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It’s going to be fun writing for Razzak!

It was a mash! It was a monster mash!

(Interest is there if you couldn’t tell!)

The gods are ever restless.

Zeus leads his family to war in Greece, Ra orders his confidants to defend the realms of Egypt and the Nile, and in the north, a new pantheon of gods begins to rise to prominence. The ancestors worry that an inevitable clash is on the horizon and so those still living must steel themselves for the days to come. Yet, the heavens themselves are not quite the battlegrounds as one might imagine, as it is not the way of the gods to operate in such a direct manner. It is through heroes that the will of the gods is carried, that victory is won on the mortal realm rather than in the heavens or lands of the dead.

It is in these few individuals that the gods would place their trust so that their interests sway the way they would desire. These heroes, monsters, or otherwise, shall win on the fields of honor or do the quests that their gods would set them upon. Promises of victory, revenge, riches all follow the words of the gods, who are certain that their chosen few would undoubtedly win them the day. Yet, the gods may know not that their chosen may have their desires and wishes on how this conflict will turn out.

And so where is it that you side, mighty hero? What is it that you fight for and to what ends will you follow your god?


1. All forum rules apply to this RP, there are no exceptions to this.
2. This is a roleplay about heroes, not gods. As such, no God-Modding. Heroes are powerful and quick witted individuals, sure, but they are not perfect beings and as such can fall prey to the clutches of death and may, in fact, stay dead if they have no way of freeing themselves of such a status.
3. I am no stickler on timing for posts, real life happens and I can’t control that. However, I do ask that one tries to post within a reasonable time frame, but I understand if things come up. All I ask is that I am notified so that way no one is assumed that you are dropping from the roleplay.
4. This is an advanced roleplay. I expect posts that would fall under this category. Give me more than three, well-written paragraphs on a post and I will be fine. Also, remember the grammar check and all that jazz.

Character Sheet

The New Roman Republic

The Light of Rome clashed with the great waves of the oceans, defiant against the elements that would seek to drag the island under so that those Romans might now know peace in this new world. It’s beacon shown weakly on the shore, barely hidden in a small bay where the waves could not reach it so easily and where the settlers had built up their new city. It was within this Beacon of Rome that the Italian culture began to take root in the New World as the people had built up classical italian homes and that one might have seen while walking through the older streets of the ancient city that these colonizers had come from. This could not have been done without the help of the technology from the Gaia Corporation, able to fabricate what was needed for the city to properly begin to take root.

It was within this city that the two consuls, Taide and Ciro, looked out to that calm bay as the Romulus and Remus stayed anchored in the newly built docks. The two men were in a silent bliss as the moon kissed the earth, enjoying a night where they did not have to take turns truly managing the city from dawn to dawn. As it stood, the Beacon of Rome would be able to operate for some time on its own, allowing the farmers to claim their lands from the wilderness and sow their seeds. Perhaps, life would not be as bad as what many would have believed for the italian people took the day to make celebration as they had survived for half of a year and now, they had power.

“I hope to God that we won’t have to live without power for that long again,” Taide laughed, earning a snort from Ciro as the silence was disrupted.

Ciro gave the other consul a look, “You should be more worried that those lizards don’t become pests. You know the senate motions that we drive them from our lands, right?” He took a step forward, looking back out to the bay and loosing a sigh. “They’re smarter than the lizards I’m used to,” Ciro stated in a light annoyance, “And much bigger.”

“Yes, yes. I know your concern,” Taide started, “But you know that we cannot afford to go to war yet. Plus, we don’t even know if those things are even capable of speaking. Guns will scare them off plenty.”

“And what about when our guns don’t scare them anymore?” Ciro countered, not bothering to meet the gaze of his other consul, “Sure, the city is set up, but you know as well as I do that we don’t know what other people might be on this island. For all we know, we are just invaders to them and they could have allies.” Ciro finally turned to look at Taide, concern in his eyes as he brushed his hair back and closed his eyes to take a moment to breathe.

“We need to proceed with caution, Taide. Tomorrow, the Senate will meet and I’m going to be talking with the Legion to make sure they know not to just kill the lizards. That means that you need to convince the Senate that we can’t push our boundaries too far just yet,” Ciro ordered, meeting the glare from Taide as both consuls silently battled each other.

“No. The Senate is right, this is our land now. Those things will need to understand that this land is our land. With Rome itself gone, we will need the space for our people and our farms and whatever it is that we will need,” Taide countered, the joy on his face slowly going away as the two began to bicker. He watched as Ciro let out a groan and ran a hand over his face before offending Taide’s ears with a response.

“Okay, fine. But at least do me the favor to try and have the senate motion for a more diplomatic approach. I don’t want to go against them and have the populace at our throat if I try to steer clear of conflict,” Ciro sighed as he stepped away from the other consul.

“Very well, Ciro. You have my word that I’ll attempt to steer the council away from an aggressive war,” Taide said with an equal sigh, turning away from Ciro and storming off to allow the other man to bask in the light of the moon for the moment. The two had always been at odds on how to handle the native population of the island, the verminous kobolds that had since been of little issue to them. The senate had been on the heels of the consuls to deal with them, but only Ciro stood between Rome and the natives, much to the ire of the senate.

It did not help that the Legion would not act without both of the consuls approving of a military action against the kobold tribes, that they had since merely been scaring away from the lands claimed by the new republic. The senate had no authority to command them and the commander of the First Legion sided with Ciro in that the Republic should not overstep its boundaries and should focus more on developing the land it already had with the people that had just now been able to establish a sense of normalcy after so long. This act angered the Senate who continued to rail against Ciro, calling him and the commander of the First both cowards who did not care for Rome's interests. The Legion would always counter this by saying that the Senate acted as warmongers who would rather see their own interests furthered rather than the safety of Rome itself.

Such was the ways of politics.
Ito Shirai
Load(3/3): | Armor:
Stress:0/9 | Harms:

Ito, stepping out of the the ship, looked past Even to see the Hegemony presence on the station and noted it to be a bit lighter than what he was used to, given his past of fighting these types. His eyes scanned the hangar and he kept his weapons close, keeping himself lightly armed so that they would not immediately gain the ire of the station. The two weapons that he had brought were his vibrosword and his flamethrower, not being too heavy and still being able to somewhat come across as inconspicuous. Regardless, he moved behind Even, keeping his distance and looking more as a personal guard for the man as he worked whatever charisma that he had, though the Viper kept his mask on just so his eyes had the leeway to look around without anyone directly seeing where his eyes were. At least Ito knew that at this point, he would not have to act as any form of face.

Sure thing, I'll try to get a post out as quick as I can.
Citadel of Steel
Orbit of Ullanor Secundus

Usriel looked over his design once more, having forgone any basis from an STC to act as a base, the schematics for a weapon like no other that the Imperium itself had seen. This project had been an escape for him ever since the Ullanor portion of the crusade had been discussed, and with Ullanor Secundus firmly under the defensive control of the Steel Sentinels and the Knights of Awe, Usriel had desired to continue work on his pet project. Of course, this project he had been working on was entirely untested and with it being plasma-based, he knew that it would be temperamental to get working. Usriel continued to look it over, correcting anything that he figured would not work after his glance over it would reveal.

The sound of the bulkhead behind sliding open was the only sound to break him from his work, bringing his eyes to turn to see the source of this interruption. His eyes would fall upon the robed figure of Belloris, the Orator of the House within the Steel Sentinels. With a light sigh of annoyance, Usriel turned back to his work as he continued to make slight corrections and potential improvement to the untested design. However, the sound of shoes against the metal flooring of his workspace, and the rolling of a cart made it impossible for him to properly concentrate on his design. Usriel did his best to ignore her, but she drew nearer and nearer, the echoes of her footsteps becoming the only rhythm he could focus on, save for the light hum of the Battle Barge itself.

“My lord did not eat with the rest of his sons, as such I have taken the liberty of bringing your meal to you,” Belloris said, her voice lightly echoing in the otherwise empty workspace.

Usriel brought his hands to his side as his focus on his task had been broken, a light sigh of disapproval from the serf’s unwelcome interruption. His head turned and his eyes locked with the mortal’s own deep blue eyes, before he finally sat in his chair and looked over the meal that had been brought to him. It was a roast, his favorite, with a plethora of sides available to him. Yet, he saw smaller plates on the other side of the cart, the side that Belloris had been pushing.The primarch gave the serf a raised eyebrow.

“It would honor me greatly if I could dine with you, my lord. I merely wish to hold conversation with you about your time on Ullanor Secundus and the status of garrisoning the new fortresses,” Belloris explained, bowing her head slightly. She did not normally see Usriel without his armor and it was rarer to eat with him, though Usriel understood that she did not get much time to report to him directly.

A moment of silence stood between the two before Usriel gave his answer, with a nod of his head and a quick statement of, “Very well.”

Usriel allowed some servo skulls to bring his food to him, allowing them to hold the roast as if they were small flying tables, allowing Belloris to eat at the cart, despite having to stand as she ate. There was silence as the two ate, Usriel allowing himself to find some pleasure out of eating the roast, but that silence would soon be broken. The voice of Belloris reached him as she stated, “Currently, the officers and a few regiments from Vion 5 are in transit to Ullanor Secundus. Do you plan to have the officers work alongside the Steel Sentinels to train a new garrison for the fortresses?”

The Primarch looked down upon the mortal before delivering his answer, “Yes. Additionally, we will mark this planet as a planet to draw further Astartes from. As such, the standards of the Steel Sentinels must be upheld at these fortresses.”

“I would not have it any other way, my lord,” Belloris stated, giving a smile to the otherwise emotionless Primarch. Her eyes went over to his workbench, and while she could barely see onto it, she was curious as to what it was Usriel was working on. Her curiosity got to the better of her, “A new project, m’lord?”

Usriel cocked an eyebrow before looking at his workbench, his eyes going once more over the item in question before looking back at Belloris. He did not want to divulge the information around this project, but he knew that Belloris was too loyal to say anything to anyone else, knowing that he could speak his mind around her. With a reluctant sigh Usriel spoke, “It is the schematics for a new weapon, a personal weapon to replace the powerfist that I currently use.”

“And what kind of weapon is it, m’lord?” Belloris inquisitively asked.

“A weapon made of pure plasma. It is a weapon that would be rivaled by none other in melee as it would destroy most other weapons currently used in the Imperium or even seen by its enemies. Not to mention it would be able to negate many of the advantages of the Eldar’s standard ‘rifles’ as the ammunition would be turned to slag upon contact with the blade, though I would question how often that would work to my advantage,” Usriel espoused, relinquishing the plans for the weapon as the grips of his own curiosity took over his mind. He could see Belloris listening intently and even showing signs of understanding his reasoning and his desire to see such a weapon made. However, he soon stopped his ramblings as he realized that he had, perhaps, been oversharing the amount he had wanted to when he had originally planned to indulge in Belloris’ curiosity in his work.

“I am sure this weapon you are working on would bring you many victories,” Belloris said with a smile, only pausing to think of another question, “Is there anything that I could help with, Usriel?”

The Primarch did not give the offer any thought as he answered with a simple, “No.”

“If that is what my lord wishes, then I shall not interrupt his work,” the mortal stated, bowing her head to the Primarch. “As the Ordinator of the House and your personal servant, I promise that I will do whatever it is that you should desi-”

The sound of the door sliding open, the stomps of metallic armor and the voice of a consul spoke out, “My Primarch Usriel, a situation has occurred.”

“Report,” Usriel demanded.

“The mortal serfs tending to a sub-armory have decided to cut access to it due their belief of being mistreated during the Ullanor Secundus invasion. They were former Vion 5 planetary defense forces before being taken on as serfs and are now demanding to be freed back to their homes,” the consul stated.

“Do they have any of our plasma weaponry at their disposal?” Usriel inquired.

“They do, my Primarch,” the consul confirmed.

“Very well. Keep them contained, I will be down in a moment,” Usriel ordered before rising to his feet before looking to Belloris. “Begin inspection of any other dissidents within the ship, any who appear are to be charged with treachery to the Emperor of Man and shall be executed.”

“If that is my Primarch’s wish,” Belloris said as she bowed to the Primarch, backing out of the chamber. The consul followed in silence, leaving Usriel in the silence of his workshop.

The lights to the armory were cut, soldiers moved about the interior of it, only illuminated by the soft glow of blue from the plasma weaponry that surrounded them. They were surrounded, only a few footholds watching the hallways where only the occasional brainwashed serf would peak around the corner a bit too far only to be gunned down. They were unafraid to gun down the previous brothers-and-sisters-in-arms, knowing that they were too blind to see that the Steel Sentinels did not care for them and would use them for the worst possible tasks. They were soldiers, their home was Vion 5, and it was their duty to make sure that they were treated as proper soldiers just as the Sentinels were. They knew that the Sentinels prized these plasma weaponry too much, that was why they had not openly attacked them yet, and that a detonation here would blow a sizable hole in the interior of the ship.

That said, they were still on edge.

There had been little movement for the past few, tense minutes as the neophytes to the Steel Sentinels had stopped taking potshots at the rebels. They had been doing this to make sure they remembered their position, the position they all too well knew, but they had grown accustomed to it for the short while that it was happening. The sounds of nothing were a far more disturbing thought as each man looked out expecting the Emperor’s wrath to come barreling around the corner at any moment. An entire squad of their treacherous kind sat in the hallway, merely waiting in the darkness with weapons raised before small rhythmic sounds echoed towards them. The sound of metal upon metal.

“Go warn Yannik, Godfrey. We have company coming this way,” one of them spoke out, keeping his rifle trained down the hallway as another of the figures moved back to the bulkhead of the armory. Yet, it only opened a fraction of the way, the door refusing to open any further for the men.

The steps grew louder and louder.

“It’s not opening,” Yannik stated, attempting to pull it open, some of the others moving to help.

“Get that door open, Yannik!” the first voice barked, turning to look back at the interruption before the steps were far too loud to ignore. Looking back, he loosed a round of the precious plasma energy down the hallway, the blue light illuminating a gargantuan shape stomping towards them, colliding with it but not stopping it or even damaging it.. “By the Emperor,” he said in disbelief, “Everyone! Shoot to kill!”

The plasma energies became a blinding torrent as the traitors all began to fire towards the figure, their shots never seeming to collide with the mass. They could each see that their shots were never even connecting, instead exploding on an invisible wall in front of it. Then, all at once, their weapons began to cease firing, no matter how hard any of them squeezed the trigger or how many times they pulled it, nothing would come out. The light of their weapons began to grow brighter and brighter.

“You have betrayed my trust, humans. By betraying my trust, you have betrayed the trust of the machine spirits,” a the mass stated to them as it approached. “Be ready to receive the judgement of a Primarch,” he said as a single shot took the head off of the traitor, Yannik.

The traitors panicked, turning to run and try to pull open the door that the others on the other side were trying to help with as well. More plasma met them, a single shot killing three who were too huddled together as Usriel began to near them. One of the men broke away and fell upon his knees to bow to Usriel, his forehead touching the ground as he pleaded for his life and apologizing for his blind nature. Such words did not spare him as Usriel’s metallic foot came down on the man as if he were but a mere insect, blood leaking out as the other traitors screamed in fear. Soon enough, the powered fist launched the bulkhead into the armory along with the now broken bodies of the men trying to open the door. Many tried pleading to their lives, many others tried to shoot their weapons, but the blue glow of those rifles grew brighter and brighter as Usriel made his way through the armory.

Men panicked and died. Traitors being culled for their transgressions.

It was not long until the butchery had been completed, the floors and walls stained with blood and the smell of burnt flesh lingering in the air. Usriel stood among the room of corpses, his genesons walked into the room with their own weapons aimed down as they had already known that these were all dead fools. The primarch turned to them and stated, “Send word to the tech-priests to come and bless the guns properly, I do not want the machine spirits to sympathize with fools.”

Then, the Primarch stomped off to return to his workshop.

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