appetite for death would forever be cut away from him, even though his resolve to become an officer of the law would only grow. His desire, would lead him into devoting his life to ending the crime of the underworld of his home and even as an eleven year old, his will grew. However, his mother would try to convince him otherwise out of fear that he would lose his life just as his father did but to no true avail.
When the Clone Wars ended and when the Republic transitioned into the First Galactic Empire, Rachad believed it to have been a just one as the democracy of the Republic had voted to make Palpatine into the Emperor, of course still being a child and not knowing of what was truly happening beyond the underbelly in which he lived. The rest of Rachad’s upbringing would be uneventful, his later teenage years would be rife with activity as he began proper training to be a detective and enforcer of the law under the Empire. He began to shadow the police of the city, only to be disappointed when he began to recognize when they would look the other way of those who would pay them.
While this would cause a career change, he would find himself trying to become a part of the Office of Criminal Investigations, looking to see what was required to become part of it. Through his diligence, he would succeed for when he had become an adult, Rachad would be introduced to the world of Criminal Investigations and he would first be assigned to work alongside the local enforcements of the upper levels of Coruscant. This first assignment, would show him what it would take to become an Investigator under the Empire, and he would use every part of his training he had gained through the basic training.
It was supposed to be a simple case of a local gang dealing in drugs, something far below the pay grade of a bounty hunter, Rachad and his mentor began to build their case and find proof that this was going on. However, they found that one of the buyers was dealing in an arms trade with the cartels in the Underworld and decided to go after that rather than drug dealers that already ran rampant in the lower levels of the planet. They dug and dug, leading them to a case against a corrupt law enforcer working in conjunction with a senator selling weapons to the local Hutt presence. While told to leave the matter to the Imperial Surveillance Bureau, the duo decided to at least bring in the corrupt officer. That escalated into a firefight with the law enforcement presence there, all having turned out to be corrupt and in on the plot. It was only by the grace of ISB that the two would live to see another day, but were reprimanded for not following orders.
Rachad would continue his work for years, being assigned cases dealing with the Underworld of Coruscant due to his knowledge of the area in which he had grown up. Despite the heroics of his first assignment being in the past, it would be due to his diligence that he would be promoted into a Sector Ranger rather than any single event. While he would go on to do cases in other systems, such as Metellos, he would primarily serve on Coruscant.
That was until Rachad’s father, Trierza Bodlelm, would have his identity as an underworld officer exposed and subsequently killed at home while having dinner with his family in 19 BBY. It was this day that Rachad’s appetite for death would forever be cut away from him, even though his resolve to become an officer of the law would only grow. His desire, would lead him into devoting his life to ending the crime of the underworld of his home and even as an eleven year old, his will grew. However, his mother would try to convince him otherwise out of fear that he would lose his life just as his father did but to no true avail.
When the Clone Wars ended and when the Republic transitioned into the First Galactic Empire, Rachad believed it to have been a just one as the democracy of the Republic had voted to make Palpatine into the Emperor, of course still being a child and not knowing of what was truly happening beyond the underbelly in which he lived. The rest of Rachad’s upbringing would be uneventful, his later teenage years would be rife with activity as he began proper training to be a detective and enforcer of the law under the Empire. He began to shadow the police of the city, only to be disappointed when he began to recognize when they would look the other way of those who would pay them.
While this would cause a career change, he would find himself trying to become a part of the Office of Criminal Investigations, looking to see what was required to become part of it. Through his diligence, he would succeed for when he had become an adult, Rachad would be introduced to the world of Criminal Investigations and he would first be assigned to work alongside the local enforcements of the upper levels of Coruscant. This first assignment, would show him what it would take to become an Investigator under the Empire, and he would use every part of his training he had gained through the basic training.
It was supposed to be a simple case of a local gang dealing in drugs, something far below the pay grade of a bounty hunter, Rachad and his mentor began to build their case and find proof that this was going on. However, they found that one of the buyers was dealing in an arms trade with the cartels in the Underworld and decided to go after that rather than drug dealers that already ran rampant in the lower levels of the planet. They dug and dug, leading them to a case against a corrupt law enforcer working in conjunction with a senator selling weapons to the local Hutt presence. While told to leave the matter to the Imperial Surveillance Bureau, the duo decided to at least bring in the corrupt officer. That escalated into a firefight with the law enforcement presence there, all having turned out to be corrupt and in on the plot. It was only by the grace of ISB that the two would live to see another day, but were reprimanded for not following orders.
Rachad would continue his work for years, being assigned cases dealing with the Underworld of Coruscant due to his knowledge of the area in which he had grown up. Despite the heroics of his first assignment being in the past, it would be due to his diligence that he would be promoted into a Sector Ranger rather than any single event. While he would go on to do cases in other systems, such as Metellos, he would primarily serve on Coruscant.