Avatar of Laue
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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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More or less half-way through the OOC. It will have a lot, A LOT of information about the world and it's rules, etc. A LOT. Calling it a wall of text (albeit neatly formatted) would be an understatement.
Of course. Well, since we have enough initial interest, I'll start working on the OOC post soon.
Yes. Some people fear mages, some people hate them, a lot of them don't trust them, but no one can deny that magic is extremely useful when used under supervision. However, now the point is made that regular citizens have barely any more freedoms than the mages - they are just less supervised. Some just enjoy the peace and order, and the harsh but fair system. Some really, really don't like it.

That, and I changed a few terms around, and changed quite a few details and the general plot flow. It's gonna start completely different now. I also figured I was trying to shove down way too much new things during every post, with players not even getting the chance to set their own characters up. So I'm gonna take it a bit slower, stretch out some parts to let characters showcase themselves. I am not even sure it will work, but neither did my last methods - people lost their interest rather quickly.
Well, I don't really want players to be able to use the mages who predate the new order, though there will be some. As stopping aging is a rather advanced thing. However, since the conflict, a lot, A LOT people have died. As such, only roughly 30% of the land is considered civilization. The rest is a wild and dangerous place, with remnants of the previous age in ruins, wild beasts running amok and snacking on the unwary. And of course, anyone not wishing to a part of said civilization.
What are the chances of finding previous players just like that.
The island-continent of Altea has finally reached 300 years of continuous peace. The age of magic has passed, as the Luminous Knights cast down the all powerful mages that ruled the land. No longer people needed to fear their town turned to ashes because of a mage's tantrum, or suffer horrifying curses because they didn't bow low enough. With the power of Luminosity, their magics were rendered useless. That terrible time became but a distant memory, and a reminder that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

But not everyone is content with peace, as the cost for said peace is great. Every facet of life is heavily regulated and monitored by Luminous Knights, more commonly referred to as paladins. And those born with the gift of magic are forced to live in specific ghettos and are even more heavily monitored. And the mages who run away to find freedom soon find themselves hunted.

Though still considered untrustworthy, the mages find themselves more and more accepted in society, even while being treated like potential monsters all the time. Just as there are less and less rogue mages. A deadly calm before the storm. The Age of Magic has passed. And the current Age of Peace is soon to give way to the Age of Strife.

The idea is simple. There will be two more or less opposing teams. The mages and the paladins, and their conflict is one of the main motifs of this RP. This is not a PvP RP however, though nothing is stopping you from doing that if you so desire. The RP will borrow some Shounen motifs and tropes as well, bother character progression and their power progression will be key. This is intended to feature quite a bit of combat, which will start rather mundane, and by the end becoming legends in their own right. This might be or might not be your thing.

I also don't want to go detail and lore heavy in the IC post. Also, while the faction balance could be nice, for the sake of this story, it is not mandatory. So if you are interested or got questions (or both), do write something.
One idea is to skip ahead to the next era and start a new RP as ain't restarting this again. Most active characters will get mentions, as legends or stories, and the veterans will get to put the pieces together, so to speak, as what actually happened during this era.
Go ahead!
Every single player of one faction in my RP have went completely inactive. So, I'm looking for more players. More specifically, players who would join the Mage faction. Here the basic premise:

[i]ince time immemorial, magic ruled the island-continent of Altea. Kings were nothing more than figureheads, as their countries were run by powerful mages, waging war against one another, wreaking devastation and havoc among the land, all for their personal gain. But amidst this chaos, a man with a luminous power emerged - Grinnoc. Wielding light itself, he and his quickly growing followers overthrown mages, hunting them down one by one. After a bloody war, The Paladin Order emerged, to keep the order they have fought so hard for. Kingdoms relinquished control to their saviors, and in the end, The Paladins were in total control. And at the very top was Grand Master Grinnoc - their immortal ruler.

~300 hundred years have passed since Grinnocs rise to power. No longer left with any organization, mages are still scattered all around Altea, running, surviving, or trying to fight back, no matter how futile it is. Mages are still born, even to non-mage parents. Though mostly contained, their threat still lingers. 300 years of relative calm, calm before the storm...

Meldiniar - a new empire formed from all the war-torn kingdoms of the old, under the rule of Grand Master and his Inquisitors, with paladins acting both as guards and mage hunters. Lidia - it's capital, a new shining beacon of hope for all of it's citizens.[/i]


Mages vs Paladins at it's core, the story nevertheless will be so much more. For more details, go here. While the RP is already in progress, it is still in a quite early stage, and a tl;dr of the story so far will be provided should you be interested. Post either her or in the RP's OOC, whichever you prefer.
Great. I'll work on finding more people soon.
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