¤ Age, approximately.“Erm.. I wasn’t taught to count above ten?”
¤ What Are You?The Tribal Heir
The heir of a tribe not too far from Steelbird Landing, though exiled by those who seek to keep the power from entering his hands. He seeks to retake his birthright from the sister who had taken it away from him in a violent coup with the men of the tribe, her consorts.
¤ What defines you?HOT
¤ Who are you?Tell us a little bit about your history. What are you known for? Who loves you? Who hates you? What spins your wheels?
“I am Nothing, firstborn to the Lake Strippers Tribe, and heir to it and the scavenging lands surrounding it as well as the people who reside in it. I am firstborn to Chief Ash and his wife Locus, and for the very beginnings of my life I was groomed to take over the tribe, to know it’s lands and it’s people so that I may know what I own. Though, not two summers after I was born did my mother bear a daughter named Hare. I grew up with them and became a regular sight amongst the people as we roamed the jungle and the scavenge lands that were near it. It was these lands that I grew to know, walking the forest floors as my ancestors did so long before and that their ancestors had set.
Now, I will say, I did not grow up in the typical fashion of a child of the tribe or say, the Landing, as I was dotted upon and given just about everything that I could ask, especially because I was my father’s only son and heir. With that, came my arrogance, as I tended to view myself as the next great step of our people because of how I was treated by everyone and even the shamans looked upon me and called me a chosen of the Maelstrom. I was a beautiful child, I was loved by all and envied by those who could not hold my position and power, though none envied me more than Hare. As she looked upon my form and saw me not as family, but as a rival, and quickly, I looked upon her as the same.
Yet, she proved to be a rival that challenged me at every turn and the one thing I can thank her for would be the simple fact that I would not have become the chosen of the people if she had not pushed me out of my father’s eyes. Hare as we grew up, was shown to be more beautiful, smarter, and stronger, attracting many suitors whereas my arrogance and shortsightedness isolated me from the realm of politics as I focused on the approval of our people. Where she directed hunts and ration, I led the hunts and fed the people. Where she stayed in the shade, I worked in the sun to pull metal from wrecks. This is why the people had chosen me.
Even into our late adolescence did she prove to challenge me at every turn, but by then it was too late as she had become the favorite of my father and she would use that against me. One night, at the height of a feast, she took the chance to say how I neglected my duties as the heir and suggested that the shamans inspect me to see if I still held their favor. This was a challenge that I could not let go, and stormed off to the shamans after throwing slurs at her, calling her harlot and breeding sow for her suitors. The eldest shaman, Oak, looked upon me and laughed that I had been challenged, calling her absurd but would humor me with the ritual.
It was that night where I would first lay with a shamaness, I would be trapped in that ecstasy until I would meet the ancestors in some strange field that I cannot recall. Their forms were gone with the exception of their eyes and they watched me, I could hear their whispers as they spoke of me. Then, a great wind surged around me as the Great One judged me. I could still hear a voice of thunder and power, the ancestors all speaking the will of the Great One.
They said to me, ‘You are just and live as the others do. You are the future… but you will learn humility and what it means to be… Nothing.’
I awoke to hear shouting and the sounds of a battle, my attendants broke me from my ecstasy and tore me away from the tribe, making haste to the jungle to escape. At first, I thought it was the sun worshippers, but I was told that it was my sister who brought on her consorts and slew father and many of the shamans to take power of the tribe. I was meant to die in my ecstasy, but it seemed that they had gotten me out in time, but not before many of our shamans and shamanesses.
I felt horrid.
We made haste to Steelbird Landing, looking to gain an ally in these times but the trek was long without anything to ride upon and not all of us made it. In fact, only about eight of us did. Yet, we found no aid outside being offered a place to stay, but that did not stop me from trying to convince the people of my cause. Though, it seemed these people would not see my plight, though I try as much as I can.
At least the women here are as beautiful as the shamanesses, this much I know.”
¤ What do you want?“I want MY tribe, MY people, and MY power! It is the law of the tribe that I, the firstborn, inherit it once father passes! And my good for nothing sister thinks she can take that from me! I’ll make sure she regrets everything she did, every single decision! I am the son and chief of the Lake Strippers, it is all mine!”
¤ What do you believe?“It’s not always might makes right, even if my sister and the rest of the tribe would believe that such a notion would make her and her consorts think that they will stay in charge of my home. Strength isn’t everything, you have to be kind and smart with people, I know this one, and that is why I’m a threat to her and her little
¤ What do you follow?“Hmm. I’d say that I follow… my home. I need to get back to it, for the sake of mother and father. I must lead the tribe forwards, retake my birthright, by any means necessary. My sister will not get the better of me and she knows that, our home belongs to me and me alone!”
¤ A scarcity embodied:“Lust, I always want something. Whether or not that’s leading me into the arms of some wench or if it’s something I want or need, like a wrench. And no, I don’t want it because it rhymes with wench… okay maybe that’s why. I do tend to lust after power, though, can’t go wrong with power.
Whatever, give me the direction to some people who’ll help me get my tribe back.”
¤ Basic Instincts:“Always follow the word of the shamans, for their word is law, just as mine.
Always pay respect to the ancestors after each hunt, so that they may not take our food to the afterlife.
Most importantly, keep those who love you more than an arms length away, never know if they may turn on you.”
Pick 5 of the following questions and answer them. If the answer requires a named person, you may make up a name or pick another player's character. You don't NEED their permission but they'll like you better if you have it, or at least hash something out with them. If you make up a name, that's all you get to make up. Your loving GM will do the rest, baby. Sit back and hate it. (You can steal names others have already used, too. I love it when my players make up some right and proper bastards.)
¤ What is the worst thing you've ever done to stay alive?“After Hare, my sister, took over the tribe and sent me and the few who were loyal to me into exile, we had to March through the jungle aimlessly to get to Steelbird landing. We had no food and we didn’t have time to hunt or forage because Hare’s consorts were on our tail. So, those of us who were strong enough, made the decision.
I still can’t get the taste of them out of my mouth. I- They were killed swiftly and painlessly, but we had to… we had to.”
¤ Who did you fail to save? What did it cost?“The eldest shaman, Oak, he knew what would happen if my sister came to power. I tried to get him to run with us, but he said that he was too old to but he would never let what was law to die. They had to drag me away… and now, I know that our spiritual connection to the jungle had been cut with his death.”
¤ Who makes you feel murderous the moment you lay eyes on them? Why?“Hare, she took everything from me, and her consorts for blindly following her and betraying everything that our tribe stood for. Once I retake my birthright, I’ll make sure that they will feel nothing but pain in their afterlife, nothing but torment and suffering!”
¤ Who's intentions do you question?“I question the leader of Steelbird landing for not wishing to aid me in retaking my home, the Landing would gain an ally between them and the sun people. Plus, Hare has made it clear that she does not like the Landing, instead making it known that they should be sacrificed to the ancestors and the Maelstrom.”
¤ Who or what do you worship?“We worship the ancestors and the great Maelstrom, the God of the Storm, Winds, and the Mind. We praise them both nightly, offer some of our food to them, so that they may stay within the realm of the dead.”
Hear the Whispers...
“The Ancestors and the Great God of the Maelstrom, they come to us and give us warnings or threats. Both sides judge us for our deeds and tell us how to correct ourselves before doom should tend our very souls apart, tell us to do better and do what we must in order to survive. They will surround us, talk to us while the Great One watches. They only speak the truth that the Great One will, only speaking when he desires. It is the truth that Great One determines.
Yet, this cannot be achieved without the aid of a shaman through ritual of ecstasy. The men converse with the shamanesses and the women through the shaman, many different herbs are used but given how rare they can be to find, we tend to avoid having to use the ritual often.”
Own What You've Become
¤ YOU RECENTLY HAD CONTACT WITH THE MAELSTROM WITHOUT THE USE OF A SHAMANESS. WHAT HAPPENED? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT IT?"It was strange, I was stripping an old construct before I happened to fade away into the lands of eyes and judgement. I was asked what it meant to be Nothing and I answered that I do not know, but I heard the voice of Shaman Oak amongst them which means he is dead. Yet, when I awoke, I felt a mixture of elation, to know that the ancestors still watch me, and fear, because I do not know what this connection means or implies."
¤ YOU HAVE FELT LOVE ONCE. PURE AND TRUE. WHAT WAS THEIR NAME? WHAT DID THEY TAKE FROM YOU WHEN THEY LEFT?"I.. Her name was Trails, on of the first I had met in the scavenge lands after being exiled. Her hair was that of the rusted metal that we scrapped and her skin was sun kissed, freckles dotted her face... Our time was short and we spent that time together in every moment, but she could not stay in the lands as her clan, I think they were gangers, was leaving to a different part of the salvage lands. It was a place I could not follow, but she took my necklace that signified my status in the tribe. I yearn to meet her again every time I go to those lands."
¤ SOMEONE DESPICABLE HAS OFFERED TO HELP YOU. WHY DO YOU STRUGGLE TO REJECT THEIR AID?"A slaver, his name being Ripper, offered the service of his slaves to fight and help me retake my tribe. However, with some of my people being taken by slavers I cannot justify stooping so low to recruit aid by someone so dishonorable as to sell others. Yet, I know that my sister would do something similar if she were in my place."
¤ Wolf Totem