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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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No hiders ATM sadly. Only those hiders which were posted before the upgrade remain, and they are hard-coded in.
> Are you referring to me? Sorry if it was confusing. No, I am not. As for your character... I see nothing wrong there. Accepted. Feel free to copy that to the character tab.
Well, I kinda understand your idea but this is simply not how it works, and it would kinda throw a big middle finger to the consistency of the events to come. First, you don't just casually stroll around and find a low level demon. Without any prior experience, it's pretty much stumbling while blindfolded on ice, hoping to find some kind of life form. And you can't really know how powerful it is, since demons don't really have any ways to respond, and you can't really gauge it's power. And if it does respond, you know you majorly fucked up. Spirits don't usually do benevolent things unless it is good for them in the long run. That is an interesting idea that you have though, and I could see it working. In fact, it can fit in very well in the main story. But as I said, your starting state has to be, at the very least, unaltered. Seeking lost and forgotten knowledge will be the first major story arc for the mages. There is nothing wrong with your character losing said humanity, she just has to start with said humanity.
@Wernher: I'm sorry but you gotta rethink your character. Messing with The Beyond is way out of a fresh character's league, let alone withstanding it's influence. Besides, it is not simply common knowledge everyone knows. And very few in this age knowledge and have sufficient power to gaze into it. While I am not against characters eventually resorting to such means, it is simply implausible to be a starting point for any character. Your character could be changed to be highly interested in this topic, seeking more knowledge about it, which could tie-in extremely well with the initial mage story arc. And after that, she could become something like this.
Post it here first for approval. Once approved, you can move it there.
Ok, now that this site is reborn again, we can continue. I'll probably add a few more lore things I might have missed. -------------------- ![Alicia](http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/228/6/f/Battlefield_by_PeterPrime.png "Alicia") **Name:** Alicia von Eternus **Race:** Human **Age:** 20 **Alignment:** Luminous Knights **Personality:** Alicia isn't the one to talk much. She has a goal, an objective, and she will accomplish it. Small talk is only a distraction. Emotions, friends are the same. She will usually reply to others trying to start conversations, but will only speak herself if necessary. She is not the one to go out of the way to help people, but will not harm anyone unless it is necessary. Under all this, she has a good heart and noble intentions, it's just that her vast majority of life was spent in relative isolation. The only people she actually had a chance to socialize with for 18 years was her Father, Master Oriano and various maids. And those people were trying to avoid being close to her. Alicia simply does not know how to handle various social situations, and feels anxious around large groups of people. And in battle, you could hardly find anyone else more focused than her. **Bio:** Since she was born, Alicia's fate was decided. She would honor her ancient lineage and become the finest Luminous Knight there could be. Since she could walk, her training has already begun. Master Oriano, one of the few people who mastered the exotic Sioretto fighting style, was eager to pass down his knowledge. To him, Alicia was a heir of sorts, one who would inherit his knowledge, and maybe even surpass him. Day by day, week by week, month by month, Alicia endured grueling physical training. She was also taught history, politics, strategy and warfare. By the time she met the minimum age required to join the Paladins, she was more than prepared for the basic training there. The two years training to be a Paladin were a huge cultural shock to her. So many people, with so many stories and lives on their own. Lives that they had some control of. Choice. They made the choice to join the paladins themselves. Nevertheless, she managed to make a few close friends. The first friends she ever had. She overcame many challenges and trials, and yet, dealing with people was and currently is the most difficult one. However, she did manage to have her own sort of fun during the training. When a combat instructor criticized her fighting style as impractical and ineffective when compared to something like sword and board, the said instructor hit the ground in roughly two seconds when trying to demonstrate the point. After that, she was in everyone's spotlight, much to Alicia's despair. She has been told that she will rise within the ranks effortlessly. She was told that she had a bright future. She was to be an example of model citizen, a model family. And yet, she feels hollow. And just after her graduation, Alicia and a few others from the ones who succeeded in graduating were off to their first mission. **Initial spells/techniques**: - _Sword of Light:_ Conjures up a sword shaped Luminosity projectile to somewhere near her body, floating mid-air and following her, ready to fire in any direction at her command. She can maintain up to 4 swords simultaneously. Her other spells are based around Swords of Light. - _Piercing Light:_ Shatters a sword of light into many small shards. While this severely diminishes their impact and is a lot less effective than just letting the sword to hit the target, it covers a wide area. Primarily used to destroy weak, lingering magic which covers a large area, or to provide a sort of dampening zone which weakens all magic within it. The shards are not enough to ignite a mage even when contacting his/her flesh, but they also mess with various defensive spells they use. - _Ring of Blades:_ Commands all active Swords of Light to surround and circle around a single target, hampering movement. Can be commanded to simultaneously shoot towards the target, making it very hard to avoid. Or they can be scattered via Piercing Light. **Skills:** - _Sioretto Style:_ An ancient martial art which uses two longswords of varying length, weight and centers of balance, which no more than a few people mastered. This unique fighting style relies on predicting your opponents moves and reactions, utilizing the opponent's and the user's momentum rather than brute force. When properly executed, to an observer it looks like a dance of swords, with the user spinning around from a foe to foe, attacks simply missing the Sioretto master. As it heavily relies on prediction, this style is rendered ineffective against opponents with unique weapon and combat styles, or if their combat style is not initially observed or known. - _Combat Focus:_ A required skill for Sioretto, Alicia is able to enter a state of trance, completely purging herself of any emotion or thought, focusing solely on the battle ahead. While in this Combat Focus, Alicia is able to predict enemy actions just from a twitch of their muscles, their facial expression and/or their initial stance. When all combat variables are known, Alicia is able to plan her moves a few seconds in advance - the use of spinning attacks allow her to build momentum and not fear being hit, since she already predicted where her opponent will strike and what the next one is going to do. Needless to say, Alicia can only maintain this focus for about a minute, after that the mental exhaustion will prevent her from doing that again for a few hours. Without the Combat Focus, Sioretto style dramatically loses effectiveness. - _Combat Analysis:_ Against an opponent with an unique fighting style, predictions are impossible without analyzing their movement patterns. Attentive analysis also allows Alicia to spot weak spots and various others exploitable flaws, while giving her the necessary info to activate Combat Focus. This also is valuable info to give to her teammates. - _Duelist Mode:_ When using Combat Focus is impossible, and by extension, Sioretto, Alicia sheathes one of her swords and assumes a fencer's stance. While she is a capable fencer, her swords were never meant for quick thrusting attacks, and as such, her combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, reducing her from an excellent fighter to a mediocre one. **Combat strategy:** Using Luminosity to deal with ranged attacks and attackers, Alicia bides her time until she's confident she has enough information to safely use Combat Focus. At her deadliest during this mode, she is able to take on multiple opponents single-handedly. Swords of Light allow her to both attack mages at range and shoot down their projectiles, while Piercing Light acts a dampening field and area denial. Ring of Blades can be used to immobilize a mage and and kill him if needed. While still able to take care of herself in Duelist Mode, Alicia needs to be on the defensive, and let her more well-rounded teammates to take the charge. **Unique equipment:** - _Izanami & Izanagi:_ The two swords Alicia wield. The finest swords custom made specifically for Alicia, which also cost her father a small fortune. Made by the finest Dwarven smiths, these weapons are unmatched, at least compared to the equipment which is given to Paladins for free. Specifically made to be viable as a focus, these swords are extremely sharp and durable. Their main flaw is that they are very specific - only truly effective when using Sioretto, they lose their superiority when used for other styles for which they are not meant for. Alicia's friends, when trying out her swords, all mentioned that they feel unwieldy and awkward to use. - _Valkirian Armor:_ Named after the mighty female warriors of myth, this armor was also custom made for Alicia. Offering a balance between protection and flexibility, this armor would still be considered light when compared to the standard armor given to the Paladins. However, Valkirian Armor provides Alicia with complete freedom of movement which plate armor could not ever give, and which would only hamper her combat abilities.
Rultaos said
Laue, would it be alright to reuse my previous character for this? I'll just tweak the CS and backstory to fit into the new lore if so

Indeed. I'll make major overhauls to my character as well.
Soo, where did the small horde of interested people go?
Here we go! OOC!

Well, that took roughly 4 hours at the least.
The island-continent of Altea has finally reached 300 years of continuous peace. The age of magic has passed, as the Luminous Knights cast down the all powerful mages that ruled the land. No longer people needed to fear their town turned to ashes because of a mage's tantrum, or suffer horrifying curses because they didn't bow low enough. With the power of Luminosity, their magics were rendered useless. That terrible time became but a distant memory, and a reminder that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But not everyone is content with peace, as the cost for said peace is great. Every facet of life is heavily regulated and monitored by Luminous Knights, more commonly referred to as paladins. And those born with the gift of magic are forced to live in specific ghettos and are even more heavily monitored. And the mages who run away to find freedom soon find themselves hunted. Though still considered untrustworthy, the mages find themselves more and more accepted in society, even while being treated like potential monsters all the time. Just as there are less and less rogue mages. A deadly calm before the storm. The Age of Magic has passed. And the current Age of Peace is soon to give way to the Age of Strife. ----------
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