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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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Well I do have some dialogue planned for Maldron as well. But first, gotta have a chat with @NewSun.
@ShienvienOr Maldron sometimes overestimates the capabilities of others, namely speed. I'm just trying to justify my fuck-up
The Black Knight quickly munched on the berries, seemingly without feeling their bitter taste. In his state, maybe it's for the best. And he stood back up, just like that. From a few small, bitter berries, the knight found the strength to lift his heavy burden once again. The balance of power has once again shifted, and it seemed that the warrior in black once again had the strength to fight. Maldron desired to avoid that, but made sure to stay very close to the knight. He also knew how the warrior's helmet opens, so at least he knew a way around the armor, if worst comes to worst. The rest of his armor? No weak spot. No little crack or opening to exploit. Dyed armors would usually be used in ceremonies, and ill-suited for combat, but his was both. Some elite force? Royal guard? Where was his back-up sword? Such a high-ranking warrior would surely have a sword to use when up close. Maybe he lost it? Most puzzling of all was the knight's fortitude - nothing unlike in the land of the living. But even Maldron noticed that he could go on longer without rest. This land, as punishing as it is, was making them stronger, bit by bit. This idea was further reinforced by the capabilities of the ones lost to this land, now no more than feral beasts. Displaying impossible speeds and strength, those once human beings now roamed mindlessly around the land, looking for something to attack. And everyone here was fated to fade into such monstrosities themselves.

The knight spoke. His words put Maldron on edge. How? HOW? The assassin took a small step back. How did he know?! How did he know Maldron's memories? It didn't matter really. He wasn't going to hide his identity anyway. Not here. And such an ability could be extremely useful, provided the knight becomes an ally. During this time, more came out, no longer hiding. The source of the bells was a jester, of all things. Creepy looking clown, visibly armed. He was familiar, somehow, but Maldron just couldn't tell. Whatever memory used to invoke this familiarity is no longer there. Another, an armed woman as well. She was tense, and prepared her axe to defend, just in case. There was a flaw in her stance, and at this distance, she would be skewered by the halberd before she could move away, should the knight attack. Eventually, most of the tension was gone, as the knight said “Tell me, Children of the Empty Land, which King do you serve?”

The knight's question, as cryptic as it was, was rather expected. The warrior in black served someone as well, and it must be a habit to inquire about the allegiance of others. The woman's response seemed basic. She knew little of the world before this place. But she was right. They need to rebuild. Some sort of society needs to be there again. Assassins only have a purpose within societies. For Maldron to have a purpose once again, there needs to be a society. Hence it was in his best interest to help one rebuild. And first, they need more people who are more or less themselves.

"And finally, you show yourselves. Now, first things first - I rather not keep secrets in this place. I was an assassin before finding myself here. Just so you know. But worry not, together we can accomplish more than on our own, even an assassin knows that." Maldron looked to the mountain looming in the distance. It was simply there, never either further or closer. But it also was inviting, drawing them towards it. "I do not think we're meant to reach that place alone."
I would also like to know if characters are allowed to attack one another. Because even though Maldron is a heartless assassin, he still has standards. And looking at some of the character applications, some people could use some death.
If certain, intense memories can become Memeria (aka magic, I think), can some of them form a physical object - a weapon, for example?

Honestly, I still kinda look at this as sort of Dark Souls spin-off most of the time, and was just about weapons formed from Grand Souls powerful memories.
I've been thinking. If extremely "powerful" memories can turn into Memeria, can some of them turn into physical objects as well?
I kinda figured out what I was missing in writing - detailed descriptions. People here have a much richer vocabulary than me, though I have an excuse - english isn't my native tongue. I mean, I understand everything perfectly (mostly through context I guess), but I just don't remember half of those words when writing something myself. Though I couldn't actually describe someone/something in my native tongue either... I'm just bad at detailed descriptions. If you asked me to describe someone's face, it would go something like "Uhh that person has two eyes, uhh.. a nose too... and a mouth..."

Hence feeling rather out of place in advanced. Though it does fit Maldron - why would an assassin go into detail about someone's nose or chin. My post size also suffers since I don't bloat it with non-essential details. Like the berries. Round and red, that's all I could come up with. But since I am not kicked off yet, I guess I'm not doing that bad.
<Snipped quote> My normal OS on this computer has multiple layers of clippers installed, as well as the browser itself has been set to cache things, which means that basically everything I type up, bold, or as much as look at will be stored for at least a couple of weeks. This alternate OS which I'm only on because people invited me to a game? Nope...

Wait, is this some sort of Linux/Mac->Windows issue?
Well, it would be rather impressive if someone who can barely stand can swing a massive halberd and hit someone with the pointy bit when he's right next to his face.
Bells. Bells of all things. Whoever was causing that noise was good at hiding. The black knight had started showing signs of weakness, faint, but ever increasing. The behemoth managed to walk without rest, without stop for days, with his massive armor and weapon weighting him down. Luckily for Maldron, and the bearer of the bells, his pace was slow, giving Maldron precious time to rest and scavenge for SOMETHING. Hunger, exhaustion and thirst were the most dangerous threats, as the hostile denizens can be avoided. Lady Death must have quite a sadistic sense of humor, Maldron thought to himself. Or was it Lord Death? The assassin was not sure, nor he much cared - whatever gender he assigns to Death, it still an abstract concept. You cannot slay a concept, an idea, so his skills were rather useless here.

The forest he passed almost a week ago, eerie and dangerous, contained enough things one could use for survival. Roots, fungi, berries, maybe even a critter. Maldron doesn't remember seeing anything resembling a rabbit, or anything humans could consider normal food. But the assassin had it worse. He could not recall what was worse, but he felt like he went through worse conditions than that. Was he a pickpocket desperate for food when a child? Just before the strangers took him in and shaped him into a weapon? It was the most logical progression of possibilities. Either way, hunger, thirst and death accompanied Maldron for most of his life, and at this point, they were like a lifelong companion.

Inside his small pouch, various snippets of berries, roots and fungi were stocked. Several of them already had teeth marks in it and a chunk gone. Maldron assumed that he took a sampling bite to test if it's poisonous. That way, if he dies, he can check for teeth marks and know which ones are inedible. This just proved that Maldron has suffered at least a few death here, from poison of all things. There was also a large stock of small red berries in his pouch. When he saw them back in the forest, he simply felt they were OK to use. Not very nutritious, but sated both hunger and thirst, however slightly. They were also extremely bitter, eating them was a challenge in itself. But beggars can't be choosers, and in such a place, this was the food of kings.

And finally, the black knight stumbled. Delirious from hunger and thirst, he could no longer push on. He hasn't eaten anything since Maldron first started tracking him, and it was already more than a week. Now was his time to appear. Maldron would be now in control. The knight would be unable to fight back if worst came to worst, and Maldron could find something useful on his body. Otherwise, he could gain an ally, which would be a great boon. The knight was able to effortlessly cut down most of the hostiles that he encountered. Maldron had to always hide in shadows to avoid confrontations. It could be a mutually beneficial alliance - Maldron could provide them both with necessary supplies, and the Black Knight would resolve conflicts when they arise. In any scenario, the assassin is the winner.

Supporting himself on his halberd, the knight was barely able to stand. He could hear Maldron approaching, but had not the strength to face him. "Marching without stop, without food or drink, is incredibly stupid, you know. It is not a race. Carrying around all that also slows you down a lot. War equipment is ill suited for long travels." Maldron said as he approached the knight. Part one was to establish superiority in the knight's mind. Part two was to establish the knight's response. Reaching into his cloth bag, he pulled out a couple of the bitter red berries. "These are really bitter, but it should quench your thirst and hunger. It's not much, but consider it an investment." Holding the berries right near the knight's helmet, his next move will dictate Maldron's course of action.
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