Ito Shirai
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Ito watched as the pirate berated the underling, Rico, with a certain level of disdain as Skrivver shoved the would-be pilot into the side of the ship. He knew that discipline had to be instilled every now and again but the manner about which it was instilled was always something to be watched, never too lenient nor too forceful. Skrivver, however, would dare to threaten his own underling with such a horrid punishment that it made Ito sick to his stomach. Such threats were beneath someone who was supposed to be a higher up, remembering that those under you needed to be not only worked with but also work without fear. Fear was the path of the coward, and it seemed that Skrivver was very much a coward who would resort to fear in order to keep his crew in line.
The most honorable of the people there snarled behind his mask before he would declare, in a stern voice, “Treating your underlings in such a manner is without honor!” He took a moment to make sure that Skrivver was paying attention to Ito before stepping forward, “Fear is the path of the coward! Anyone in a place a command should know such things,” the Viper hissed, eyes narrowing and metaphorical fangs bared as he stared down the pirate. His eyes focused purely on pirate, unmoving and unwavering as his arms crossed themselves over his chest as he took another step towards Skrivver, awaiting whatever response the pirate would dare throw his way.
3 for Command on Skivver