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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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That's a few dozen generations later. This would be pretty much the origin story. Of course, it wouldn't be even fun if the things you do don't matter later. What our characters leave behind will matter. For the stories of the old legends will shape the stories of the new ones.
Also, I'd like to note, that activity and my own life permitting, this RP would be the origin story into a much more vast universe, spanning up to modern times, and beyond. Spoiler alert - Altea = Atlantis.
Mad Scarlet, brokendremes and Perniciousintent are yet to post.
Uhh, bump?
Honestly, haven't thought about that bit. Let's say 12.
Yup. That's the point. Basic skill is pretty much "actually able not to unintentionally fire it most of the time".
Here we go! what's a shounen without some training.

*One week later*

A week has passed since the destruction of the demon. The people in here started cleaning up, exploring or otherwise being preoccupied. The Witch was busy taking control of nearby wilderness to use as the first line of defense. Food was not a problem - the raging river separating the castle from the world was brimming with fish, and those managed to cross the rotten drawbridge found plenty of wildlife to hunt. Serenity and tranquility was all around - untamed wilderness around them, one that reclaimed even this mighty fortress into its fold. But the outside world was still a concern.

During the morning meal, in the grand hall inside the keep, where once great lords indulged in great feasts, The Witch instructed all of mages who are able to walk to gather in the main courtyard. It was time for training. Come noon, when the majority of the fortress' inhabitants gathered in the courtyard, at the other end of it stood a familiar figure - a young man who was arguing with a witch back in the forest. It could be felt clearly now - his unmistakable aura of power.

"Since Master Neilde is busy weaponizing the nearby area, I will be your teacher. My name is Rivain, and the so called Witch of Black Forest is... was the one who taught me everything I know. And even though we disagree on how to do things, we still have the same goal in mind." A man looking like a scholar stepped out of the crowd in front of Rivain. "So, you're the infamous Azure Sorcerer, am I right?" Rivain looked a bit shocked, but quickly regained his default expression - a serious, threatening face, that pretty much tells everyone to just comply with him. "You are correct. Don't worry, I am here just to teach, nothing more. I respect my mentor way too much to do anything else. Is my answer satisfactory, William the Scholar? Oh, don't look so shocked - you're not exactly unknown." William stepped back in front of the crowd, as The Azure Sorcerer continued his monologue.

"As much as I prefer practical skills, theoretical knowledge is just as important. Now, some of you know may know it, some may don't even care, but magic is the power of your soul. It is using the strength of your very being, of your very essence. And just like the body, the soul can grow stronger and stronger. Unlike the body, however, there is no limit. And with high enough mastery of magic, neither your body nor your soul has a limit to how strong it can grow. After all, the infamous Grand Archons were living proof of it.

And so, just like the body, there are things you can do to improve your soul. Just like the body, you have to push yourself to your limits and beyond to improve. And for the first lesson, we will do just that."
Raising his hands, Rivain put some kind of enchantment on the practice dummies at the corners of the courtyard - no doubt previously used to train the fortress' troops. "Just touch the dummy, and it will sync to your abilities. That means that it will completely absorb your attack if you put regular amount of effort into it. Exceed that power, and you will damage the barrier that protects those dummies from harm. Your goal is to break the barrier. It won't be easy, however. When I first did it, it me a week. And then I was shown just how much I improved. I will be observing you and offering you advice. And if you don't have an offensive spell right now, come up with one. Or talk to me if you can't come up with any.

Anyway, there are plenty of dummies for everyone. Get to it."

[This is the first phase of mage training. You can evolve an existing offensive, damaging spell, or learn one if your character has none.]

*One week later*

The survivors made it back, after enduring that restless night after the massacre. Back in Liria, they were taken care of, and all wounds and injuries were treated. The candidates had gotten some rest, some time to further discuss the event between themselves and with their superiors. Eventually, they were escorted to the Inquisitorial Fortress itself - they were about to be promoted. Several friends of the candidates were also invited and put up for consideration of promotion.

The journey itself didn't take long on horseback. However, the only entrance to the plateau that housed the massive fortress and the dwarven tunnels below was a narrow path along the cliff. One wrong step, and one would fall about 100 meters to the ice cold water below, or just slam into a rock below. Very impractical, but doable if not done in a hurry. Also very easily defendable - any advancing threat making past this still has to assault the fortress itself. Reaching the top the group was greeted by a giant bubble of white light, encompassing the entire plateau and the tunnels below - preventing any magical sight or transportation within it.

A light tingle could be felt as the barrier was passed, and the fortress was revealed in all of it's grandeur. Massive towers, wide battlements and a huge gate in front - the only entrance unless you can fly. When inside, there was no doubt that dwarves built it. In exchange for their protection and various privileges within the human society, the dwarves built a mighty fortress above their tunnels for the Paladin Order.

The group was lead to their rooms - not bunk beds in a barracks. Actual rooms, though a bit small, with a bed, a chest, a wardrobe, a chair and a table, and some room for the personalization. Given keys the rooms, they were told to settle in, and then report to the practice range.


The practice range, as expected, contained many targets at various positions for archery practice. Instead of bows or crossbows, however, the group saw some kind of miniature, bracers - mounted automatic crossbow. "The dwarves have recently invented this thing. It is mandatory for all inquisitors to learn to use it, especially given the recent events. And yes, that includes you. You just mount it on your wrist, aim it, and flick your wrist like that, and it fires. After your current magazine - the container with the bolts, is expended, you just replace it like this." the instructor showed them. "Also, the small crystal here lets you easily channel light into the bolts or The Stinger. What you do with that is up to you though. Now go on, I want you to be able to reliably hit your targets.".

After being explained the basics and told that they were to practice until the higher-ups finish their discussion. The group was important in whatever plans the Inquisitors were discussing right now, nothing else to do than practice the use of this new toy.

[The candidates gain the basic model of The Stinger - a wrist-mounted self-loading miniature crossbow. And time to practice it's use.]

The survivors returned to Liria - devastated and shaken. They were paladins, those who protect the people from the horrors of magic, and they were absolutely powerless. Alicia was visited by her father quickly after the news of their returned spread. Coming back to her mansion for a few days of rest, Alicia found out just how much everyone was worried about her. "This wasn't the goddamn plan. Damn that Rivain. her father shouted. It seems the Azure Sorcerer decided to take some matters into his own hands.

That night, Alicia and Deliah sat by the fireplace, and a huge painting above. A painting of Alicia's mother, who has died giving birth to her. "I was able to give you everything, my girl, everything except the chance to meet your own mother. You look just like her, you know. As hard as your childhood was, it was just as hard for me to force you through this. All for a promise I made to her - a world with no more persecution, a world where you can be a princess. A world where our family has what was stolen from them. Our future, the future of Altea is in your hands, my princess. This suffocating grip Grinnoc has on us all has to end. "

Alicia looked up to the painting with tears in her eyes - her mother, Dearel, looked just like Alicia, just older. The girl knew the hardships she will face both as a paladin and a spy, and this ordeal just shoved the reality of this into her mind. "Nevertheless, my dear Alicia. You must persevere. Tomorrow you are to head to Liria. From there, you and your friends will be escorted to Inquisitorial Fortress. From that point on, I do not think we will meet in quite a while. You can do this, I trust in you." Hugging his girl for one last time, Deliah carried his little princess to the room. He himself spent the night weeping near the portrait - some would call him a monster for making his own daughter a weapon, some would praise his discipline, but his motive was still love and grief. And he almost lost his only child.


The journey to the fortress wasn't very eventful, though the ride along the cliffs was quite scary. Not looking down was far more scary than Alicia anticipated. After acquiring their rooms, the candidates were led to the shooting range. It would be a day or two until the officers had a plan they all agreed on, and in the meanwhile the group would practice this new invention. "This can't be that hard" she thought to herself, affixing The Stinger to her left wrist. Putting in the magazine, the crossbow was ready for action. Maybe too ready, because a sudden flick of her wrist activated the firing mechanism, and the bolt was released, almost hitting Varkasan in the eye, as it sped past his face and penetrated the stone wall behind him, only half of the shaft sticking out of the wall. "Oops!" was all she could say for herself, as she quickly pointed the weapon downwards and hid her left hand behind her back, only to accidentally fire it again near her feet. The instructor overseeing them turned nearly pale, as he called her up to come closer and overhear the instructions again.

After a few hours of practice, however, she finally learn to fire when she actually wants it, and with decent accuracy.

[Alicia has acquired the basics of wielding The Stinger.]

The library contained everything William ever hoped to find. Copies (or maybe originals) of lost books and maps. Hardly ever eating or sleeping, he spent majority of his time devouring the knowledge within. This place was major hub of knowledge as well, as many theoretical treatises were contained within. Unfortunately, many of those theories went untested, as the lively hood of this fortress was cut short by an unknown saboteur.

Another day, and a breakfast where everyone was invited. The reason - lessons of magic. A most logical step - as the ragged bunch of mages were all at varying degrees of mastery, but very few knew more about magic than that can just do it. The man who came to train them had a easily detectable aura about him. Auras, the herald of the soul's power. It is said that the Grand Archons had auras of unimaginable magnitude, suffocating everyone weaker in the same kingdom unless it is suppressed. Only those who accumulated a considerable amount of power would have an easily detectable aura, and this man had it. And if he was just a pupil of The Witch, it means she is even more powerful, yet able to hide her aura. What was most interesting, however, that it was the Azure Sorcerer, without a doubt. Doings things his own way, yet respecting his mentor. Having the same goal... It didn't take much to connect the dots. Nor did William care - at least they would get instructions from someone capable of defeating paladins consistently.

His monologue revealed nothings new - it was the basics, though most likely the majority gathered here didn't even know that much. And to learn a damaging spell, under the tutorage of Rivain was the best they could get at the moment. And William knew very well - his strength is his knowledge. As a mage, he was pathetically weak. And it was just the right time to change that. Approaching the dummy and touching it, he was considering his options. In the end, he decided to make a deadly modification to Exhaust: instead of modifying the air around the target to exhaust them, it would make the air extremely... combustable... with just a small spark. His initial attempts were really sad: only a small spark conjured. Eventually, after a few hours, it actually looked like the Flashfire he intended to cast, yet not strong enough to damage the barrier. And according to Azure, it wouldn't be powerful enough to set a man on fire just yet. And William was already feeling the drain - his magic reserves were running out, and he needed a rest. Either way, he had quite a lot of time for practice anyway.

[William learns the initial version of Flashfire - a spell that instantly sears a target with fire, but not yet able to actually make that flame linger or do very significant damage.]
brokendremes hasn't posted in quite a while. I won't wait much more though, so I'll most likely move on without him. I forgot to mention it, but I simply kill off the inactive characters. I will wait a little longer before killing his character off though.
Here's some insight on what I plan to do next, if anyone's interested. The next one or two posts would be in a sort of training/preparation category. After that, the main event starts. Or as I like to call it, "shit will hit the fan". PerniciousIntent and brokendremes need to post first for that to happen though.
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