@LokiLeo789: Accepted.
@Emma: Up for your preference.
@SaekoGami: Accepted.
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Former nationality: American
Personality: Outgoing, friendly and really bad with jokes, Andrew never seems to be sad or angry, always joking around. But that's just a facade to keep himself and others calm, and when he truly snaps, things get out of control quickly. Unfortunately for his opponents, Andrew becomes more accurate, but far less careful the angrier he is.
Survival: Andrew toured nearly all the world, from being stationed in South Korea, to Afghanistan, even Saudi Arabia during the climax of Adamantite's discovery. He was a veteran. One of the best, and got recruited to Haven's private defensive military. But nothing prepared him for the Invasion. Entire city turned into monstrosities in hours, massive robots building something terrifying, and aliens that moved faster than his eyes could see. Nevertheless, he was on the front lines, luring the Husks away from the heroes who were actually able to fight the invaders. Andrew never expected to survive, but here he is - alive and mostly well.
Goals: A patriot at heart, Andrew hopes to rebuild the United States of America, better than it ever was. One that the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Skill-set: Sniper/Veteran Soldier
Magic Affinity: Kinetic Manipulation - Andrew noticed that with enough focus, his shots started to slightly defy gravity, even slightly change their course. Unfortunately, this was not telekinesis, as this power only applies to projectiles.
Earth has barely survived an attack from an alien force. Out of 7 billion people, no more than 100 million survived. The heroes that saved the world now left their people behind searching for vengeance. And so humanity is left in the ashes of their world, broken and with little hope.
Adamantite - The greatest discovery of 21st century, massive deposits of this wonder metal were discovered deep under Sahara desert. All scientists agreed that Adamantite simply could not form on earth, and most likely was carried here by a meteorite, though even that theory had many holes. Either way, Adamantite could be used in almost everything, and it made many breakthroughs possible. Unfortunately, it steered humanity's technological progress towards absolute reliance on Adamantium, which was the invader's plan from the get go.
Haven - Everybody wanted a piece of Adamantium when it was discovered. It almost started wars, and it certainly started proxy wars. In the end, a consensus was reached - an independent city-state will be built, and nations of the world will buy Adamantite from them. Built to be the most advanced city on Earth, it was also the testing ground for new inventions, and home to the biggest corporations. Only the best of the best could live there. Very quickly Haven became the center of trade, science and culture, as well as military power in it's own right, as their tech was decades ahead of other nations. The tech that they officially revealed, anyway.
Haven was also the ground zero for alien invasion, as well as the place where they were defeated. Surprisingly, the city itself took little damage, and is still quite functioning, becoming Earth's unofficial capital. It was later clear that the aliens did not want to destroy what they themselves were going to use.
The Invasion - No one is quite sure what triggered it, but the aliens did not fly here with spaceships. Instead, deep below the Adamantium deposits there was a well-hidden dormant gate of sorts, through which the attackers came. No more than 12, that small squad was more than enough to effortlessly wipe out humanity, had the champions not intervened. Those who saw the aliens and survived all share the same story - they are not sure what the attackers even used. Was it magic, or technology so advanced it looked like magic? Or maybe both? Regardless, the aliens were able to effortlessly dodge bullets, catch tank shells and take out hundreds of professional soldiers in an instant, alone.
Husks - The main way the invaders projected force throughout the world, husks are robo-zombified humans. When impaled with some kind of rod, the victim's entire body will be changed from inside out and reinforced within seconds, gaining various offensive and defensive tools. Husks also possess the ability to make more husks. Though not invincible, their sheer numbers as Husks spread through population centers, were the main problem. The worst part was that the Husks were under direct control of the aliens, and as such, they were terrifyingly effective. With their masters dead, Husks revert to their most basic programming - wandering aimlessly and attacking humans on sight. No longer organized, Husks are now more like pests. Pests that require a full clip from an assault rifle to take down.
Golems - Massive bipedal robots, they were the builders, and as such were never used offensively. Constructed with a method that completely ignored and broken most laws of physics known to man, the remains of those things are highly sought after by the few surviving scientists. The aliens had means to deconstruct matter down to sub-atomic level, and then reshape it to whatever they want. Wierd devices were used in urban areas with lots of building, using their matter to build the Golems. It would take around 5 skyscrapers to build one Golem. While golems were not meant for combat, they still possessed armor nigh-impenetrable to conventional military weapons and various defensive weaponry. All known Golems are currently destroyed.
Black Stars - The purple floating, glowing spheres that Golems were mainly focused on building. Their purpose was mainly to autonomously control Husks and Golems in their area of effect. The purple sun-like rays also acted as some sort of surveillance, as anything touched by those rays could be seen by the Black Star's on-board AI. The last and the most terrifying feature of those spheres was named Nullification - all human life within it's area of effect is instantly destroyed, no matter the protection. Nullification needed significant time to charge up, and was mainly used to remove any surviving humans in the area that are yet to be discovered. All known Black Stars are destroyed.
Apocalypse Gate - The aptly named gate through which the invaders came. It was clearly a portal of sorts, though such technology, if it is actual technology is leagues above human understanding. While it is not known what caused it to open, the gate is now destroyed, as the heroes that saved the world went through the gate themselves, in search of vengeance. They also destroyed it with a delayed explosive, so that no one may follow them, or ever come out through the gate.
The Big Picture - The most popular theory is that Earth was seeded with Adamantium long before humans even knew how to make a fire. The aliens expected that whatever species gains sentience, they will discover Adamantium sooner or later. That discovery will push them along a very specific path, and as such, the invaders with face little surprises. With luck, the poor saps have already built advanced infrastructure with it, leaving less work the aliens once humanity is exterminated. Haven left mostly intact, even if it was the main battlefield confirms this theory, as well as Adamantium's origins and the Apocalypse Gate. Now the question remains - what was the condition for the gate to open?
Magic - Used by the champions, and probably by the aliens, the thing that only used to be fiction became reality shortly after the invasion, for some unknown reason. Every human is able to do it, albeit nearly no one has mastered it to a point it has any practical use. Creating a small flame in one's hand, or an electrical current, it is still in the very early stages. No one knows how to use it, or the general principles behind it. Magic simply is, and it's up to the humanity to develop and understand it.
Appearance(Ideally, you should find a picture. If you can't find one, give us a brief description.)Age(Unless your character is some kind of child prodigy, it should be over 18.)Gender(With Tumblr and most of it's users dead, we're back to the two main ones.)Former nationality(Your character's nationality before the invasion.)Personality(How your character interacts with the world and others.)Survival(How your character survived the invasion. What did they do during it? Did they hide, or fight, or supported the fighters?)Goals(Your character's long-term goals in this broken world.)Skill-set(A profession, trade or a skill your character specializes in. Like a physicist, cook, soldier, etc. Skill that can be used to help rebuild the world, one way or another.)Magic Affinity(The very early stage of the magic that has awakened in all humans. Maybe your character can create a small flame in his/her hand, later to develop actual fire spells? Maybe telekinesis?)
Sort of. The worst has passed, it's more about the rebuilding and the ensuing power struggle, as all forms of government were utterly destroyed. There are remnants of the invasion, cybernetic zombies known as Husks, but since their masters are gone, they are now just mindless beasts wandering aimlessly attacking any humans in sight.
For the vast majority of survivors, magic is, more or less, in the "whoa I can make a fire in my palm!" stage. As in, they saw the heroes use it, but none of them are exactly sure HOW and WHY it works. It just does. It will gradually develop during the story, but the initial phase for everyone "I have no idea what I'm doing."